
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs


The past few weeks were normal for Max, with nothing major happening except for Obadiah revealing his plans on Max's order. Tony sadly watched as Obadiah explained everything, while Pepper was on the verge of turning him into a popsicle, if not for Max stopping her. Tony bitterly smiled and sent Obadiah to prison, then laid wasted on the sofa after heavy drinking, while Pepper now became the CEO of Stark Industries.

"Just how much are you gonna sulk?" Max asked, looking at Tony in a beggar-like style.

"He was like my father, like my family," Tony mumbled.

"Yeah, yeah, the same thing for the past few weeks. Just come out of it already," Max said, snatching the bottle from Tony.

"Your company..." "Burn it. It's that company's fault," Max was saying when Tony yelled.

"You are too drunk," Max said.

"I am not," Tony retorted.

"And I am here," Max sneered back at Tony, who was scolding his Mark II.

"You..." Tony was coming towards Max, but midway, he laid on the sofa and started snoring.

"What a mess. I shouldn't have revealed Obadiah," Max looked at the snoring Tony and thought. He then used his magic to clean alcohol out of Tony's body and wake him up.

"What time is it?" Tony asked, rubbing his eyes.

"It's 2 in the afternoon," Max replied.

"It's already a day," Tony exclaimed.

"No, just a few minutes," Max said.

"I see," Tony nodded, understanding Max used his abilities to flush alcohol out of his body; it wasn't the first time anyway.

"Just how much longer are you gonna act like that?" Max asked.

"Let me mourn in peace, will you?" Tony replied.

"Whose mourning?" Max asked.

"Obadiah, for me, he is now dead," Tony replied.

"Hmm, wanna try my new product?" Max said and removed the cover from the capsule he brought.

"What does it do?" Tony asked.

"A second world," Max replied and helped Tony to get inside the capsule.

"Just close your eyes and reach a different world," Max said as he closed the lid of the capsule.

The capsule was like a bed with a cover. Tony said log in, and...

[Iris scan start... New user detected]

[Would you like to create an avatar?]

Tony pressed yes and then created an avatar.

[Immersion will start in five seconds. Please close your eyes]

[5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Welcome to Horizon]

Tony opened his eyes and found himself in the square of a town. His sudden appearance caused quite a stir.

"Is he the one sent by the goddess?"

"Maybe he is."

"The one blessed by the goddess."

Tony listened to the townspeople and thought, "Their A.I. is quite advanced."

"How is it?" Tony turned back to see Max standing there.

"It looks good. I can feel the breeze, experience the touch, and it's almost like a real body," Tony said.

"Almost?" Max asked.

"Yes, I mean, there ain't no little brother, right?" Tony shrugged.

Max looked at him weirdly, and Tony replied, "My record is broken due to kidnapping."

Max shook his head and said, "There is an adult feature, though. It's only available after marriage."

"Now who is the pervert?" Tony laughed and said.

Max: "...."

Max shook his head, and together they reached the training area or tutorial place.

"Haven't seen you two around here?" The burly man with a trainer tag above his head said.

"We are new," Max replied.

"Hmm, go and test which weapon is suitable for you," the trainer nodded and pointed at the stack of weapons.

Max and Tony nodded and reached the weapon stack. As they picked one weapon, a screen popped up.

[Basics are important

Condition: Swing Sword basics perfectly

Slash: 0/100

Stab: 0/100

Chop: 0/100

Deflect: 0/100

Reward: Sword mastery level 1(Basic)]

Max nodded upon seeing the quest and effortlessly performed all the basics.

"You're like an expert," Tony said.

"You should complete it too," Max replied. Tony chose the Bow, and his quest was to perfectly draw and aim at his target.

Meanwhile, as Max completed all the basics, the trainer acknowledged his proficiency and decided to offer him a next quest.

Trainer: "Impressive performance with the basics, Max. You've earned the skill of Sword Mastery Level 1 (Basic). Now, for a next quest to further enhance your skills."

Max: "Sure, what's the quest?"

Trainer: ["Defensive Maneuvers Mastery - Condition: Perfectly execute defensive sword maneuvers."

Parry: 0/100

Block: 0/100

Dodge: 0/100

Counter: 0/100

Reward: Sword mastery level +1]

Max nodded, and then a scarecrow appeared and started attacking Max, and Max easily countered all the attacks and completed his Tutorial with flying colors and earned another Title, aside from the reward.

[Sword Prodigy: unique

Effect: Sword-related skill +2 level]

"I have nothing more to teach you," the trainer said, and then Max waited aside for Tony.

Tony struggled a bit with the bow but gradually improved under the watchful eye of his trainer.

Trainer: "Great job, Tony! You've earned Bow Mastery Level 1 (Basic). Keep practicing, and you'll become an archery expert in no time."

Tony: "Thanks! What's next?"

Trainer: "Advanced Maneuvers Mastery - Condition: Perfectly execute advanced Bow maneuvers."

Feint: 0/100

Quick Attack: 0/100

Dodge: 0/100

Combo Strike: 0/100

Reward: Bow mastery +1]

Tony struggled a lot on this one, but in the evening, he finally completed the quest.

Tony then returned to Max's side, "I took a lot of time," he said, looking at the orange sky.

"Don't worry, this game has Time dilation, 1 hour in reality is 5 hours in the game," Max shrugged and said.

Tony eyes slightly widened and Max then explained a lot of brain related stuff, only then he stopped asking questions regarding Time Dilation.

"By the way, why did you choose Archery? You should have chosen the Mage class; basic spells, Intelligence is the main factor of that class," Max said as they were exiting the Tutorial area.

Tony paused in his tracks and said to Max, "Explain all the classes to me." And Max realized Tony, or rather this world, doesn't have such an MMORPG game.

Max then explained, and Tony returned to the Tutorial area, and this time swiftly completed the Mage basics.

"What are the basic spells?" Max asked.

"They are Magic Missile and Magic Barrier," Tony replied.

"Okay, let's go hunt and raise our levels," Max said.

"Hmm," Tony nodded, and then the duo started grinding.

They also met other players or Max's beta testers, and the best thing, Tony came out of his gloomy mood