
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs

White Devil Pirate

Max then absorbed the lifeforces of all the wicked pirates and abnormal animals of Shiki floating Island, He used the absorbed life force to let Shiki regain his youth.

Now Shiki looks like a 20 year old golden hair Kid. Max looked at the Shiki and told him " Why Don't you call yourself, Golden Lion junior, This way my rejuvenating powers will be kept hidden".

"jihihi, I will call myself that from now on, as your powers truly are great magnet for calamity" Shiki laughed and accepted.

"Okay, how about a new name too" Max said.

"Why change the name?" Shiki asked

"Let's just introduce yourself as Son of Golden Lion Shiki it will be more convincing that way" Max replied.

"Hmm, give me time to think about it" Shiki nodded and said.

"I can also change some of your memories if you want" Max said

"You can?" Shiki exclaimed

"I can, but I will only do that if you want me too" Max noddedd and replied.

"There is no need, I spent most of time flying through the air, this time I will join you on Sea voyage, it surely will be a different experience" Shiki shook his head and replied.

"Very well let's go our first target is here" Max nodded and jump off the Island and slowly landed on the Goa Kingdom, king's palace roof.

"This kingdom is our first Target" Shiki asked floating near Max.

"Yes, Just don't kill kids you are welcome to do anything else" Max nodded and remarked.

"jihihihi, I was waiting for this" Shiki laughed and touched the castle and soon the castle changed into a Lion, Shiki floating in air controlled the lion and started wrecking havoc in the kingdom.

As for Max he went to Plunder King's Treasure.

Entering the Place Max hummed a rhyme and started killing every Noble, he also read their memories to prevent himself from killing an innocent.

Soon Max reached the treasury, after looting all the Treasures Max came out and looked at the destroyed kingdom, seeing this he mumbled " This won't do, gotta find a economic way to clean all the scums".

Max then called back Shiki who destroyed all the nobles house.

Max then led Shiki to all the kingdoms of the East Sea. However, this time, instead of outright destruction, Max released Saint's Judgement and amplified its quality and quantity using the Amplify fruit, adjusting it according to each kingdom's size.

Max didn't engage in indiscriminate attacks on all kingdoms. Instead, he stayed in each kingdom for a few days, listening to the concerns of the people. When he discovered that the kingdom's nobles were not governing properly, resulting in exploitation of common people, he took action. However, if he found a kingdom working properly, Max even donated some of his loot to assist them.

In this manner, Max destroyed close to 30 kingdoms but aided 3 kingdoms alone in the East Sea. The news was devastating, revealing that only 1 out of 10 kingdoms treated all their people equally, unlike the rest of the kingdoms where the citizens were treated like animals in human skins.

Max and Shiki then destroyed every single corrupt kingdom in East Sea, and Max also met all the members of protagonist group, he also marked each of them with Infinity tower, granting them access to it.

Now as Max and Shiki were sailing in their mid size pirate ship they encountered two hunters blocking them.

Max came out and saw they are Binz and Ain, the S class hunters of Hunter organisation.

 Max expected his organisation to release the Hunters to hunt him after all with all the destruction he and shiki has committed in past 2 months they have already given bounty with Max bounty being 600 million and Shiki bounty being 550 million.

"jihihihi isn't these, two S class hunters of newly emerged hunter organisation" Shiki laughed and brought out his two swords which are now Vibranium Swords after Max used his Remaker ring on them.

"yes they are" Max replied and getting ready for confrontation.

Ain legacy belong to Kurumi Tokisaki from date a Live, her legacy grant her time manipulating powers, Kurumi used her Time powers in variety of ways.

On the other hand Binz legacy belong to Flashy Flash a S class hero of One Punch Man, his legavy grants him Super Sonic speed, Martial arts mastery and various assassination and Flash sword arts.

"I will take the girl, you take the guy" Max instructed and rushed to Ain, who brought out a flintlock gun and aimed at him, 

"Jihihihi, it will be fun" Shiki laughed and floated towards Binz, who brought out his Sword.

The battlefield crackled with tension as Max, his muscles rippling with immense strength, stood firm, emanating an aura of formidable power. Ain, empowered with abilities of Kurumi Tokisaki, exuded an enigmatic and ominous presence, a harbinger of temporal manipulation and mystery.

With a thunderous roar, Max surged forward, his raw strength propelling him like a force of nature. His fists, infused with Haki, radiated a pulsating energy. Ain, observing the imminent threat, activated her temporal abilities, creating shimmering clock-like symbols reminiscent of Kurumi's Zafkiel.

Max's speed and ferocity were matched by Ain's manipulation of time. The air crackled with distortions as temporal anomalies weaved around them. As Max closed in, Ain deftly maneuvered through time, sidestepping his powerful strikes, her movements a dance between past and present.

The clash intensified as Max's Ashen Flames ignited, enveloping his fists in scorching heat. Each strike sent searing waves of fire towards Ain, but her temporal prowess allowed her to anticipate and evade the fiery onslaught with uncanny precision.

Ain retaliated by unleashing her time-manipulating abilities. Zafkiel's symbols materialized around Max, distorting the flow of time. However, his Haki-infused resilience granted him a heightened awareness, enabling him to resist the temporal disruptions and press forward with overwhelming might.

The battlefield became a convergence of brute force and temporal manipulation, a testament to each combatant's unique abilities. Max's overwhelming strength and Haki clashed against Ain's intricate manipulation of time, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of power and strategy.

Despite Ain's elusive maneuvers and temporal tricks, Max didn't used 100 % of his powers and only used around 50 %, channeling his immense strength and unleashing a relentless barrage of Haki-infused attacks. The air crackled with the clash of forces as he aimed to overwhelm Ain's defenses and breach her temporal sanctuary.

Ain, recognizing the Overwhelming might of Max's onslaught, strained to maintain control over the ever-shifting timelines. With a final surge of effort, Max unleashed a concentrated burst of Ashen Flames, engulfing the battlefield in an inferno of scorching heat.

The aftermath left a scorched landscape, but amidst the dissipating flames, as Ain stood, panting and bruised and Max figure still radiating calmness and Overwhelming power. The battle between Max's sheer strength, Haki, and Ashen Flames, and Ain's Kurumi powers had concluded in a stunning display of prowess and resilience, with visible defeat of Ain.

'As expected cheat template like Kurumi's' Max chuckled and thought, as Ain did give him a good duel.

'How much have she inherited?' Max asked as her time manipulating powers are powerful.

[Around 80 %]

'So fast, probably because of compatibility' Max thought as her progress is quite fast.

"How about we end this, as your source have told you that all the nobles we have killed were no worse than Pirates" Max said

"Hmph, if not for me being weak I wouldn't have let you go" Ain replied and retreated.

Ain's voice echoed through the aftermath of the intense battle, her words carrying a sense of frustration and acknowledgment of her own limitations. With a final, lingering gaze at Max, she acknowledged his strength before swiftly retreating into the shadows, vanishing from sight.


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