
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs

Second to 10th floor

Upon entering the next floor Max looked at it's new surroundings , whic is maze basically and then again a screen popped up :-

{objective : Reach the end of Maze within 24 hrs

 Reward : passage to next floor

count down : 23/59/51}

"2nd floor is Maze now" Max mumbled and then looked at the maze wall that are connected to ceiling making it impossible to fly over them.

"Well, Summon : Bat king" Max thought and summoned a bat type companion.

A magic circle appeared on the ground and from it emerged a Black blat with obsidian crown.

"Use sonar and find the exit" Max instructed it and the bat king then used his ability, It then started flying and Max followed after it. After half an hour max reached the exit.

Max then send back the bat king and entered the 3rd floor, entering it Max found himself in a library, As Max was looking around the librarian called Max " Answer my question and the door to next floor will be revealed"

Max nodded and went near him, 

The Librarian : First Question : "I can be as light as a feather, yet the strongest person can't hold me for much longer than a moment. What am I?"

Max thought for a moment and answered " Breath"

The Librarian nodded and asked the next question "I am often avoided, sometimes feared. I may bring sadness, yet I'm always near. I can't be seen, felt, or heard, but in its presence, everyone's stirred. What am I?"

"Death" Max answered 

The Librarian nodded and said " One last question remaining, answer it and the passage to next floor will be revealed" and continued ""I'm an act of giving, yet I'm not a gift. I demand something precious, even if the price is swift. What am I?"

Max took some moment for this one and then answered " Sacrifice"

"Excellent, you are worthy to move on to next floor" The Librarian said and waved his hand, with the wave of his hand a book shelf split open , showing a different scenery inside of it.

Max nodded and entered the next floor , entering it Max saw himself standing by a river and many fish jumping out of the river and going back inside.

{Objective : kill 10 fishes in a row

Reward : passage to next floor}

"System, I have a question, those riddles earlier, i can understand others but how Ace passed that floor?" Max asked the question which was bugging him.

[Question remain unchanged no matter how many times one attempts it though they will change from 50 floor]

"So he basically cheated" Max nodded and started focusing on the fishes.

After Max shot and killed 6 fishes in a row he noticed their speed increasing with each kill, but Max still was able to complete it in one go.

After Max completed the objective the door appeared and Max entered it, this floor is now a gladiator arena, 

{Objective : Defeat your opponent using only your fists

Reward : Passage to next floor}

A body builder guy appeared opposite Max, seeing this Max just rushed and punched his head, which it evaded but Max grabbed his head and punched it with his other hand, knocking him out and winning the match.

Upon defeating the bodybuilder in the gladiator arena, Max felt the floor beneath him change again. This time, he found himself in a serene garden filled with blooming flowers and ancient trees.

{Objective: Find the hidden key in the garden}

Max strolled through the garden, admiring the beauty around him. He inspected the flowers, carefully observed the trees, and scanned every corner. As he approached a small pond, he noticed a faint glimmer beneath the surface. Leaning closer, he spotted the hidden key resting at the bottom.

After retrieving the key, Max proceeded to the door that had materialized at the end of the garden. Opening it, he entered the next floor, which resembled an ethereal dimension, shrouded in mist and mystery.

{Objective: Solve the puzzle to reveal the exit}

Max found himself in a realm where symbols and puzzles adorned the walls. Arcane patterns and cryptic writings covered the surfaces. As he progressed through the mysterious chamber, he deciphered the clues and unraveled the intricate riddles etched in the mystical script.

After piecing together the hidden meanings and aligning the symbols correctly, a vortex appeared before Max, revealing the path to the next level.

"System don't tell me others also passed this?" Max asked as passing this floor without magic knowledge is impossible.

[The Infinity Tower design floor base on the challenger]

Learning this Max understood and then stepped in to the vortex or door.

Upon entering, Max found himself in a colossal arena, surrounded by towering walls. At the center stood an enormous golem, its eyes glowing with an intense hue.

{Objective: Defeat the Golem to proceed}

The Golem moved with formidable strength, its strikes echoing throughout the arena. Max employed all his combat skills, dodging the colossal creature's attacks and striking with precision.

After sometime after Max got bored, Max brought it down. As the Golem crumbled, a radiant portal emerged, signaling Max's triumph.

Stepping through the portal, Max found himself on the 9th floor, this room is full of mirrors.

{Objective : Find the exit}

After some searching Max learned the way out of here, To exit the room, he must mimic the movements of the reflections perfectly, and when all reflection move together the path will be revealed.

After some time he solve this room also and then stepped into the next floor the 10th one

Max appeared in a hallway cloaked in shadows

{Objective : Defeat your shadow}

As Max read the objective a shadowy Max appeared before him, The challenge is to outwit his shadow self in a battle of wits and agility. As the shadow Max can also use all the abilities Max will use, Max decided to battle his shadow with only Magic and swordsmanship, and the battle begin.

The shadow, a sinister silhouette wreathed in darkness, mirrored Max's every move with eerie accuracy, ready to engage in a dance of combat that spanned both the physical and mystical.

Max wielded his radiant sword, an embodiment of holy and light swordsmanship honed through relentless training. With a deft flourish, he unleashed a barrage of slashes infused with divine energy, aiming to dispel the encroaching darkness. The sword hummed and crackled with ethereal light, illuminating the space around them in a radiant display.

The shadow, a fluid and elusive opponent, countered Max's fervent strikes with swift evasions and deceptive maneuvers. It mimicked his movements effortlessly, retaliating with shadowy tendrils that sought to ensnare and extinguish the radiant energy emanating from Max's sword.

As the battle unfolded, Max called forth his mastery of holy magic, casting potent tier 6 spells that conjured ethereal chains of light to bind the shadow. The chains encircled the darkness, attempting to sear away its malevolent essence. But the shadow, resilient and unpredictable, morphed and twisted, evading the radiant restraints with unnerving agility.

Max's swordsmanship continued to blaze, striking with precision and prowess. The sword carved through the darkness, each swing illuminating the space with dazzling bursts of holy light. But the shadow adapted, its form warping and contorting, attempting to suffocate Max's brilliance with its encroaching void.

In a relentless push to overcome the darkness within, Max summoned an outpouring of divine energy—a radiant torrent of pure light that surged forth like a cleansing wave. The brilliance surged and swelled, engulfing the shadow in a blinding crescendo.

The clash culminated in a crescendo of spiritual power. The brilliance of Max's light magic clashed violently against the shadow's darkness, each force struggling for dominance. The tower 10th floor reverberated with the tumultuous clash, the battle echoing through the corridors of the ethereal realm.

As the intense battle reached its zenith, the shadow, unable to withstand the overwhelming radiance, began to dissipate. Motes of sparkling luminescence scattered into the ether, marking the shadow's dissolution and reaffirming Max's Victory


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