
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs

Achievement and annoying system

[It will cost 10 UP to know Felicia Hardy's location and the day of her assault.]

"Do it," Max said as he remembered how, after her classmate tried to force her, she trained hard to avoid encountering any such situation in the future. With the super soldier serum her dad, the cat burglar, stole, she became Black Cat, reaching heights that her father never reached. Now, Max was trying to be a knight in shining armor to get into her good books.

[A/N: Self-created fiction, don't mind it.]

[Location: Oscorp West District, Hardy House Tragedy: 5 years later, time...]

"good, this is too far in the future," Max grumbled as he noted the time and location.

"System, give me a common and uncommon roll," Max said.

[Rolling. Congratulations, Host, on obtaining a Magnum (Loaded).]

"Hmm, 100 for common and uncommon, 500 for rare, 1000 for epic, 2000 for unique, 5000 for legendary, and 10,000 for mythical, and the rest is locked. Oh yes, there is also a random lucky draw for 5000," Max looked at all the lucky draws, only to turn sour as he didn't have enough UP.

"Thanks to the new quest, or the speed would have been even slower for collecting UP," Max sighed as he remembered the new repeatable quest he got when he saw an old granny getting robbed, which gives 1 UP for each person saved and 1 UP for each villain defeated.

Still, he couldn't use this quest much, as even if he wore armor, he still looked like a 10-year-old kid.

"System, is there any way for me to gain random lucky draws?" Max asked, as even with a whole year's work, he only got close to 600 UP.

[If Host does anything significant, then the chances of Host being awarded a Random Lucky Draw increase.]

"Haah, all the significant events start much later, and even some that I can interfere with that I know are also much further in the future. The closest being Tony's kidnapping," Max sat on his bench, deep in thought, contemplating how to gain more lucky draws.

[Host still has 4 random lucky draws.]

"What? How?" Max jumped off the bench, hearing the system's words.

[From achievements, Host.]

"Then why did you not inform me?" Max asked, frustrated.

[Host turned off Achievement Notifications.]

"I did?... No, wait," Max thought in confusion.


[Congratulations, Host, Unlocking Achie...]

"Shut it! Don't disturb me, let me admire my babies (Mukluan Rings)," Max waved his hands.

[Acknowledged, turning off Achievement notifications.]

While Max was still admiring the rings...

End of flashback

Max: "....."

"Ahem, turn on Achievement notifications and show me my rewards," Max said embarrassingly.


[Achievement: Lucky Legendary Reward: Lucky draw (Epic - Mythical)

Achievement: Little Fame Reward: lucky draw (common - rare)

Achievement: First Save Reward: lucky draw (common - rare)

Achievement: First Villain Reward: lucky draw (common - rare).]

"Hmm, four achievements huh? Seems like there is no reward for Unique and below Draws," Max rubbed his chin as he looked at the Achievements.

Max then returned home, washed himself, prayed to all Gods, and started his lucky draw.

"System, give me all the Rare lucky draws first," Max said, sitting on his bed.

[Rolling. Congratulations, Host, on obtaining the following items:

Lucky Card (Rare)

Magnum ammo ×1000 (uncommon)

Character summoning card Random (Rare)]

"2 Rares and one uncommon, cool," Max smiled as he looked at the draws.

"Show info on the first and third draws," Max then inquired about the draws.

[Lucky Card Type: Consumable

Effect: Allows one draw of Host favored by Luck]

[Character summoning card random Type: Consumable (Permanent)

Effect: Randomly summons a character loyal to the Host]

"Let's first use the summoning card," Max said to the system, seeing their descriptions.

[Summoning... Congratulations, Host, on obtaining...]

Max didn't pay any attention to the system, as in front of him, a small door materialized, which started opening with intense light, causing Max to shut his eyes.

When Max opened his eyes, he saw a blue cat standing upright like a human with a long stick on his shoulder that had a red cloth with stuff hanging on its end.

"This is Tom," Max exclaimed, seeing the blue cat turning his head here and there, probably confused by the sudden summoning.

Tom, looking around, spotted Max. Without hesitation, he threw his stick and ran to Max, starting to rub his face on Max's.

Tom remembered when his last owner threw him out, a voice asked him to become his pet. Happy, Tom readily agreed, as he didn't want to be a street cat. Now, seeing Max, he thought Max was the owner of the voice who asked him to become his pet earlier.

Max looked at the close-up face of Tom, feeling unbelievable that even such a cartoonish character could be summoned through the system.

"System, show me Tom's status," Max said while patting Tom's head.

[Name: Tom Race: Cat?

CP: Unknown

Ability: Omnipotent, can't catch Mouse

Remarks: An Omnipotent cat whose only flaw is that it can't catch mice, especially Jerry.

-Toon force is locked currently, unlocking condition unknown]


Seeing Tom's broken ability, Max's lips twitched visibly. He didn't know whether to feel lucky or jealous.

"System, give me a cat collar with Tom's name," Max then asked for a collar to increase the favorability of this cheat cat, as it seemed extremely useful to have such a cat favor, even though he is loyal to him because of the system.

Meow Meow

Tom happily meowed, seeing a collar with his name tag. Ah, yes, an omnipotent cat knows the English language.

"By the way, system, why is such a broken cat rated as Rare?" Max asked the question, as the omnipotent ability is definitely beyond the Mythic tier.

[Because of Tom's cowardly nature, plus his omnipotent ability provides basic mastery only currently as Toon force is locked.]

"Hmm, so a jack of all trades but a king of none. So why does it say omnipotent?" Max asked.

[Yes, and because he can upgrade all his abilities to the max level, unlike a jack of all trades but a king of none.]

"So he is a growth-able type character," Max smiled at such a revelation.

"Maxy, when did you get a cat, and why didn't you tell me?" Pepper, who suddenly entered Max's room, exclaimed, seeing a big blue cat sitting on Max's bed.

Max smiled stiffly, hearing his sister's words, giving him a funny look.

"T-This dropped from the door," Max stutters, seeing Pepper's 'face my wrath' gaze.