
In Marvel I can Evolve Infinitely (X-Men/Marvel)

When he woke up, Sam Caesar came to the Marvel world. At the age of sixteen, he only wanted to survive in the Marvel world, where the world was destroyed at every turn and the universe was restarted. But Alas, he was born extraordinary! His genes mutate and evolve all the time, and all the stimuli from the outside world and all the characteristics of the enemy’s attacks will prompt him to evolve corresponding restraint methods. At every moment, his cellular genes are rapidly mutating and evolving, and the biological evolution of tens of millions of years only takes a few seconds on him. In this way, thousands of abilities have sprung up in his body like mushrooms after a rain. Fantasy materializes, and what is depicted in the heart appears out of thin air; modifying the probability, tampering with all the probability of reality. Reorganization of matter, control of subatomic reality; manipulation of space and time, control of dimension and time axis. Even Sam Caesar himself knew that over time, he would become omniscient, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. By the way, this kind of existence seems to be called ‘OAA’ in this world. Only… Obviously, he is fully qualified for this. Not my novel, I am only translating.

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter-7 Extrasensory Perception

Chapter-7 Extrasensory Perception

Another three days have passed.

His sense of smell has also evolved subtly, and his nose is able to separate many flavors from the air.

Counting the infrared vision that can be observed in a night environment. Night Vision.

The ability to see through an object and look directly behind it. X-ray Vision.

Even like a camera lens, the viewing distance is constantly adjusted to observe the microscopic vision of smaller objects.

And … Enhanced hearing ability.

Sam Caesar's sensory ability was also not weak.

Until now, Sam Caesar has somewhat understood the superpowers that he can rely on.

It's not about telekinesis, telepathy, sensory enhancement, or unforgettable memories, etc., but the genes that evolve all the time.

As Jean Grey said at the time, his cells proliferated rapidly, and his ability to mutate and evolve was extremely strong…and he could even consciously avoid observed by other to a certain extent.


"The days are getting more and more promising."

At least in the Marvel world where the earth is always in near going extinct state and the universe is an alteration event, Sam Caesar has some skills to settle down and defend himself.

Even if he, who only dabbled in the movie universe and read some well-known comics in his previous life, knows several major events in the comic universe are really famous, so he has heard how dangerous it is.

Even…the own universe may be only part of the multiverse.


At least in Sam Caesar's perception, the world in front of him is definitely not the movie universe, but the real universe in which he lives now.

"The plot of the movie X-Men: First Class never happened, and the Hellfire Club still exists."

"So the Havok that died in the first battle is still alive, and he is also Cyclops Scott's second brother. This should be like a cartoon setting."

"It's not just him..."

Darwin, the mutant in the film, is also alive.

Sam Caesar looked out the window. While looking outside, he saw a black guy who was playing with a teleporting boy on the basketball court.

Darwin's ability is very interesting. He can automatically adapt to the external environment. Intuitively, when he enters the ocean, he can grow fish gills and even further generate a Murloc form.

Desert terrain also allows the skin to quickly retain moisture and quickly adapt the body to the hot environment.

"And the members of the Avengers..."

During this time, although he hadn't walked past any other mutant students, the news from the outside world did not fall behind him.

Television and the Internet are so convenient that you can learn about the world without leaving your home.

Especially the playboy Stark, Tony is still frequently appearing in the headlines, it is not difficult for him not to pay attention.

"Tony has become Iron Man."

"Because of his recent frequent appearances and high-profile showing off of his mecha, Stark Group does not know how much the stock price has risen."

Besides Tony, among the headline celebrities, he also noticed a Manhattan upstart.

There is a so-called 'new financial giant', Victor von Doom.

To say that the level of brain domain is not developed, Sam Caesar absolutely can't remember what this name means. But the ability to perfectly recall all his memory, also recalls all the scenes and pictures that he has seen in his previous life.

"Doctor Doom."

"This is the big villain in The Fantastic Four, and in the comics, he is very strong."


"The most well-known group of heroes right now is The Fantastic Four, who are already very active on the East Coast."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is still hidden and unknown to the public."

"As for Team America, the two agents of shield, Hawkeye and Black Widow, also didn't show up either."

Everything is looking very peaceful.

It looked like the calm before the stormy night.

After all, Sam Caesar has noticed that the mutant registration scheme has been hyped by many lawmakers, and the outside influence has also made the mutant's reputation worse and worse.

A storm is about to be swept over the mutant's side, and the active atmosphere of the teachers and students of the academy has also declined somewhat.

Don't think too much, accumulating strength is the key after all.

For Sam Caesar, it really has been three months without taking a step out of school.

Since the first time he ran out of control at the community school, causing most of the teachers and students to fall into a coma, Sam Caesar did not go out for a few laps in a high-profile manner.

I have to say that Professor X's memory-cleaning ability is still a bit awesome.

No reports or news have seen Sam Caesar's name appear.

I didn't see the orphanage and school worrying after I disappeared.

As if he was evaporated from the world, the whole person completely disappeared from the archives.

After staying in school for so long, Sam Caesar was called out by Jean Grey even before he thought about going out to get some air.

"Staying in the academy for three months, don't you feel bored? I think you need to go out for a walk to get some fresh air."

On the grounds of psychological counseling, and in the name of salute balloons to prepare freshmen for admission, Sam Caesar followed Jean Grey out of the academy.

"You're a bit taller than before."

Jean Grey glanced at Sam Caesar unexpectedly.

Sam Caesar's height now was roughly the same as hers.

Jean still remembered that when she first brought him to the academy, he was at least half a head shorter, but after three months passed, he grew a little taller.

Taking the car, the two came all the way to the streets of Manhattan.

Here, there is a nice gift shop.

"Something is Not right."

Just when Phoenix girl Jean Grey was about to reach out and pushed the revolving door in front of her, she stopped.

In the dark, she had a premonition about something going to happen.

Some crises are brewing silently in the dark as if someone is peeping from a distance so that they are captured by the Phoenix girl with amazing telepathy.

"Be careful....."

She tells Sam Caesar to be vigilant, but Sam Caesar, who was walking side by side just now, fell behind and had already stopped.

Does this boy seem to have been warned of danger ahead of time?

"Sixth sense..." or Danger Sense

Sam Caesar slightly stretched his brows. It was only at this moment that he realized that in addition to his five senses, he also got an early warning ability called the sixth sense.

They were actually being watched!!

