
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs


Max pulled out the Supreme from his inventory. The Supreme is black and purple in appearance, with razor-sharp teeth and white eyes that resemble those of any other symbiote.

"I've encountered beings who are like you—always lustful for control and authority. The simplest and most delicious prey a symbiote might discover is your kind." Supreme began speaking as Supreme's ominous head whirled about him.

"Say, human, who was the entity that bound me to you?" Supreme confronted Max directly and inquired.

Max said calmly, "I don't know."

"What good does lying do?" In a menacing tone, Supreme laughed, "It's not like I can hurt you".

'What a voice like a villain,' Max thought to himself.

Max responded, "True, you can't harm me, but it's also true that I don't know who captured you.".

"Really? well. It's not like it will change anything, so don't tell me". Supreme entered Max's body and remarked, "Human, I shall aid you; after all, your kind is always involved in conflict and battles, and I love to battle."

"At the very least, he is reasonable and... simple," Max reasoned.

"The Hydra only knows me as a genius, not my other Super Hero persona, but it's still dangerous. They may try to recruit me, and if I refuse, they will most likely.... No way, they'll get Pepper," Max thought as he remembered Baron Strucker's statements.

"I will let Edward follow her from now on as her butler, and I should also finish 'That' car fast." Max

"*Yawn*, but first, let's go to sleep; Edward and others' mission will be finished by tomorrow." Max murmured and dozed off.


At Siberian Hydra Facility

Three figures stood outside the Hydra base: Edward, Emma, and Betsy.

Emma stated, "So, this is the Facility where Bucky is located," glancing at the Hydra base.

"Yes, this is where we're going to be on our mission. Let's save Bucky and take out everyone else," Edward said in a calm, butler-like voice.

"Yes, just get done with it, it's too cold here" Betsy said.

"Wrap yourself in Psionic energy of yours" Edward said without turning towards her.

Betsy didn't say anything and did as Edward instructed, this Butler has gain a new name in Moonlight league: Demonic instructor.

"This looks strong..probably Nuke proof" Emma said as She glances at the walls and Door of the Facility.

"Let me then..Bloodflame" Edward touched the wall and ignited his Bloodflame ability, Burning the hard and sturdy walls to vapors.

"That flame is absurd as ever" Psylocke mutters looking at the space where a Door was just few second ago.

"I could have let the people inside open but well" Emma shakes her head and followed Edward inside.

*hurried footsteps*

"Freeze, make any movement, and you are dead." An army of 20 or so guards arrived and stopped the trio from advancing any further. The voice that warned them earlier emerged from a speaker.

"Threatening us while hiding in shadows makes you a coward," Edward replied to the voice looking at the guards.

"hahaha So what, A live coward is better then some dead courageous mutants" The voice mocked him.

"True, but let's see who dies," Edward said, motioning for Emma and Psylocke to kill the guards.

Emma's psychic abilities rendered the guards immobile. Psylocke then flung a psionic ball that had been compacted. The condensed psionic ball vaporized all of the guards.

"This new trick that Sam taught me is quite good for taking out a large number of people," Psylocke chuckled as she glanced at the devastation.

"Stop! There is still time to make things right. Return to where you came from, and we will not pursue you. You have no idea who you're messing with."The voice seemed agitated.

"We recognize you, Hydra pest. So, stop yapping and wait for us," Psylocke said to the caller.

"you..you just wait, Kill me and all your families will be tortured to Death" The Voice shouted.

"We have no families plus how can you find about us with these masks on" Emma laughed at The Voice antics.

The Voice : "..."

"You, really think, these flimsy mask can hide you from your identities.." The voice was shouting out at the invaders, "Sir, here," when a handkerchief was delivered to him.

After using the handkerchief to wipe his sweats, he turned to give it back, asking, "You, how did you get here?" Shaken, he stumbles backward.

The blood red mask intruder was the one who handed him the handkerchief.

"Forgive me, you seemed sweaty, So I passed you a Handkerchief" responded Edward.

"Now, will you tell us what we want to know or will I make you spill it?" Edward asked calmly, but the words made William sweat profusely.

"I-I will tell, My name is William Thompson , I am the supervisor here, But I don't know anything I got this position because of my Father..." William instantly began talking about himself and the facilities.

"Thank you, and good day to you," Edward remarked as he leaved the room; not long after, the room was filled with blood flames.

"Let's go, our target is at the lowest floor" Edward said to Emma and Betsy who are already done with the guards.

The trio then entered the elevator and descended to lowest floor.

Entering the lowest floor of the facility they encountered some scientists, 

"Kill them if they are voluntarily doing this, if not, save them" Edward said to Emma and Betsy as he made his way to main computer.

Plugging the USB Drive given by Max he copied all the data of the facility. Taking back the drive he went near the cryogenic chambers where Winter Soldiers are stored.

"Sir, the target is in sight" Edward said to his Focus.

"I will open a portal" Dom voice sounded from the Focus and a Portal opened near Edward.

Dom came out of the Portal, " Emma send them inside the portal" He instructed Emma.

Emma used her psychic powers and lifted all the chambers and pushed it inside the portal.

"Sir, there are were no Scientist who were innocent" Emma said after shifting all the chambers inside the Portal.

"Don't worry about it," Dom remarked as he cast his spell."Tier 5 spell: Death Storm" And proceeded inside the portal with Edward, Emma, and Psylocke, closing it.

After few seconds of portal closing a Tornado intervened with black lighting ravaged the whole facility, alarming the whole world.


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