
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs

Another shock

Max is camping on an island in the world and talking with the system.

"System what will happen , if I throw skills like Shadow summon, Shadow extraction in the mix of Vampire necromancer?, will it upgrade to Vampire Shadow lord or something else?" Max inquired to the system.

[Host can toss any other element as well; the formula provided by the system is the bare minimum for a Vampire Necromancer; Host can improve it by adding more necromancy spells]

Max nodded and closed his eyes for a rest; he'd been rushing around for the past month gathering every necessary item, and now that he's finished, he's looking forward to some relaxation.

Making the ground fluffy using Remaker ring, Max slept on it, he don't have to worry about any ambush as he has already set a barrier around him.

After 6 hours of sleeping, Max wakes up

"Ahh, I've never felt so relaxed before," Max moaned as he stretched..

"Now, what should I do?" Max thought.

"System, is there any uneaten Phantom species devil fruit?" Max asked, after a moment of thinking.

[There are 3 in new world currently]

Max nodded and asked system what kind are they.

[Werewolf fruit, Red dragon fruit and fallen angel fruit]

"hmm, let's get these fruits but first let's claim the bounty of Big Mom" Max thought and started flying towards Marine ford.

While Max is flying towards Marine Ford, the killing of Charlotte Linlin has already been revealed to Marine, the world government, and the other four emperors.

A palpable tension gripped the air in the hallowed rooms of Mariejois, where the World Government ruled over the affairs of the seas. The news of Charlotte Linlin's death, the fearsome Yonko known as Big Mom, had reached the highest levels of power, sending shock waves across the holy corridors.

The Five Elders, revered elders whose knowledge and authority could not be questioned, met in solemn contemplation. Their solemn expressions, etched with the lines of age and experience, revealed a rare sense of concern and urgency.

"Big Mom is no more?" whispered one Elder, his voice filled with disbelief and alarm.

The others nodded solemnly, their expressions reflecting the seriousness of the situation. The demise of one of the Four Emperors of the Sea would definitely upset the fragile balance that has existed for so long.

"It cannot be overlooked," remarked another Elder, his voice gravely concerned. "The balance of power in the seas will be irrevocably altered."

"Send word to our operatives," commanded the eldest among the Elders. "We must verify the authenticity of this news immediately."

In the heart of the New World, aboard the ship of Red-Haired Shanks, a sense of solemn contemplation enveloped the crew. Shrouded in a cloak of mystery, Shanks contemplated the implications of Big Mom's rumored demise. The once jovial atmosphere was tinged with a somber air as the crew discussed the uncertain fate of their fellow Yonko.

"Big Mom is gone?" questioned one of Shanks' trusted lieutenants, a furrow of concern etching across his brow.

Shanks, known for his calm demeanor even in the face of adversity, nodded gravely. "It seems so. The balance of power in the New World will shift."

At the domain of Kaido, the notorious Beast Pirates' stronghold in Wano Country, tensions brewed in the wake of the news. Kaido, the fearsome and unruly Yonko, brooded in his chambers. Rumors of Big Mom's demise stirred a restless energy among his crew, prompting discussions about the potential consequences of the event.

"The Big Mom is dead," muttered a high-ranking subordinate, uncertainty lacing their voice. "What will become of the alliances now?"

Kaido, known for his brazenness and lust for power, pondered the shifting dynamics among the Four Emperors. The news of Big Mom's possible downfall presented both a danger and an opportunity.

On the Moby Dick

As the mighty Whitebeard, the strongest among the Emperor of the Sea, presided over his ship, the Moby Dick, in the serene waters of the New World, news of Charlotte Linlin's supposed demise reached his crew, sparking a solemn atmosphere aboard the vessel.

Within his private quarters, Whitebeard sat, his weathered features betraying a rare sense of contemplation and concern. His piercing gaze, usually filled with warmth and wisdom, now held a hint of somber reflection. Reports of Big Mom's rumored death rippled through the crew, causing a palpable shift in the ambiance aboard the ship.

The veteran commanders, who held deep respect and loyalty towards their captain, gathered in hushed tones, discussing the implications of such a monumental event. A sense of unease mingled with an air of uncertainty as they contemplated the possible repercussions within the realm of the Four Emperors.

"Big Mom's gone, Father," murmured Marco, Whitebeard's trusted first division commander, his voice tinged with solemnity.

Whitebeard, renowned for his sense of justice and compassion, remained silent for a moment, his mind grappling with the weight of the news. The prospect of one of the Four Emperors meeting their end cast a shadow over the usually jovial atmosphere aboard the Moby Dick.

"Times are changing," he finally spoke, his voice carrying a rare hint of concern. "The balance of power in the New World will shift. We must remain vigilant."

But still none of them knew the news of White Tyrant now being the leader of Big Mom pirates, all due to Katakuri swift actions.

Katakuri's motivations ran deep, guided by a delicate balance of loyalty, protection, and a shrewd assessment of the shifting dynamics among the Four Emperors. He harbored a desire to safeguard his family's well-being after the death of Big Mom.

Furthermore, the unspoken alliance between the territories now under Katakuri's command and the formidable Kaido hung in a precarious balance. Katakuri's actions aimed not only to safeguard his family's position but also to test the veracity of their allegiance with Kaido. Would Kaido seek to annex the former Big Mom territories now led by the White Tyrant, or would the alliance between the two Yonko remain intact?

Katakuri, brave and resolute, dared to probe the depths of these treacherous Pirate Emperors. His actions were not only a test of alliances but also a subtle challenge to the White Tyrant, seeking to reaffirm the promised protection offered to his family.


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