
Incandescent Love

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What is Incandescent Love


"Hey Claire what's wrong?" tanong ko sa kanya na medyo kinakabahan na ke Claire dahil sa tono ng boses niya "HOY TIFFANY MARQUEZ!" may isang lalaking napaka familiar ang boses at hinding hindi mawawala sa memorya ko ang sumigaw galing sa likuran ko. "Now this is what's wrong!" bulalas ko sabay cut sa tawag ni Claire sa cellphone ko. Niyakap ko ang mga librong hawak hawak ko sabay humarap sa lalaking sumigaw sa likuran ko. "Hey you're here!" wika ko sabay ngiti sa kanya. "Nahanap din kita!" dugtong niya.

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unbelievable space

The story begins-- There was a 15 year old boy . His name was VEER . He was an Indian. His dream was to be a space scientist he was the brilliant student of his school. So everyone respect him. communicate with them but surprisingly there was a turn back in his life the other two person started a argument no one knows why .But we got a drawback I tried to resolve the conflict but they putted all the blame on us We don’t tell all this to media and common peoples so that there would no worry and rush in all countries They and their people stared a galaxy war a type of war done before.After 3 years we thought that they forgot all the conflicts . But I was wrong a message came from trans mission device..[ I AM STM13 FROM PLANET ALPHOX three days before there was a conflict and you were responsible for it you made joke of me and my planet . So now we are going to target your planet [154-AB]. So be ready . ]After a half of year it was a 6th month it was the month of June we got satellite picture of a huge concave rock with different characteristics THE attack and defence agency [ ind-us ] supported us We work together and lunch a missile to blast the rock before harming earth We were surprised to see that when missile touched the rock it turned back to its position at 00 degree from 1800. No one knows where does the rock gone and how does it happen that a simple touch of a missile to rock made its position back.But the the missile changed his position towards Jupiter-The largest planet of solar system. it became a big storm on Jupiter and according to our reports it will stop around after 73 years. And the last message from their side was :-{ Planet [154-AB] – YOU WON * }We again thought that all the fights are over It was 31st DecemberThere was call for VEER from agency He thought that there is a good news of succeeding his other project [PROJECT: - MARS-15A] .But he was wrong , he again got a message from the transmission device that [ I am AXAR and 4 decades before you were the one who insulted me and all the people of my planet AXAR made joke of me now ill finish your planet [ATY-15] BE READY ] We were feared from the message but we were ready for the fight. Also we don't know how much there world is developed. As before, again a huge object was coming toward us with high speed A employee from our space agency replied: this speed is much more faster than ours rocket When we get the satellite image we were surprised it was a huge spaceship with living creatures but not look like humans, they were like big head octopuses. They started fired on moon. We don't know that's why they were firing on moon. Again a message came from the transmission device (it is our ritual that for finishing any of our enemy we have to finish its natural satellite first. Soon you will be finished too) We were again surprised that how someone can do these type of things and lather he would say that it is their ritual. We started to make a rocket and me (means-veer) and commander with some of the soldier with rockets, guns, etc. launched with a countdown towards moon. After 3 days we reached moon, we saw fire all over the moon We were nervous and scaredWe plotted all the weapons and explosives to set fire against them (aliens).After so much of efforts we won IT MEANS EARTH IS NO. 1

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You May Have Won the Battle, But I Will Win the War

Queen Maximiliana is framed as a thief and brought to Asilixia. She meets King Alexandrian who immediately takes a liking to her. However, can this War Goddess stand to even be in close proximity with the ruthless and unusual king? Nope! He’s a tyrant - in her opinion. BUT, to stop the brewing war between her kingdom - Trisk - and Asilixia, she has to stay. Either she’s a prisoner, or Alexandrian’s queen. It’s her choice: Alliance, or captivity? Love or war? Can she learn to love an annoying king? And, will they be able to work together to sniff out the moles? Will they be able to coexist? And even stop the evil coming from Eastland? An evil that threatens the very existence of everything they know? Is the voice calling Max trying to tell her something important? Should she investigate this? And if she does, will she survive it? :|: “It’s getting late,” he cut me off. “You should get some sleep.” I frowned. He’s pushing me away. I spun him around. “Look here, I forgave you already. I’m willing to be closer with you, but intimate moments freak me out. I’m new to this, so I’ll need you to have patience with me. Now, you’re pulling back. Why?” He sighed, and then literally pulled away from me. “I don’t want to hurt you,” he said quietly, his eyes flickering from mine to the floor. “Again.” I stepped closer to him and pinched his arm. Hard. “Ow!” he exclaimed, his expression incredulous. “What was that for?!” I bit back a smile. “Now we’re even.” He blinked, a slow smile gracing his face. He tried to force it down, but failed. “That’s not what I mean, Max.” I sighed. “I guess I’ll have to be the shameless one then.” He raised an eyebrow. “What do you-?” I pressed my lips against his, my eyes fluttering closed, as I held his face in my hands. I abruptly pulled back, breathing heavily. His eyes were wide, his mouth agape. “Damn,” he said. “Do that again.” I chuckled. “Did you know that was my first kiss?” He blinked. “We can do better than that,” he said seriously before kissing me again.

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