
In the movie worlds with my system

A normal college student of blue star accidentally obtained a system fragment due to traffic accident while saving his friend he thought he was dead but when he opened his eyes he was in a movie with mission of collecting the system fragments which are in different world's First world: Mummy world Second world: Resident Evil world Third world: ????? i don't own any of the characters except the oc in the novel

lucifer_112 · Movies
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264 Chs

Chapter 191 : Tia Dalma shock

He then opened the door, took a deep breath, and walked into the house. Inside the house, he could see a strange combination of objects and decorations. There were masks, candles, Voodoo dolls, and other items.

"Jack ....Sparrow " Tia Dalma said slowly, revealing her black teeth. She stood up from her seat and slowly walked towards Jack.

"Tia Dalma," said Jack with a smile

"Are you sure this woman can help you?" asked Will who was standing behind Jack. He did not believe that this woman would be able to do anything.

"Even though she may look like this she is reliable," said Jack

"I knew you would come back----------" But she stopped talking when she looked at Will who was standing beside Jack and a look of surprise and shock flashed in her eyes.

She saw the destiny of Will was broken. She also saw that an entity beyond her comprehension broke that destiny.

"Jack why is she looking at me like that?" asked Will as he saw that Tia Dalma was staring at him weirdly.

"Will it's time to use your beauty, go and ask her where to find Alex " said Jack trying to drag Will.

"No, I'm not going anywhere near her you Go and ask," said Will as he pushed Jack

Jack stood in front of Tia Dalma and nervously asked,

"Tia Dalma, can you find me someone?" asked Jack

Hearing that Tia Dalma came out of her thoughts and looked at Jack. Then

She grabbed Jack's head and looked into his eyes as if she was searching for something.

"Tia Dalma dear, now is not time for that," said Jack trying to shake Tia Dalma's hands which were grabbing his head, but he was not able to shake her hands.

"Gibbs, did Jack have that sort of relationship with her ? " asked Will as he saw the scene in front of him.

"I don't know," said Gibbs shaking his head.

Tia Dalma looked into Jack's eyes to know what intervened in the destiny of Will and Jack.

She looked into Jack's past and saw a blurred figure who had changed Jack's fate and changed Jack's life. She tried to look into that man but the moment she tried.

Her consciousness left her body and she arrived in a space surrounded by darkness, with a seemingly infinite expanse of nothingness. She felt as if she was trapped in a void and nothing she did seemed to make a difference.

She looked around, but no matter where she looked, there was no sign of life, only the vast darkness that surrounded her. She then saw a pair of enormous red fiery eyes, which glowed in the darkness.

She was filled with fear as she saw the eyes, and her heart raced as she tried to make sense of what was happening. She felt a chill run through her body, and her breath quickened. She felt she looked into something terrible; something dark and menacing, something that was beyond her understanding. She wanted to scream, to run away, but her fear was so strong she couldn't move.

It is the first time she felt like this. She was shocked at what type of existence she was facing, which made even a goddess like her feel fear.

Her consciousness began to dissipate. It was impossible for her to move as she was transfixed by the eyes. Then she completely lost consciousness and disappeared from the dark space.

In reality

Tia Dalma screamed as her consciousness returned to her physical body, and the pain was almost unbearable. She held her head in her hands, trying to slow her racing heart and catch her breath. Her eyes widened in horror, her face grew pale, and her body trembled as she took in the sight of what she had seen in the dark space.

Seeing Tia Dalma in such a distressed condition, both Jack and the others were surprised. They didn't understand why she became like this up until now She was fine,but suddenly she screaming like she saw some kind of ghost.

"Jack are you sure this woman is sane ? " asked Will

"Yes, captain this woman seems to be not right in her mind,she seems crazier than you, "said Gibbs.

"It is also my first time seeing her like that," said Jack, as he also didn't understand why she was behaving like that.

"Jack ....say it, who... is that ? " asked Tia Dalma As she tightly grabbed Jack's arm, her face full of fear and confusion, she asked again,

Tia Dalma was shaking Jack with a crazy expression, "Jack, who is he? Who is he?"

Jack, who was being shaken, finally spoke up.

"Tia Dalma calm down."

"No, say it who is that ? " still not calming down.

"Get a hold of yourself," said Jack. As he backed away from Tia Dalma, not wanting to be part of her chaotic outburst.

Hearing that, Tia Dalma slowly began to calm her breathing, her body shaking as she tried to regain her composure.

"Sorry Jack, I lost my composure," said Tia Dalma but there was still fear in her eyes.

"Why did you behave like that?" asked Jack with a questioning gaze.

"I just saw something I shouldn't have" said Tia Dalma as her voice began to tremble with fear.

"Saw something....?"

"Jack, can you tell me who that person is?"

"Who are you talking about it ? " asked Jack not understanding who she was asking about.

"Say it Jack have you met any people who are beyond common sense?"

"Someone who is different from normal humans"

"Someone who looks like a human but not, say it, " asked Tia Dalma asked Hurriedly. Although she didn't see anything about that person, but she saw that the man had met Jack.

Hearing Tia Dalma's description, one person came to their mind: Alex

"Tia Dalma, what are you talking about? I have never met anyone like that " said Jack as he didn't want to reveal about Alex. Alex is his only friend and he can't tell Alex's secrets to others.

"Don't lie, Jack, I saw him you know him. Tell me " asked Tia Dalma with a crazy expression like she wanted to eat Jack alive.

Seeing Tia Dalma's expression Jack was taken aback, he never thought Alex would be this popular and that others are crazy about him.

"Tia Dalma, I also don't know. I came here to know about him."

"It has been a month since I parted ways with him," said Jack as he also wanted to know where Alex was and how he could ask him to deal with his problems.

Since Tia Dalma doesn't know about him, his only hope is gone.

"So you know him?" asked Tia Dalma

"Yes, he is my friend."

"Take me with you. I want to meet him " asked Tia Dalma with an excited expression. It would be easy for her to break the seal if he or she had the help of someone like that. Then she doesn't need to be in this state anymore.

"Like I said I don't know." Said Jack

"Jack, why don't we search for him?" asked Will.

"No, it is too risky and it won't be safe for me," said Jack. At first, he considered doing that, but he had no time for it.

"Jack, if you are worried about the black mark, don't worry if I'm with you nothing can harm you in the sea," said Tia Dalma although she is sealed in her human form, still nothing can harm her seas.

"Really? "

"Yes, now take me to him."

"But where to find him? "

"Jack, why don't we go to Port Royal? Alex maybe went there with Elizabeth," said Will.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?" said Jack as he realized how can he forget something like that since Elizabeth is with him and Alex probably will be there sooner or later.

Wouldn't it be better for him if he arrived there and waited there?

"Okay, let's go to Port Royal," said Jack.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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