
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs

Drake becoming Master

Sorry for delay, 


Drake have returned to Kamar-taj, today is his Test for Master title.

"Drake, I know you can already beat me, but rules are rules, So let's give our best" Wong said, he is the one testing Drake.

"Don't cry old Man, if I beat you too easily" Drake grinned as he replied.

Wong shakes his head and takes out his Bo staff, he have yet to obtain the Wand of Wotoomb as the Hong Kong Sanctum Master is still alive.

"Come on Drake, let's fight" Wong roared and swinged his staff towards Drake head.

Drake smiled and created a Eldritch Shield, parrying off the staff with his left hand then he grabbed the staff with his right hand, using both hands as footing he delivers a solid kick to Wong chest. 

"are you Rusty today? Old Man, hahaha" Drake flexed his legs as he mocked Wong. 

"You've improved your agility since then," Wong remarked, noting that Drake's recent moves only required one eyeblink to complete. 

"Now, I will be serious" Wong stated and used Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, the red bands started chasing Drake like a snake attacks its prey but Drake effortlessly escaped them as he moved near Wong, conjuring Sacred Sword of Vishanti, he whispered "It's over".


Drake aim was to point Sword at Wong neck, ending the match but halfway it was blocked by a golden light shield. 

"Elemental magic, Damm Old Man didn't you say I can't use Elemental magic so why are you the one using it now?" Drake cursed as he jumps away after his sword was blocked, the position where Drake was moment ago is now destroyed by Red Bands. 

"I did say 'you' can't use it but never said I can't " Wong replied highlighting the You word. 

"Drake won" Ancient one suddenly stopped them declaring Drake the winner. 

"Drake test was to defeat you using ELDRITCH Magic which he did, if you hadn't used the light elemental magic then match was over already, therefore Drake won" Ancient one said in calm voice. 

Wong and Drake both stopped and then they focused on Mordo and Kaecillius Match. 

"Who do think will Win?" Wong asked Drake as they watched Mordo and Kaecilius fight. 

"Kaecillius will win, he already is dominating him, its only a matter of time before he wins" Drake replied to which Wong nodded. 

Just as Drake said, Mordo is on the defensive against Kaecilius non stop offensive. 

Suddenly while parrying Kaecillius whip, Mordo foot slipped, taking the advantage of his lost footing, Kaecilius wrapped Mordo neck with his whip and slammed his head hard on floor. 

"that should definitely gonna hurt for a while" Drake commented pitying Mordo. 

"Kaecilius won" Ancient one stopped them and then used holy heal on Mordo fixing him back. 

"Never mind I forgot she can also use Elemental magic now" Drake took back his words. 

"Since Kaecillius and Drake have won, it's time for them to choose a weapon" Ancient one said and waved her hand, Drake together with Kaecilius, Mordo and Wong appears in the room where countless Mystical Artifacts are placed.

"Take tour of this place, you both will find someone calling you, the one who will call you will be your partner from now on" Ancient one said and stood aside along with Mordo and Wong. 

Drake and Kaecillius nodded and started touring, Kaecillius soon found his Scythe Dagger, Drake also felt something calling him, going towards the voice he found a Dark steel staff, with a crescent shaped blue crystal on one end and a pointed spear on other end. 

Both Drake and Kaecillius returned with their chosen mystical Artifacts. 

"Scythe dagger, a powerful artifact created for the sole purpose of one hit kill and Moon Scorceres Staff, a staff created by the Scorceres of Moon with her own body after her death. Legend says, it still houses the Moon Scorceres soul but it was never proven as it never chose anyone after it's creation, it's one of the most ancient Artifacts we have here, dating back to 4th century" Ancient introduced their Artifacts. 

Drake almost dropped the Staff after hearing Ancient one words, the first thing he thought of is Staff of One. 

'Max will be able to see its secrets with system help' Drake thought looking at the staff. 

"Now that you have received your Artifacts, let's go back" Ancient one said and the location once again changed, they are back at training ground. 

"Take care of your Artifacts, they will be your partners as of today" remarked Ancient one as she left the training ground, leaving them there. 

"This looks like a combination of scepter and a spear" Wong said as he glanced at Moon Scorceres Staff. 

"Hmm, I am gonna change its name, Moon Scorceres Staff, people might mistook me for Moon Scorceror if they hear this name" Drake nodded and said. 

"I don't think, it's a good idea" Mordo frowned. 

"Each name in Mystic world holds a deep meaning, you can't change it just because you find it inconvenient" Mordo advices Drake in elder like voice.

"He is saying the truth, Drake, it would be a wrong decision to change its name" Wong also nodded at Mordo words.

Kaecilius didn't say anything but he did nods too. 

Drake inwardly rolled his eyes at their words 'Ancient one herself uses dark dimension energy, the so called custom is long broken yet these idiots'.

"Then how about I call it 'Moon Heart - The Moon Scorceres Staff' this way the tradition will be maintained and Let's be honest 'Moon Scorceres Staff' isn't a name actually" Drake said after a bit of thinking.

Mordo and Others thought for some time but eventually nodded to Drake idea. 

"This still feels wrong but atleast it's original name is not discarded by you" Mordo said. 

'As expected of a pure traditional man' Drake shook his head inwardly at Mordo's rigid thinking.

At Max side. 

Max and Selene are having Ice cream in a Ice Cream parlour, after a bit of touring, Max took her to eat Ice cream. 

[Name : Moon Heart

 Rank : Epic (Legendary - unawakened)

 Ability : Word Spirit Magic (Inactive), Spell Breaker(Inactive). 

Description : Moon Heart is made up of Moon Scorceres Body and spirit, To protect her daughter from dark dimension corruption, she sacrificed herself and become a weapon that drove away the dark hands of Dormammu before it fully reached her daughter. The Moon Scorceres spirit still reside in it, only after she Awakens from her slumber will this scepter show its true power] 

- Word Spirit Magic : You just have to say what you want and Moon Scorceres will weave the corresponding spell for it to happen, if it's possible. 

- Spell Breaker : Moon Scorceres has mastered almost all Spells, she can counter any spell fired t her wielder. 

"Interesting" Max thought seeing the Moon Heart info. 

"Did you say something?" Selene asked Hearing Max murmur. 

"Nothing, it's just I never had a banana Ice cream before" Max laughed while replying. 'I should focus on Selene, her perception is too strong' he mentally warned himself. 


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