
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs

Nico Robin

After successfully resolving the turmoil in Alabasta and restoring peace to the kingdom, Max and his crew were summoned to the royal palace to meet with the Alabasta King, Cobra.

Escorted by a contingent of royal guards, Max, accompanied by his crewmates, made their way through the ornate corridors of the palace. The air was filled with a sense of gratitude and relief, the kingdom slowly recovering from the chaos caused by the machinations of Baroque Works.

Entering the grand audience chamber adorned with intricate designs and symbols of Alabasta's heritage, the White Devil Pirates found themselves face-to-face with King Cobra. The king, seated on his throne, greeted them warmly with a serene expression, a mixture of gratitude and curiosity evident in his eyes.

"Sir White Tyrant," King Cobra addressed them, his voice resonating with appreciation. "Your Pirate group have been instrumental in safeguarding our kingdom. You have our deepest gratitude."

Max, standing tall, replied calmly to King. "It's okay, I just don't like innocent people getting harassed or killed".

Princess Vivi, standing by her father's side, expressed her heartfelt thanks to Max and his crew, acknowledging their unwavering support during the kingdom's darkest hour.

The king, with a sincere smile, extended his gratitude once more. "Your deeds shall be remembered in the annals of Alabasta's history. You are esteemed friends of our kingdom, and your bravery shall forever be cherished."

In a display of appreciation, the royal court organized a grand banquet in honor of Max and his crew. The White Devil Pirates were lauded and celebrated by the people of Alabasta, their names becoming synonymous with valor and heroism throughout the kingdom.

Amidst the lively celebration, Max sat at the side, observing the grand banquet in their honor. The opulent hall was adorned with vibrant decorations, resonating with the cheerful melodies of celebration. The laughter and joyous chatter of the Alabastan citizens filled the air.

His gaze swept across the room, taking in the heartwarming sight of Shiki, the two giants, and the other crew members reveling in the festivities. The giants, usually known for their stoic demeanor, were joyfully engaged in the dance, their figures gracefully moving to the rhythm of the music.

For Max, seeing Shiki and the giants dancing was an unexpected spectacle. If not for witnessing it firsthand, the sight of the usually reserved giants engaging in such merriment would have been beyond belief.

As the celebration continued, Max couldn't help but smile, appreciating the rare moment of camaraderie and shared joy among his crew and the people of Alabasta.

As the morning sun painted the sky with hues of gold and amber, signaling the time for departure, Max and his crew prepared to set sail from Alabasta. The White Devil Pirates, grateful for the hospitality and appreciation they received, made their way to the port, ready to embark on their next adventure.

Unbeknownst to Max and his crew, King Cobra stood hidden in the shadows near the port, observing the departure from a discreet vantage point. Though protocol dictated that he couldn't openly bid farewell to a pirate crew, his heart was filled with gratitude and respect for the brave pirate group who had aided his kingdom.

With a mix of emotions—gratitude for their valor and a silent prayer for their safe journey—the king stood there, a silent spectator to the departure of the White Devil Pirates.

As the sails of Max's ship caught the gentle breeze, the crew waved their goodbyes to the bustling port of Alabasta. Amidst the farewells and exchanged gestures, Max, standing at the helm, caught a faint glimpse of a figure in the shadows—a silent guardian bidding them farewell.

Though the King's presence remained unseen and unacknowledged by the crew, there was an unspoken understanding—a mutual respect that transcended the boundaries of their respective positions. With a silent nod and a heartfelt wish for their safety, King Cobra watched the ship depart, silently grateful for the White Devil Pirates' aid and friendship, hoping their paths might cross again under different circumstances.

"Now will you tell me Why did you kidnapped me?" A enraged voice get Max out of his stupor.

"Why else? you are the only one who can read ancient text, Nico Robin" Max replied causing Robin face drained of any color.

"D-do you also want Ancient weapon?" Nico Robin asked cautiously.

Max regarded Nico Robin with a calm expression, his eyes reflecting a mixture of seriousness and understanding.

"The Ancient Weapons have been the subject of many legends, and you possess a valuable ability to decipher the ancient texts related to them," Max replied, acknowledging Robin's unique skill set.

"I seek knowledge, not only for power but to understand the secrets that govern this world," Max continued, his tone measured yet resolute. "The world is filled with mysteries, and the Ancient Weapons are a part of that enigma. I intend to uncover the truth behind them."

Nico Robin, though initially alarmed by being taken, sensed a sincerity in Max's words. She recognized a genuine curiosity and a thirst for knowledge within him, different from the motivations of others who sought the Ancient Weapons for their destructive potential.

Max looked directly at Nico Robin and spoke softly, "I want to explore the depths of history, to understand its significance and prevent it from being misused. I believe that in your pursuit of the past, you and I may find common ground."

Robin, taken aback by Max's perspective, felt a sense of intrigue and a glimmer of trust in his intentions. She knew that the search for the Ancient Weapons was a perilous journey, but she also sensed a different purpose in Max's quest—a quest for understanding rather than conquest.

Her expression softened slightly as she contemplated his words. "If it's knowledge you seek, then perhaps our goals align more than I thought," Robin replied cautiously.

Max nodded, acknowledging her response. "Your knowledge is invaluable, and I assure you, Nico Robin, I won't force you into anything. But if you're willing to share your insights and collaborate, together, we might uncover the truth that lies hidden within history's pages."

The tension in the air eased slightly as both recognized a potential alliance based on mutual curiosity and respect for the pursuit of knowledge. The path ahead was uncertain, yet a glimmer of understanding between Max and Nico Robin laid the foundation for a different kind of journey—one driven by curiosity, exploration, and a shared thirst for the secrets of the world.

"Now it will also be an adventure for me too" Max mumbled as he has only watched One piece anime upto Albasta arc, after that he wasn't able to watch due to certain circumstances but he have some bits of knowledge due to learning it from his friends, though he only some key points like Straw hats pirates next destination after Albasta was Sky Island but he don't know how to reach there. 

"Now a real adventure starts" Max mumbled and brought out the Jack's compass.