
In the movie worlds with my system

A normal college student of blue star accidentally obtained a system fragment due to traffic accident while saving his friend he thought he was dead but when he opened his eyes he was in a movie with mission of collecting the system fragments which are in different world's First world: Mummy world Second world: Resident Evil world Third world: ????? i don't own any of the characters except the oc in the novel

lucifer_112 · Movies
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264 Chs

Chapter 189 : Alice & Annabeth battle

Then Alice and Annabeth appeared 30 meters above the ship.

"Let's see this half belongs to me and the other half belongs to you," said Annabeth as she pointed at the ship

"Let's see who will finish their fight first," said Annabeth as she unsheathed her sword.

"Okay," said Alice

While the two were talking above the ship, the rest of the crew prepared for battle below. One of the crew lifted his head and saw something pretty unbelievable. Then he rubbed his eyes thinking he was hallucinating but he saw the same previous scene. He saw two women flying above the ship wearing strange clothes.

"Sir there is someone in the sky?" shouted a soldier as he pointed towards the sky.

When the crew heard the soldier's nonsense, they looked at him strangely.

"What how can that be?"

"Are you dreaming?"

"Yeah, how can there be people in the sky?"

But then they looked towards the sky and saw two women floating in the air. They were surprised and amazed, not believing what their eyes were seeing.

They thought, how can people fly in the sky? It seemed impossible, and yet there they were, floating in the air like two birds. They were in awe of the sight before them.

The captain also stared at them in disbelief, unable to comprehend how this was possible. Suddenly, he realized that the situation wasn't right. He quickly collected his thoughts and shouted. He is different from ordinary soldiers.

He has faced many situations like that but this is the first time he faced a situation like this, but even so he is not afraid. How can he be afraid when they are only facing two women.

"Don't stare at them, point your guns" said the captain as he took out his gun.

All soldiers became alert and pointed their guns at the two women who were in the sky.

"It seems they noticed us," said Alice as she looked down

"Let's go," said Annabeth

So they both flew towards the deck of the ship. As Annabeth and Alice flew towards the deck, the air whistled around them as if they were stones falling towards the ground. The wind rushed past their faces and their hair billowed behind them.

"They are coming towards us? " shouted a soldier as he saw that with fear.

"Don't fear soldiers, they are just two women. We are the British navy "

The captain roared with encouragement, "How can we be afraid when we are facing two women?"

"Yes, how can we fear?"

"They are just two women."

Under all their gazes the distance

Between them and the deck, the distance grew closer and closer. The soldiers tightly held their guns as they watched as the two women came closer with each passing moment.

"Fire!" shouted the captain as he saw that they were within range of guns.

All soldiers fired their guns simultaneously, sending a barrage of bullets towards Annabeth and Alice. The shots echoed through the air.

"Hmph, these are nothing" scoffed Annabeth as the bullets didn't even touch both of them.

Then they both landed on the deck, unscathed from the bullets. That sent a shockwave on the deck. The whole ship shuddered and shook as if an earthquake had just hit. Everyone on the deck looked at each other in shock and disbelief, unsure of what had just happened.

The people who were near the landing flew backwards from the force of the impact, tumbling over the railings and onto the deck.

"Attack them " shouted the captain as he drew his sword.

The soldiers who were still standing ran towards the intruders, brandishing their weapons.

"Annabeth try not to lose to me," said Alice with a smile as a gun which is made of blue particles materialized in her hands and pointed it towards the enemies.

"We will see who wins" Annabeth shouted with a fighting spirit. As an invisible power began to gather around her sword, Annabeth lunged forward towards her opponents.

The soldiers slashed their swords at Alice. Seeing this Alice smiled and pointed the gun towards the soldiers and shot. The bullet made a large hole in the soldier's body and he fell to the ground with a loud thud. Seeing this soldiers stopped in their tracks and all of them had fear in their eyes as they saw the body.

Then they looked at Alice in fear.

