
In Marvel I can Evolve Infinitely (X-Men/Marvel)

When he woke up, Sam Caesar came to the Marvel world. At the age of sixteen, he only wanted to survive in the Marvel world, where the world was destroyed at every turn and the universe was restarted. But Alas, he was born extraordinary! His genes mutate and evolve all the time, and all the stimuli from the outside world and all the characteristics of the enemy’s attacks will prompt him to evolve corresponding restraint methods. At every moment, his cellular genes are rapidly mutating and evolving, and the biological evolution of tens of millions of years only takes a few seconds on him. In this way, thousands of abilities have sprung up in his body like mushrooms after a rain. Fantasy materializes, and what is depicted in the heart appears out of thin air; modifying the probability, tampering with all the probability of reality. Reorganization of matter, control of subatomic reality; manipulation of space and time, control of dimension and time axis. Even Sam Caesar himself knew that over time, he would become omniscient, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. By the way, this kind of existence seems to be called ‘OAA’ in this world. Only… Obviously, he is fully qualified for this. Not my novel, I am only translating.

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter-6 Genius Sam Caesar!

Chapter-6 Genius Sam Caesar!

"The result is out..."

"It's an Omega class!!" Many students at Xavier Academy of Gifted Children have been waiting for this result for a long time.

At least throughout the day course, most students were very concerned about the level of this exceptionally recruited student.

After all, the mutant academy does not only teach textbook knowledge on paper but also teaches actual combat, and training in mutant power is also one of the most important courses.

"Good god, another omega-level genius!"

"I heard that he is similar to Assistant Jean, and he also has the power of telepathy and telekineses."

"The innate talent is really enviable."

Sam Caesar arrived at the academy less than a day ago.

The whole person has become the talk of the school.

"He turned out to be Omega-level!!"

John the Pyro was a little unhappy.

Young people are full of vigor, and they pay attention to being competitive. Even if they don't say it, they are not convinced in their hearts.

"Omega-level does not mean strong strength, it can only be said that the qualifications are very good, but also depends on the subsequent potential development?"

Iceman Bobby folded his arms and said indifferently.

When he entered the school two years ago, he had already enjoyed the admiration of everyone.

Coincidentally, he was also rated as an Omega-level existence.

"You're right, no matter how strong your aptitude is, it's no use if you can't fully grasp your own abilities."

John the Pyro said to the Iceman a bit.


The ice man's light-hearted expression suddenly became unhappy.

Pyro aptitude is only one level lower than his, but due to attribute restraint, the elemental attribute of the flame still suppresses him, and in ten actual combats, he has been at a disadvantage seven or eight times.

"I will defeat you in the future."

"I will be waiting!"

The two Friend-brothers, who were incompatible with each other and began to fight each other again.

But it didn't take long for the two to break the defense together!

"And many more..."

"Didn't you just start school, why are you in the advance chemistry class?"

No one expected that they would meet Sam Caesar in a chemistry class in the afternoon.

"Why, will you not welcome me?"

Sam Caesar shrugged indifferently.

That young and handsome face and even the halo that he carried caused some sensation.

Some female students said they were handsome, while others questioned whether it would be a bit awkward for the other party to take this class at his age.

After all, they are generally older than Sam Caesar.

"His intelligence is shown to be much higher than the average person, so he has no problem participating in this class."

Professor Charles in the class said.

Not only is he the president, but as a graduate of Harvard, he has a Ph.D.

And as the master of telepathy, he also knows that Sam Caesar, who also belongs to the spiritual realm, will definitely get a rise in intelligence.

In fact, on the admission form, Sam Caesar also filled in a lot of education.

In addition to the experience and knowledge brought by from the past through the time-travel, he has indeed a bit higher Knowledge than ordinary people in terms of brain development. In addition, not long after the time travel, he did not dare to easily expose his abnormally high intelligence.

The teacher of the community school is not at all aware that the students under him have already mastered the textbook knowledge for more than three years.

Coming to this mutant academy where there are many monsters and monsters in their own field, Sam Caesar naturally showed his intelligence without any scruples.

Apart from their initial surprise, the students didn't care too much.

After all, among them, there are also two younger students.

"High intelligence does not mean profound knowledge. Only when you study carefully can you become a smart person in the eyes of others."

Professor Charles, the old man, can always find an entry point.

He reminded Sam Caesar at the right time.

Obviously, he also knew the omega-level result, and his intelligence was just like Sam Caesar's talent. If he didn't study and exercise, it would be a waste.

Sam Caesar also nodded humbly to the professor's reminder.

After all, this old man has never charged himself a penny for staying.



Sam Caesar's Xavier's academy life officially begins.

He was like a sponge that absorbs water madly, absorbing all subject knowledge.

In the past, he was just an ordinary college student.

Now that his intelligence is high, Sam Caesar has really experienced a genius addiction. It is comparable to the quantum wave velocity method after reading a book, and he forcibly memorizes the content of the entire book with the ability to remember.

To this end, he also specifically asked a special mutant to learn how to create his own "memory palace" and organize books by category.

In this way, Sam Caesar has a library in his mind, which is full of all the books he has read and browsed.

His development of memory is even more exaggerated.

As long as you hear a certain word, you can automatically retrieve it in this memory palace and quickly pull all kinds of knowledge.

Even the Chinese-American student with a well-developed brain field was taken aback and called him a monster genius.

The title of 'genius Sam Caesar' came out all of a sudden.

After three months.

Not only the development of the brain domain, but perhaps the rich nutrition of the academy, Sam Caesar's height has increased by three centimeters, and his physique has become more symmetrical and slender.

During this period, he did not go out of control and violently even once, which made assistant Jean Grey, who had been observing, quite relieved.

As if moistening things silently, his other mutant abilities have been further awakened unconsciously.

Like Jean Grey and McCoy the Beast, Sam Caesar is indeed a mutant with multiple abilities.

'Microscopic vision. '

'Infrared vision. '

'Enhanced vision. '

The X gene continued to be expressed, the potential was tapped, the senses were further strengthened, and the eye perception ability suddenly improved by leaps and bounds, so Sam Caesar's eyes suddenly gave birth to a variety of abilities.

Mind power, as a main skill and self-protection skill, will naturally be exercised repeatedly over time.

In the actual combat course in the holographic simulation training room yesterday, he once fired a psychic cannonball, directly smashing multiple steel plates.

You know, the material of steel plate is much stronger than human bones.

Ordinary people can't bear this blow.

This is the result of his training, and it is also the result of Jean Grey's careful teaching as a teaching assistant.

At this time, Sam Caesar was no longer as simple as letting his telekinesis grab items.

Cohesion into one to form a psychic cannonball.

Scattered around the body to create a psychic barrier.

Offensive and defensive integration, can not be described as weak.