
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
Not enough ratings
127 Chs

World response

A/N : I forgot to add in previous update, the result of poll.

The result is No Harem team wining.

Ps. I have already created a story of 350+ chapters.

Making it harem or no harem is only a matter of tweaking some chapters and adding multiple woman R18 chapters.


Morgans, a prominent figure in the world of journalism within the One Piece universe, is the CEO of the World Economic Times (W.E.T.). He's known for his sly and cunning nature, always seeking out sensational news to boost his media empire's influence. His affiliations and connections allow him to gather information that even the World Government wishes to suppress.

Despite the World Government's threats, Morgans is not one to be easily intimidated. His commitment to delivering the truth, no matter how controversial, fuels his actions. 

It took him quite some time but by relocating his headquarters and dispatching numerous news birds to spread the story globally, Morgans ensures that the news of Max's actions reaches far and wide. His daring move challenges the World Government's control over information, aiming to bring transparency to controversial events that they'd prefer to keep hidden.

This dissemination of information sparks widespread discussion and debate across different factions, causing uproar, condemnation, and curiosity among the citizens and ruling powers alike. Morgans, with his boldness and determination, becomes a key figure in unraveling the truth behind Max's actions and ensuring that the world knows about them, regardless of the consequences.

Various powerful figures on the sea showed different response to Max actions.

On the Moby Dick-The Flagship of White Beard Pirates

As Marco read through the newspaper, his expression shifted from casual curiosity to one of shock and disbelief. The headline mentioning 'Celestial Dogs' caught him off guard, and he couldn't help but react strongly.

"What in the world..." Marco muttered under his breath, his brow furrowing in concern. The implications of such a headline, especially involving Celestial Dragons, were significant and alarming.

He scanned through the article, absorbing the details and implications of the news. The information about someone enslaving Celestial Dragons was unprecedented and concerning, given the revered status these beings held in the world of One Piece.

As the first division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco understood the potential ramifications of such a revelation. The balance of power within the world could be at stake, and the repercussions might be far-reaching.

"Father needs to see this," Marco muttered to himself, folding the newspaper and hurrying towards Whitebeard's quarters. He knew that this news was something that couldn't be ignored, and it required immediate attention from their venerable captain.

Arriving at Whitebeard's chamber, Marco respectfully knocked on the door before entering, holding the newspaper and preparing to inform their captain of the startling news that had just reached them.

Whitebeard's hearty laughter echoed through the chamber as he glanced over the newspaper, his jovial demeanor unaffected by the shocking headline. His laughter, a signature 'Gu ra ra ra ra ra', filled the room, causing Marco to raise an eyebrow in surprise at his captain's reaction.

"Father, this isn't something to laugh about," Marco said, concerned about the seriousness of the news.

Whitebeard, still chuckling, lowered the paper and gazed at Marco with a reassuring smile. "I understand, Marco. But I am White Beard!!!" and release his conqueror's Haki.

Marco nodded, acknowledging Whitebeard's Powers, but he couldn't help feeling the weight of the situation. "Father, this involves Celestial Dragons being enslaved. It could lead to severe consequences."

Whitebeard's expression turned more serious as he folded the newspaper and placed it on the table. "I see. Celestial Dragons are indeed a sensitive matter. This news might stir storms across the seas."

"We should consider our next move, Father," Marco suggested, knowing that Whitebeard's decisions held immense weight and influence in the pirate world.

"Indeed, Marco. Gather our commanders. We need to discuss this," Whitebeard commanded, his voice resonating authority and determination.

As Marco left to summon the other commanders, Whitebeard leaned back in his chair, contemplating the potential implications of the news. While he found a moment of amusement in the absurdity of the situation, he knew that the repercussions of such an event could be monumental and required careful consideration. With his crew assembled, they would deliberate on the best course of action in response to this startling revelation and it's cause White Tyrant.

On Kaido side

 Kaido, the beastly Emperor of the Sea, was intrigued by the news of Max possessing the "phantom species" Devil Fruit. His desire to acquire such a unique and powerful ability burned within him. The potential to gain numerous Devil Fruits through Max ignited Kaido's interest. 

"Capture him," Kaido commanded his crew, fueled by the idea of obtaining the rare Devil Fruits possessed by Max. He saw this as an opportunity to bolster his strength and domination over the seas.

Meanwhile, on Big Mom's side,

"Katakuri, extend an invitation to this White Tyrant for the next Tea Party," Big Mom instructed her son, considering the potential benefits of having someone with such boldness as a guest at her extravagant gatherings.

Katakuri, the perceptive and powerful Sweet Commander, acknowledged his mother's orders with a nod. "Yes, Mom. I'll make the necessary arrangements."

On Red head side

In the presence of Benn Beckman, Shanks, focused his attention on the news concerning Max. While considering the implications, Shanks couldn't help but express concern for Luffy, showing a protective side toward him.

"I hope he won't become a problem for Luffy," Shanks remarked with a serious tone, a hint of worry evident in his voice as he released his Conqueror's Haki, a testament to his authority and resolve.

on Doflamingo side

Doflamingo, known for his contempt toward the Celestial Dragons and their authority, found their distress entertaining.

"Look at those dogs," Doflamingo chuckled, relishing the spectacle of the Celestial Dragons' humiliation. His sharp eyes glinted with mischief as he contemplated the chaos this situation might stir.

However, the amusement quickly turned to intrigue as Doflamingo considered the potential response from the powerful world government. The actions of the Celestial Dragons and their wrathful response might lead to significant repercussions across the vast and complex political landscape. He's curious about Max's role in the current calm seas.

"fufufufufu, this is getting interesting" Doflamingo laughed as he thought this.

Indeed, the wrath of the five elders of the World Government was swift and severe. Enraged by the news leak and the actions of Morgans and Max, they issued orders to all their affiliated organizations to hunt down and apprehend both Morgans and Max. This directive set off a widespread pursuit, marking them as targets for the influential and powerful entities under the World Government's control.

The unfolding events sparked tension and set the stage for a complex and potentially explosive chain of reactions among the various factions in the One Piece world. The actions of individuals like Max, Four Emperors and the World Government were poised to shape the future of the seas


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