
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs

The birth of..

While Max and Selene hugging each other, others simply left. They don't know what to do in that situation so they just leaved the room and went to other side of Island where they have created a Isolated chamber to prevent any accidental leakage of Reaper virus.

Reaching there they unloaded all the dead bodies, Alisa activated the venting to prevent the smell from accumulating in the room, of course the vent has special filters that are enchanted with Spectral rings powers that vaporised everything that passes through them. 

Max and Selene back at the romm separated from each other, Max still had the happy expression on his face, he then took Selene with him to Isolation chamber, entering the room he nods at his clones, 

"Undead creation" Max activates the skill and a black ball appeared, Max commanded it to take in all the bodies, the black ball released black fog and all the bodies disappeared the moment black fog touched them.

Max then brings out the Blood Blood Fruit and tossed it towards the black fog, after that he turns towards Selene and asked her to give him some of her blood that can Provide Sun immunity, She gave him without asking anything as her new ability let her know if other party has any malice towards her which she did not sense a bit from Max and other people present in the room but curiosity was at peak. 

Selene cuts her wrist and few drops of blood came out before her wrist got healed, Max took the blood and tossed into the black fog, after that he commanded the black ball to start creation, the black ball tool back all the fog and then turned into Black egg with scarlet lines all over it.

The egg then started growing and stopped at around 2 meter, after that it started cracking and a silver haired Man with Scarlet eyes came out, the broken egg shell then started turning into smoke and surrounded the Man, the naked Man after coming out of fog is now wearing clothes. 

[Congratulations on creating on your First Undead, Name it to access it's Profile] 

"Edward Silver will be your name from on" Max said to Silvered hair man who was standing in daze with lifeless eyes. 

Hearing Max voice Life seemed to appear in those dead eyes of Silver haired man, he drops on knee and " Thank you Master for bestowing me a Name". He said while doing a Knightley one knee salute. 

[Name : Edward Silver

 Rank : Epic

 Ability(s) : Sun immunity, Steel claws, Vampire Physique

Unique Ability(s) : Blood Master, Super Regeneration. 

Equipment : Nightshade Robe

Description : A newly borned Blood King that can make ones blood freeze just from his gaze alone.] 

Blood Master : - Allow the user to control blood in any way he wants. 

- Grants special Flames called Blood Flames that can heal and deal damage.

Nightshade robe :- Created from darkness itself, doubles user strength and Defense. And Triples if in absence of light. 

"stand up Edward, take this card and say 'I accept'" Max said to Edward and passes him Sebas Tain template card. 

"Yes, Master" Edward replied and did as his master instructed. 

After Edward fully inherited the Sebas Tian legacy he asked system to show him the new Profile of Edward. 

[Name : Edward Silver

 Rank : Epic

Legacy : Sebas Tian (10%)

 Ability(s) : Sun immunity, Steel claws, Vampire Physique, Aura Grandmaster(10%), Perfect Butler, CQC(S) 

Unique Ability(s) : Blood Master, Super Regeneration, Human Slaughterer

Description : A newly borned Blood King who has now inherited the legacy of a Draonic Butler. Blood King can now use Aura now but at its heart he is now a Butler.] 

Human Slaughterer : Deal double damage to Human type enemies. 

Aura Grandmaster : Allow user to use Aura at basic level. 

-More use will be unlocked as user unlock more of legacy. 

"Hmm his rank remain same, maybe because Sebas Tian card was also of Epic level, but he is already become strong enough to defeat 2 of his previous self" Max thought as he looked at Edward new abilities.

"hmm, Edward for now remain here and train your abilities I will call you when it will be necessary" Max said to Edward who was eagerly waiting for his next command.

"Master if I may suggest something" Edward said hearing Max words. 

"well go on" Max asked him what he wants. 

"Thank You Master for giving this lowly one a chance, I want to follow Master as his Butler" Edward said without blushing and with serious look. 

'He really Became butler' Max thought as he recalls system description of him. 

"Very well but I also wants you to develop your abilities, how about you develop your abilities for some time here and then follow me after you fully control your new abilities" Max said after a pause. 

"as you wish Master" Edward replied with serious face. 

"Selene wait here and try to learn more about your abilities, Dom will help you in your Magical Aspect and you can ask Sam or Drake for Sword arts and Marksmanship" Max said to Selene. 

"I will come to you, if I don't understand anything" Selene replied. 

"Ahh, I may not be always here you know" Max said while scratching his head not understanding why she specifically wants him but he was happy too, after all who doesn't wants a beauty attention. 

Selene just looks at him and didn't say anything, she smiles a little when she senses Max happy emotions. 


On the Shield side

"Coulsdon did you find anything about those individuals, that fought in the sewers with those Mutant Vampires" Fury asked Coulson as he watched the battle video of Sam, Dom and Drake with mutants. 

What he don't know was the only reason he was seeing this video was cause Max allowed him. 

"Nothing Sir but we believe, one of them is this person" Coulsdon said as he passes him the file of New York hero Holy Knight. 

"what's the basis Coulson" Fury asked as he glance at Sam aka Holy Knight file. 

"His fighting style matches the one who was wearing White suit sir" Coulson replied to Fury. 

"What about his real identity" Fury nods and then asked. 

"We don't know Sir, after wiping out all the Mutants they Vanished, we also believe the Damakinos treasury was also emptied by them" Coulson replies with same kind smile he was maintaining from the start of this discussion or perhaps his birth.

"hmm then find it" Fury said and closes the file. 

"Also Mark all of them as level 8 threat" Fury said to Coulson who was retreating.