
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs

Spider Man- part 2

Upon entering the Oscorp building everyone was given a identity badge, And the Tour guide is going to be Gwen, as she is intern at Oscorp.

Sam was given similar offer but he rejected it, saying he is already a intern at Max Potts company.

Soon the tour start and they met Dr. Curtis Conners, aka Lizard

"Hello every one , welcome to Oscorp ,where we try to make impossible possible" Conners said with a kind smile.

"All of you are brilliant minds, so any of you can tell me a way , by which a Cut off limb can be grown back" Conners asked with a smile.

"Stem Cells, The stem cells can help to achieve that" random student.

"true but answer I am hoping is out of the box...any one else" Conners nodded but wasn't satisfied by answer.

"Genetic recombination, by introducing a gene of species with regenerative ability like lizards to another species who doesn't have it" Peter answered enthusiastically.

"then he might also start crawling on walls too" Random student laughed

*class laughs* 

"shh, And you are" Conners signaled the class to be quiet and asked.

"Peter Parker Sir" Peter answered

"It seems Mr. Parker you have done your homework before coming here, And your answer is right, here we are researching Genetic Recombination technology" Conners smiled and said to whole class and this time it was harry who laughed.

"Now, where's the crawling kid huh" Harry said as the random student hide in a corner in shame.

"Leave it Harry" Sam said to harry who was almost ready to punch the Random student.

Dr. Curtis Conners then led them to a area where some genetically combined spiders are placed

"Here are some marvels of Genetic Recombination technology, the genetically combined Spiders, that are better than their parent parts by large margin" Conners said to whole class as he showcased many spiders.

'now I just have to keep close eye on Peter to capture the Spider before he bit Peter' Sam thought and used Lifevision to locate the runaway spider, that will soon bit Peter.

'there you are' Sam soon located the Spider that is only few meters away from Peter, the Spider is going towards Peter like a ant to sugar, there is literally a small crowd here but the spider only has Peter in his eyes, Perks of a protagonist I guess.

Sam quickly reached Peter who is staring at the Spiders in cages like he is seeing World's most beautiful Woman, maybe that's why the spider is also attracted towards him, Sam quickly captured the Spider that is now on Peter Back and collected him in small containment chamber he has received from Max to secure the Spider and Peter didn't feel a thing, all his attention was on the Spiders in cage. 

Sam smiled as he caught the Spider, it is after all the most crucial part of plan, thinking no one saw him he hid the container in his pocket. 

Felicia facepalmed seeing Sam like this, earlier when Sam hid the spider two people saw him, Gwen who was secretly stealing glances at Peter and Felicia who was sticking to Gwen.

"This Idiot done it again" Felicia sighed as she prevented Gwen from storming Sam right there, for his behavior of stealing Spiders of Oscorp.

'Idiot, Gwen saw everything' Sam smiled stiffened hearing Felicia voice through Focus.

'tell her to keep quiet for now, I will tell everything later' Sam replied calmly, as he already intended to include Gwen in next discussion.

'I will tell her that but you tell me, when will you atop your exposing everything behavior' Felicia mocked him, as She wonders how this guy was able to keep his Super hero identity a Secret, not knowing it was all Alisa doing.

Sam blushed but didn't refuter her.

After some more touring of Oscorp the School tour finally ended, "Thankfully nothing out of the ordinary happened" Max who was sitting at his home sighed in relief and started to get ready to welcome Peter and Gwen. 

Harry remained at Oscorp tower while everyone else returned,

"Now tell me why did you stole the Spider, that's illegal" Gwen asked Sam as they walked to his house.

"And why didn't you stop him Felicia but you stopped me there" Gwen then asked Felicia.

"you stole a Spider Sam, can you let me see it" Peter focus is some where else.

"PETER, not you too" Gwen shouted hearing Peter words.

"I mean , yes , Sam you shouldn't do that, let's just quickly research it then we will return it" Peter said which earned him another shout of Gwen.

"Okay, believe me , I will tell you guys about everything, just wait until we reach there" Sam said as he entered a alley, and rest followed behind him.

"Hey, Sam i don't think it's the way to your home" Peter said as he has been many times at Sam house.

"it's not, as we are not going my home" Sam replied.

"But didn't you said , we are going to your house" Gwen frowned as he said he will tell her why did he stole the Spider at his House.

"Are we taking them there?" Felicia asked in surprised voice.

"You know , where are we going" Gwen asked Felicia , surprised she knows where Sam is taking them.

"Yes, I am taking them there" Sam replied as he opened a portal to Twilight Isle.

"Welcome to Twilight Isle" Sam chuckled seeing the stunned look of Peter and Gwen.

"is this a teleportation portal" Peter asked , after coming out of his stunned state, Sam didn't answer but went inside the portal, and motioned others to follow him.

"Don't worry, just follows us , world is more interesting then you think" Felicia said to two of them and entered the Portal, Peter and Gwen looked at each other, hold their hands and entered the Portal.

"Congratulation you are not Dead" Sam sarcastically said seeing their behavior.

Peter and Gwen blushed while Felicia glared at him, She found there moment cute and romantic but this idiot has to ruined it.

"Now, can you tell what's going on" Gwen asked Felicia and Peter ears also opened to listen .

"Well, in short both Sam and me are Super heroes, The Holy Knight and Black cat and this place is the headquarters of organisation whom we belonged to" Felicia said calmly, unknown to her , her calm facade was already ruined by the smug smile plastered on her face.

Peter and Gwen minds went blank second time now, first portal and now this. they are wondering if they still live in the same world as them.

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