
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs


Max, Bucky, and Felicia opened their eyes and found themselves back in their world.

Selene and others quickly looked at them and asked, "Is it a failure?"

"Now we just returned," Max replied.

"Are you sure, because you guys just closed your eyes, or should I say blinked for 1 second," Peter said, looking at them.

Jake smiled and motioned them to come close, marking each of them with Infinity Tower.

"Go inside, and you will find friends that we made in another world," Max said.

The others' eyes gleamed in excitement, and one by one, they vanished, entering the Infinity city.

Selene looked at Max and asked, "Are you alright?"

"I am, just fatigued," Max nodded and closed his eyes, slipping into slumber.

Selene looked at sleeping Max and then too entered the tower.

Max sighed in relief, seeing Selene vanishing, as he was afraid she might kill him for what's going to happen next. "System, summon those five things."

Using five low-class tickets, Max was able to bring back five things. However, with the recycle function in play, Max consumed all the devil fruits he synthesized, as he could easily recycle them back to their original shape. Thus, he utilized those 5 opportunities to bring back Shiki, Robin, his sword Baran, Vegapunk, and Ace, who pestered to follow him, and Max took him as there wasn't any other thing he wanted.

"So this is your world?" Robin exclaimed.

"This looks like a laboratory," Vegapunk said as he touched equipment here and there.

Max brought back Vegapunk but not without insurance. He first approached him as Max, the Hunter King, and asked him to join his organization. Then, he gave him the Template card. Vegapunk happily accepted and thus became loyal to Max.

The template card belonged to Aetherius Cognitron, which even Max didn't know, and he asked the system to explain about him:

[Name: Aetherius Cognitron

Title: Arcane Savant

Realm: Aetherea

Abilities : Chronoalchemy Mastery, Material Transmutation, Time magic, Rune Deciphering, Astral Harmonics.

Description : A Time mage and Alchemist. ]

Vegapunk's template was from a world Max had never heard of, but he understood it might be one of the many multiverse worlds.

"Let's go out." Max then brought them outside of the castle, to the beach.

"This is a hidden island, Twilight Isle, my organization's base," Max said.

Max then gave them a brief introduction to the world, and in the evening, they returned to the castle to meet with others.

"They are?" Peter asked.

"Friends from another world," Max smiled and said.

"He is Shiki, a Dual swordsman," Shiki smiled and nodded.

"Next is Ace, a Flame swordsman," Ace grinned and bowed.

"Nico Robin, an archaeologist who helped us in another world," Nico Robin smiled and bowed.

"And that guy is Vegapunk, a great scientist." Vegapunk was checking out all the equipment and didn't respond.

"They have joined us; you guys talk, I am returning home." After introducing them, Max slipped back to his house in New York.

Coming near the window, Max muttered, "Those three years were great, but nothing beats home."

Laying on his bed, Max slipped into slumber, this time for real.

The next morning, Max woke up and freshened up. Coming out to the hall, he saw Selene sitting there, talking with Pepper.

"Good morning, Selene, Sis," Max said as he came near them.

"Max, I want to talk about something," Pepper said seriously to Max.

"What is it?" Max asked, sipping the coffee Selene passed him.

"Yesterday, a group of people attacked me," Pepper said, and...

Coughing, Max choked on the coffee, wiping his mouth. "Who were they?" he asked calmly, but Selene, due to her ability, easily sensed immense anger from Max.

"I don't know, but Edward easily killed them all. He even blocked bullets with his body. Max, who is Edward?" Pepper shook her head and then asked.

Max looked at Pepper and said, "I don't know what you mean, sister? How can one block bullets with their bodies?"

"Max!" Pepper yelled at him and said, "Do you think you can lie to me? I am your sister; I can easily tell if you are lying or not."

"Now tell me the truth," she said.

Max kept his poker face while thinking, 'Bahh, I lied a lot; you just are sure about this one. That's why you think I am lying, not that you can detect all of my lies.'

'Anyway, it's better,' Max thought.

"Okay, I can do magic, and I have a powerful teacher. During the Europe tour, I saved Edward from Vampires using Magic, and now he serves me," Max said in one go.

Pepper: "...Are you kidding me? If you had said Edward is a mutant, I would have believed you, but Vampires and Magic, really?"

Max sighed and summoned ArchDuke. With Max's command, a magic circle appeared, and ArchDuke emerged from it.

"Here, my Magic pet, now do you believe me?" Max said while Pepper's mouth opened wide enough to stuff an egg.

Max grinned seeing this and brought an apple with a weird pattern and passed it to Pepper.

"Here, this is a Magic fruit. If you eat it, you can activate the hidden magic inside you. We are brothers and sisters; if I can do magic, you can also." Hearing Max's words, Pepper moved her eyes from ArchDuke to the weird apple in her hands.

"Is it true?" She asked, and this time Selene created an illusion of them sitting in a garden.

"Very much true," Selene said.

Pepper bit the apple, and her eyes lit up. She said, "It tastes like cake."

Of course, Max changed the taste to cake from its nauseating taste.

After eating the whole apple, Pepper closed her eyes. When she opened them, her eyes were dilated like that of lizards or Dragons in this case.

Lunar Dragon Fruit (Tsuki Ryu Ryu no Mi)

Type: Mythical Zoan


Dragon Transformation: The user can transform into a majestic Lunar Dragon at will, possessing a combination of lunar and draconic traits. In this form, they gain enhanced strength, durability, and the ability to fly. The appearance is a blend of dragon features with an ethereal, lunar glow.

Moonlight Manipulation: The user can harness and control moonlight, using it as a source of power for various abilities. They can channel moonlight into beams for offensive attacks or use it to enhance their own physical attributes.

Celestial Roar: The Lunar Dragon can unleash a powerful roar infused with the essence of the moon. This roar can disorient opponents, disrupt Devil Fruit abilities, and even temporarily weaken opponents' physical strength.

Lunar Regeneration: Under the moonlight, the user experiences accelerated healing and regeneration. Minor injuries can be quickly healed, and more severe wounds can be gradually repaired over time spent basking in the moon's glow.

Dragon's Gaze: The user can perceive and analyze their surroundings with heightened senses, especially under moonlight. This ability grants exceptional awareness, making it difficult for enemies to approach undetected.

Night Sky Camouflage: The Lunar Dragon can blend seamlessly into the night sky or moonlit environments, becoming nearly invisible to the naked eye. This ability enhances their stealth and evasion during nighttime encounters.

Frost Dragon: The Lunar Dragon can control and manipulate ice like an Ice dragon.

"I can become a Dragon now!" She exclaimed after digesting the information.