
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs

Different Perception

After Max acquired the Mumud's template, he felt he is looking at the world from different perspective, It's like his earlier vision was standard one and now he is watching the world in 4k resolution.

"So this is the perspective of a genius" Despite becoming an Arch Human, Max talent for magic was not that great, every time he evolved, his talent evolved but.....what if talent start from 0, due to this despite his evolution Max talent for magic wasn't that great compared to his physical Combat talent but now, it's no longer the same.

"this Magic talent is really buggy" Max murmured happily.

The gain from Mumud's template was tremendous, he can feel , he can become a Mage of unprecedented level with in short period of time. 

"Previously my talent was, lower than Strange but now, Hehehe even hundred Strange are not enough to compete with me" Max thought happily.

"hmm should I test it?" Max muttered and then teleported to one of Hydra base.

As Max appeared above the Hydra base in Russia corner, he rubbed his chin and thought 'Which One should I test first?'

Pointing towards the Base Max said " Mumud's Style Earth Magic : Terra Sunder" With Max word's the ground started shaking and then caved in , a 5 km diameter of land caved in, "This spell is great for demolishing stuff" Max mumbled seeing the spell effect.

"Hmm, now next one is, Mumud Style Fire Magic : Pyrocinere" After using the spell, a small fireball appeared in Max hand, tossing the ball to caved ground, he teleported to some distance and then the moment it touched the ground, a flame mushroom rose up.

"Let the world consumed in flames , huh?" Max mumbled and teleported back to his home.

Max left but the after math of him using spells shook the world, Other Non-Shield associated countries laughed at how poorly they handled their Nukes, Ahh, yes they thought the explosion cause was Nuke misfire, but only the government associated with Shield knows the true cause.


And Poor Nick Fury is now getting scolded for this...

"Fury, what is the purpose of Shield?" The voice came from a hologram.

"Protecting the world" Fury replied calmly.

"And this is how you are protecting the world?" Another questioned.

"What do you expect me to do?" Fury raised his head and asked looking at the hologram who just now spoke.

The figure fell silent, while everyone else thought the same thinking, 'what can they even do in front of that person?'.

"Do you have any counter measure for it?" Another figure asked.

"I have, 'Avengers Initiative' " Fury said while uploading the documents for everyone to see.

"The project for gathering 'super people to fight against super people', I approve" A figure spoke and then others follow suit.

"How ill you control them?" Another or the idiot who was sent to Moon asked.

"We can't control them" Fury replied.

"Then how can you make sure, they will work for us?" The same guy asked.

"They aren't working for us but for people for the world" Fury replied calmly.

" And do you expect me to approve this project?" The figure sneered and said.

Fury smiled for the first time since attending this meeting, he said " Holy Knight is one of the people we are recruiting, his only response was, Kick out that guy and I am in".

Fury didn't spoke the name but everyone understood, what 'That' refers to.

"This can't happen" Another figure spoke.

"Yes, what if some other, came with same condition?" Another chimed in.'

The moon guy smirked and said "Holy Knight is not needed then" And other nodded.

Fury nodded to but inwardly he was cursing madly 'these fools, when will they learn?'.

"Go gather, all the others, but don't let them loose, keep a close leash on them" The same Moon guy spoke and others approved.

"I will," Fury nodded and then everyone exited the meeting.

After meeting ended, Maria entered and asked " How did the meeting go Sir?" 

"terrible, but at least we got approval" Fury shook his head and said.

"Should I contact Holy Knight Sir?" Phil asked.

Fury nodded and then Phil called him through Focus, the device which Max gave him through Sam.

Soon the call connected and then Faceless Hologram of Sam appeared, "You called Coulson?" He asked the moment call connected.

"They didn't approve of you" Fury said straight forwardly.

"Hmm, They will, just leave it to time" Sam smiled and then cut the call.

Fury looked at the place where Sam Hologram was moment ago and thought ' What was his meaning?'

"What do you think, Phil?" Fury asked.

"Maybe he knows something" Phil replied.

"And it is dangerous enough to bend those fools" Maria said.

"What ever it is, We just have to be ready for it" Fury said.


"It wasn't enough to intimidate them huh?" Max thought, his earlier actions were not just some random testing but it was purposefully planned to push World Government in to a corner but surely it wasn't enough.

"Well what ever, Those old fools not needed any way" Max mumbled and then contacted the Three widows.

"I have sent a file of targets, give them gruesome death" Saying he cut the call.

"Now, Can you still ignore it? " Max grinned and thought.


On Twilight Isle.

"You all heard it, let's go to work" Elisa smiled and said.

"Some of them are Hydra huh?, I will make sure to deliver maximum amount of pain before they die" Yelena snorted and said.

"Hmm, some of them are members of Red Room program, This is fun" Irina smiled as she read the name and background of targets.


Elisa Santoro

Template : Juiz d' arc (Unjustice from Undead Unluck)

Abilities : Unjustice : Juiz has a negator ability that allows her to control the actions of others, altering their sense of "Justice." The condition for the negation to activate is that Juiz has to look at the target with her eyes uncovered.

Master Swordsmanship

Enhanced Speed ​​and Reflexes: Juiz has greater speed and reflexes than a normal human who combined with her swordsman ability allows her to deflect shots almost point-blank with the blade of the sword.


Yelena Belova

Ability : Mummy-Mummy Fruit

The Mummy-Mummy Fruit transforms the user into a Mummy Human, granting them powers associated with ancient Egyptian mysticism and mummification.

It grants abilities such as Mummification Transformation, Bandage Manipulation, Cursed Plagues, Ancient Knowledge and Wisdom, Absolute Splitting, Lifeforce Absorption


Irina Smirnova

Ability : Thunder Dragon Fruit

The Raijū Raijū no Mi grants its consumer the ability to transform into a Thunder Dragon, a mythical creature blending the qualities of a dragon with the power of thunder and lightning.

It grants : Thunder Manipulation, Electric Breath, Flight, Enhanced Strength, Weather Manipulation