
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs

Rat man

As Tony gazed upon the massive Arc Reactor, he couldn't help but marvel at how it was constructed despite the limited technology of that era. Despite its incomplete state, Tony felt an unknown rush of excitement to finish it. Without hesitation, he began to work on the project, eager to bring it to completion.


Meanwhile, Justin Hammer managed to acquire Vanko and a piece of Iron Man Mark 2 armor. Tony had to surrender it to keep the government off his back, contrasting with Max, whose connections were not entangled with the government. Max retained 70% ownership of his company, while 20% was held by Tony, and the remaining 10% belonged to Pepper. This arrangement ensured both legality and safety. Conversely, Stark Industries had numerous shareholders, some of whom were pressured by the government to obtain an armor from Tony.

Therefore, Tony handed over a piece of armor to them, much to their delight. However, they were unaware that the Mark 2 was the least impressive among the Iron Man collection. The original Iron Man suit held a special significance for being the first, while the subsequent models were equipped with nanotech and enchanted with magic runes.

With his expertise in rune craft and other highly advanced technologies, Tony had surpassed his counterpart from the original Endgame. His powers were now approaching those of an Iron Man armor equipped with an Infinity Stone. If he were to obtain an Infinity Stone, he would become nearly unstoppable, capable of challenging even a Thanos without the Infinity Stones.


Few days earlier

Sam reached Hell Kitchen area along with Elisa at Night.

"What a timing for date?" Elisa said playfully as they fought thugs who got lured due to Elisa beauty.

"try not to kill them" Sam shrugged as he dodged and knocked them with a single attack on their necks.


Sam looked and saw a thug neck being rotated by 180 degrees, "ara~ do you said something?" 

Sam shook his head and manipulating threads he chopped the guy into fine million of pieces erasing him from the face of earth in simple but crazy manner.

he then used flames and burned them, due to them being sliced into tiny pieces no smoke was produced and then Sam along with Elisa reached Muddock office.

"Knock, knock," Sam announced as he rapped on the door, and Daredevil promptly opened it, revealing his iconic suit adorned with two small horns.

"Those are some cute little horns," Elisa commented, reaching out to touch them.

Daredevil turned his attention to Elisa. "And who might she be?" he inquired, casting a glance at Sam.

"She's an assassin from our group," Sam explained, prompting a nod of acknowledgment from Daredevil before he led them onward.

They traversed rooftops until they arrived at what appeared to be a dockyard. "Typical stuff," Sam remarked, his sentiment echoed by Elisa.

"And our objective here?" Elisa inquired.

Daredevil's response was concise. "To save kidnapped children and people," he stated, pointing out specific containers.

Sam wasted no time, leaping down without warning. Daredevil furrowed his brow at this impulsive action, but before he could react, Elisa intervened, restraining him. "Wait for... two minutes," Elisa requested, and Daredevil complied, though his keen senses detected the sound of rushing wind, as if something sharp were slicing through the air.

Within a minute, they heard Sam's call, prompting both Elisa and Daredevil to follow the sound until they reached a location packed with humanoid giant rats corpses.

"What is this?" Daredevil frowned as he observed the human-like rats.

"It seems like someone is either experimenting on humans or real rat people are attacking humans," Elisa speculated with a shrug.

Daredevil nodded in agreement. "I might have accepted the former if it weren't for you guys suddenly entering my life and explaining about aliens and such," he remarked dryly.

Sam chuckled in response. "Fortunately, or rather unfortunately, it's not another alien invasion, but indeed, they were humans."

Sam nodded as he displayed what appeared to be a miniature blood testing device.

"So, some madman is experimenting on the kidnapped people of Hell's Kitchen area?" Daredevil inquired.

"Not just Hell's Kitchen area," Sam replied, gesturing towards a rat-man wearing a janitor's uniform from a specific high school.

Daredevil and the others surveyed the scene and noticed that the rat corpses were wearing clothes from various places, but they all seemed to be of low social standing. "They might have targeted them knowing their disappearance wouldn't cause a commotion," Daredevil speculated.

Sam nodded and then said "Let's go and see if those containers are empty or still has some people" 

Others nodded and followed them, as dare Devil was following them he asked " Can't you cure them?" 

"I checked, but their DNA is 80% fused with Rats Dna, making it impossible to help them," Sam nodded and replied.

"I killed them after talking to them" Sam said, causing Dare Devil to stop in his tracks and ask "Then why did you kill them?" 

Sam looked back and tapped the first button of his shirt , revealing a camera underneath, he then tapped his mask and a projection started.

Dare Devil looked at projection, it was from the time Sam met him and then soon projection reached the time where he jumped leaving him and Elisa behind.


As Sam leaped down, all the thugs guarding the area rushed towards him upon recognizing him as the Holy Knight. Sam calmly observed them before snapping his fingers, invoking a sleeping spell that caused them all to fall into a deep slumber.

Next, Sam conjured various golden threads and skillfully bound the sleeping thugs, neatly packing them into an empty container.

The projection then showed Sam walking towards a container indicated by Daredevil earlier. Breaking the lock and prying it open, Sam was met with a horrifying sight: a humanoid rat creature with a rat-like head, tail, and claws, its body covered in coarse grey fur.

And it was not just one but many of them with even half eaten human corpses inside the container, Sam felt his stomach churn at the sight, he bound all the rat man and then used Divine Cleansing to help them out of their animalistic nature, as he felt Human life force from them.

The glowing red eyes of the rat men dimmed, their confusion evident as they looked around the container. Suddenly, one of them let out a piercing scream upon noticing the half-eaten human corpses nearby.