"Don't try to retreat now " said Alice as another gun appeared in her hand.

Then she leapt towards the soldiers firing off shots in rapid succession, driving the crowd back with her accurate and precise shooting. The bodies fell as they were shot, and the crowd scattered in terror as Alice kept firing.

The bullet's shots also caused damage to the ship, tearing through its hull and sending splinters flying into the air. The deck of the ship was soon awash with blood and the cries of the wounded echoed through the air.

Annabeth on the other side was swinging her sword. The sword waves slashed the bodies of soldiers, sending them flying in all directions, and cutting them down in a single stroke. Annabeth's swift movements were like a whirlwind, and she was making short work of the enemy soldiers.

The blood began to splatter on the ground as Annabeth's sword cut through the bodies of the soldiers. She moved like a blur, leaving a path of destruction in her wake.

She looked like a war maiden, her eyes glowing with fury as she cut down her enemies. Her movements were fast and precise as she spun and slashed her way through the soldiers, leaving a trail of carnage behind her.

The captain who was standing at the helm. His face filled with fear as he watched Alice and Annabeth cut down his men with ease. He had underestimated their strength and was now paying the price for it. He was filled with dread as he realized that he couldn't escape this battle alive.

He stepped backwards with fear, his hands trembling as he tried to hold his ground. He knew that he was no match for Alice and Annabeth and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He had no idea how he was going to survive this battle.

He then looked at the sea behind him and saw his only chance of escape. He then looked at the carnage in front of him and saw that there was no hope of defeating his opponents.

He took a deep breath and dived into the sea.

Alice and Annabeth continued their battle.

After two minutes.

Both sides of the ship were filled with dead bodies, The deck was filled with blood and bodies, as the carnage from the battle had left it soaked in the red liquid. The stench of death and destruction hung in the air.

The ship was also damaged because of the battle, with gaping holes in the hull and the sails in tatters. Annabeth and Alice restrained their powers so that they could enjoy the battle. Otherwise, the ship would have been destroyed as soon as they jumped into it.

Despite the intensity of the battle, there was not even a drop of blood on their clothes, a testament to the skill of both Annabeth and Alice.

"Looks like I won," said Alice as she appeared beside Annabeth

"No it is clear I won," said Annabeth as she disagreed with Alice. Annabeth shook her head and crossed her arms.

"No, it's me, I'm the one who finished it before you, and I'm clear about that," said Alice as she pointed at her battle side.

"No I finished it before you," said Annabeth as she looked at Alice in her eyes.

"Anna, listen to your elder sister. It is obvious that I won" said Alice with a smile.

There were sparks flying between them as they looked into each other's eyes. Both sisters were determined to prove who had finished the task first.

"Now , now don't fight among yourselves," Said Alex as he appeared beside them.

"Alex, tell me who won?" asked both of them. As they stared ferociously at Alex,

He smiled, shook his head, and replied

"No one, you both lost".

"What how can that be ? " asked both with confused faces. They can understand if one of them lost. but how can they both lose? They felt Alex is trying to escape from answering them.

"You left one person behind," said Alex as he saw how the captain had escaped. But he dealt with him.

"You are trying to avoid the question," said Annabeth as she didn't believe Alex.

"Yes, tell me who won," said Alice

Both neared Alex's face and stared at him, waiting for him to answer the question. Alex felt the heat of their stares and knew he had to answer the question or face the consequences.

"Ugh, I have something I need to go now," said Alex.

"No you are not going anywhere," said both as they tightly held Alex's shoulders. He felt trapped and helpless.

"See there is one person alive," said Alex pointing towards one side.

"Where?" X2 Both turned that side to find nothing there. Then they turned towards Alex and saw him standing there with a mischievous smile on his face.

Then he disappeared without sound or trace, leaving them bewildered and speechless.

"Tch, he escaped," said Alice with a funny smile.

"Let's forget about this sister. It seems we both won " said Annabeth