
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
Not enough ratings
127 Chs

Kaecillius hostility

" here are all the knowledge that Kamar-taj has stored since Ancient times" Wong said when they entered the library.

" Hmm, it's does look Ancient" Drake replied. 

" What do you mean kid this place is cleaned everyday properly" Wong said while turning back hearing Drake words.

"I mean Architecture is Ancient and It's beautiful in it's own way" Drake said clearing the misunderstanding.

hearing this Wong just nods and lead him to the middle age man whom is reading a book in the library.

" Meet master Ezra, he is the one who took care of Books here" Wong said as he introduced a middle ages man with curly hairs to Drake.

"So, he is a librarian here" Drake said looking at Master Erza

"You can say that" Wong didn't mind the carefree behavior of Drake as he knew from his previous conversation with Ancient one that he is not bad at heart.

" I will leave you here, you can either read here in the library or borrow books but you can only borrow only 1 book from restricted section and can take another only if you read the one you have borrowed before, As for rest you can take as much as you want" Wong instructed him last time before he went out leaving him and Master Erza there all alone.

" And one more thing do you still have the egg" Wong said while suddenly returning back.

" not at the moment but I will give you if I acquire one in future" Drake replied back seeing the strong interest in Wong eyes.

Wong then nods and went out of the library, this time for sure.

" Excuse me can you recommend basic book for beginners" Drake said to Master Erza who is quietly reading his book.

" First Shelf, First Row, First book" Master Erza replied without raising his head.

" thank you" Drake thanks him as he went towards the First shelf, taking the book out he reads the Tittle which says 'Origin of Kamar-Taj' , seeing the title he raises his brows but then he sits at the nearby table and started reading it.

reason well master Erza said " Read it first" When he was going to ask for basic spell book of Kamar-taj after seeing the recommend book Title.

Master Erza after seeing Drake reading the Book seriously goes back to reading the book he is reading.

'fool' Drake smirked quietly as he saw master Erza nodding at his diligence, he is now using trickster ring powers to create a illusion to make it look like he is reading the book Master Erza recommend to him while real him is reading the title of all books, to find the spell book of kamar-taj.

In the hall Ancient one chuckled at his behavior but didn't stop him as from the book Drake has given her earlier she already know that Drake knows about magic concept of borrowing power from Diety to use their spells or art. They used this same way to harness magic, So him reading basics are nothing but waste of time in her opinion.

{A/n : the origin book explains also how they perform magic }

" Why did you let him read everything in the library, there are lot of books that could potentially corrupt him even if he is a clone , at the end his clone roots will lead back to original guiding the corruption with it" Wong asked as he was puzzled by Ancient one move as she has never granted such privilege to any one else before they get ready to receive it.

" He might get corrupted but he will have the means to came out of it plus even if I stop him he might found a way to acquire the knowledge" Ancient one replied.

" Very well then, but I will still keep a watch on him" Wong said hearing the Ancient one reply.

Ancient one just nods to Wong words and says " Guide him too" .

" I was already planning to do that" Wong replies back as he also want the carefree brat to seriously train in Mystic Arts.

After 6 days in the training Area Wong is fighting with Drake

" Wong, why did you suddenly drag me for a spar" Drake said while jumping away from from Wong magic whip.

" practice in battle make spells perfect plus you need to know how to fight, right now you are just a kid with big sword that you don't know how to wield properly , you only swing it brutally" Wong said while wrapping Drake in his magic vine.

" So, what absolute power overcome all difficulties" Drake said as ripped apart the vine easily using sacred sword of Vishanti and then went for Wong head.

Wong this time also used spells, Shield of Seraphim to block the sword from him and then used Crimson Bands of Cyttorak to made him into cocoon with with only head out.

"Now do you understand kid, knowing how to fight is necessary, I won despite you being physically stronger than me caused I fought smartly not brutally" Wong said to Drake who is now wrapped in red bands leaving only his head. After six days he already knows that his tiny body have more power then average adult has.

" Okay, I understand Now can you release me" Drake said with defeated look but Wong could still see the stubborness on his face.

" From today you will practice with everyone here" Wong Said as he released him from his bonds.

" Okay, but listen old man The first thing I do after learning is to kick your ass" Drake said as he left the training area and went to his room.

Inside Drake room

"He is right, I don't know how to use my abilities efficiently, current me can only bring out 50% of my powers" Drake thought about Wong words as he sit on his bed crosslegged.

'Guess, coming here is good decision, I have already found one of my weakness but I could Still have defeated him if I have used my other abilities' Drake thought as he started meditating.

Max who also can see clone memories whenever he wants also contemplates on Wong words, as weither he or his clones they have only fought normal humans and defeated them easily with their superior abilities but what if he fought a super villain or hero can he still defeat them easily.

Back to Kamar-taj

" How is he" Ancient one asked when Wong returns to her.

" He has immense potential but he is overconfident and stubborn" Wong replied honestly.

"It's normal to have confidence on our abilities, he will learn to become humble after some setbacks" Ancient one nods and said.

" hmm, he still was stubborn but got ready for his combat training, he is already started to learn from his mistakes" Wong nods back.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" See, that's what I was talking about" Kaecillius said to Mordo after seeing Drake fight with Wong.

" He has only started learning for few days, kaecillius" Mordo replied while they sparred not knowing the meaning behind Kaecillius question.

" Exactly my point, he is new yet he was given access to all knowledge but not us" kaecillius roared as he punched Mordo in the chest.

" No knowledge is prohibited in Kamar-taj Kaecillius, we are just not ready" Mordo replied as he catches kaecillius punch and countered with kick.

" But he is , A Kid, come on Mordo admit it she just don't want to share the knowledge of immortality. So, she is making excuses" Kaecillius replied as he catches the kick.

Mordo suddenly turned and kicked with another leg while using the leg as footing that Kaecillius was holding, making him stagger back.

" That's enough for today and If Ancient one says we are not ready then we are not" Mordo said while leaving kaecillius alone.

" I will get it Mordo one way or another, 'READY' that's just a flimsy excuse " Kaecillius thought with a sharp glint in his eyes.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N : sorry for delay