
In the movie worlds with my system

A normal college student of blue star accidentally obtained a system fragment due to traffic accident while saving his friend he thought he was dead but when he opened his eyes he was in a movie with mission of collecting the system fragments which are in different world's First world: Mummy world Second world: Resident Evil world Third world: ????? i don't own any of the characters except the oc in the novel

lucifer_112 · Movies
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264 Chs

Chapter 190 : Beckett & Jack plans


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At the same time,

The leading ship of an East Indian trading company.

Beckett and his trusted secretary Ian Mercer stood on the deck beside the helm.

"Sir, why are we heading to Port Royal ? " asked Ian Mercer with confusion

"For my future goals, I need Jack's compass, and the only lead is Elizabeth's father."

"Since Elizabeth left with a Pirate, we will arrest him and force his daughter to come back "

"With her, Alex will come. Then I will capture both of them. If Jack is with them my goal will be complete."

"Otherwise, I will threaten Alex with Elizabeth's life," said Beckett as he calculated a plan in his head. Originally Beckett did not have the courage to deal with Alex if he was in his prime, but since he is injured he is confident he can capture him.

"Sir, do you think we need the compass? Our ships are capable of decimating any pirates standing against us," said Ian Mercer. Mercer cannot understand why Lord Beckett still needs Jack's compass.

"You don't know the thing I'm going to search after finding the compass, it has the power to make me the ruler of the sea," said Beckett with great ambition on his face.

"What is that thing? " asked Ian Mercer with a confused look on his face.

"The heart of Davy Jones. After I get it I will gain control over the legendary Dutchman ship

"Then there will be no one who will oppose in the seas, I will remove all pirate scum, "said Beckett as he laughed loudly.

Following Beckett's ship there were many warships, all with one mission: to hunt down and destroy any pirate ship they could find. Now their destination is Port Royal.

At the same time

At the same time, at Tia Dalma's tree house, the voodoo priestess and seer of the Caribbean, Jack Sparrow and his crew find themselves in front of it.

"Captain, what is this place? It is giving me a creepy feeling " asked Gibbs as he looked around the gloomy atmosphere.

The gloomy atmosphere around Tia Dalma's tree house was dark and eerie, with a thick fog that seemed to linger in the air. The trees around the house were overgrown and twisted, with their branches reaching out like claws


The sounds of crows cawing and strange chanting could be heard in the distance. The water surrounding the tree was also dark and eerie, with an unsettling stillness that seemed to swallow up any noise that ventured near. There were no lights to be seen, only the dim glow of moonlight reflecting off the water's surface.

"A house of an acquaintance, " said Jack as he stood at the ladder leading up to the tree house.

"Acquaintance?" asked Will with a confused face not understanding what sort of acquaintance would live in such a ghostly place.

"Yes, we were inseparable before but now........" said Jack in a low voice.

"Before?" Will asked as he looked at Jack and wondered whether they had any history.

"Don't worry captain we will watch your back " said Gibbs as he encouraged Jack.

"It is the front I'm worried about." Said Jack as he looked upwards.

Then he started climbing the ladder, step by step until he reached the top and could see the door to the house.

Then he looked at the dark mark on his left hand. One day ago Bill Turner's father of Will came to remind him of the deal between him and Davy Jones.

That the time to fulfil his agreement has come, but Jack tried to convince him that the deal is not valid since he has not been captain of the black pearl for thirteen years.

But Bill Turner didn't listen and marked his left hand with a black mark and said that the Kraken would find him. The Kraken will drag both him and Black Pearl to the bottom of the sea.

Jack was scared after that and thought of a way to escape Davy Jones. However, he had an idea in his head. Why doesn't he just drag his dear friend Alex into this .since he is his friend he has to help his friend in need.

He also thought that since Alex is a god he could clearly deal with such a small person as Jones.

But now another problem has arisen, his trusted compass is not showing that way to his dear friend Alex. Now he is in a dilemma of whether to search for Alex or hide on an island for his entire life.

Then an idea came. He decided to visit an acquaintance who could see the future to find out where Alex was.

That is how he is now standing in front of the Tia Dalma house.

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