
In Marvel I can Evolve Infinitely (X-Men/Marvel)

When he woke up, Sam Caesar came to the Marvel world. At the age of sixteen, he only wanted to survive in the Marvel world, where the world was destroyed at every turn and the universe was restarted. But Alas, he was born extraordinary! His genes mutate and evolve all the time, and all the stimuli from the outside world and all the characteristics of the enemy’s attacks will prompt him to evolve corresponding restraint methods. At every moment, his cellular genes are rapidly mutating and evolving, and the biological evolution of tens of millions of years only takes a few seconds on him. In this way, thousands of abilities have sprung up in his body like mushrooms after a rain. Fantasy materializes, and what is depicted in the heart appears out of thin air; modifying the probability, tampering with all the probability of reality. Reorganization of matter, control of subatomic reality; manipulation of space and time, control of dimension and time axis. Even Sam Caesar himself knew that over time, he would become omniscient, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. By the way, this kind of existence seems to be called ‘OAA’ in this world. Only… Obviously, he is fully qualified for this. Not my novel, I am only translating.

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter- 5 Unlimited Potential, Bright Future!

As we all know, a person's height and appearance are determined by genetics.

The X gene in mutants' bodies is the key to their abilities.

Innate ability, random mutation, no one can accurately understand what ability the X gene will bring.

Someone can't 'switch' normally, and the ability is always on.

Because of this, an appearance has changed greatly and cannot be recovered; some eyes cannot see people normally or even touch others. Under such a major genetic defect, no one can guarantee that the mutation of the X gene will definitely move in a good direction.

But today.....

Jean Grey saw a magical scene.

"It's amazing."

Sam Caesar's X gene does not have any major defects, does not affect appearance, does not hinder life, and can be turned on freely. More importantly, it is only a part of it, and there is still more room for activation.

This means that Sam Caesar's own capabilities still have more to be tapped.

It's not the most outrageous thing, though...

Jean Grey found that the X gene of this young man did not show psychic characteristics at all, which was another innate talent of his own.

The superpowers in this world are naturally not monopolized by mutants. On the contrary, very few supernatural powers are active in this arena, and it is the first time that he has both.

"Hank, you need to see this cell."

Seeing the beast McCoy walk into the research room, Jean Grey immediately gave up her observation position.

"What's the situation?"

The Beast hank saw Jean Grey's serious appearance, and his curiosity suddenly came up.


It's just that when the beast brought its eyeballs closer to the microscope, it didn't find any uniqueness in this gene cell.

Just like ordinary people, the gene fragments are silent, without many expressions, showing any characteristics;

The blood cell samples also lacked viability, and there was nothing unusual about the rate of proliferation and mutation.

"No problem, Jean!"

The Beast was suddenly confused.

"It's not right..."

Jean Grey frowned, but when she observed the cell data again, she immediately got the same result as the beast.

There is no abnormality in the genetic cell data! !

Wrong! !

All of a sudden, Jean Grey only felt a tingling on her scalp.

She confirmed and observed again and again, and immediately realized that the second observation was different from the first observation! !

She herself has an outstanding ability in the spiritual field, how can she have such behavior as a memory disorder?

She couldn't possibly remember wrong.

Apparently…the genes and the cellular self have changed suddenly.

The gene fragments were suddenly silent, and the blood cells were suddenly devoid of vitality.

Thinking about it carefully, maybe even the gene cell itself knows that someone is observing, and even does not want to be further studied, so the self-consciously disappears.

Once such a bold imaginary idea arises, it cannot be wiped out.

In addition, there is a certain probability that his own genetic cells are ordinary, and the rapid mutation observed before is abnormal.

In any case, she couldn't come up with an answer.

Jean Grey glanced at Sam Caesar with a complicated expression and said nothing more.

It seems that the special person in this world is not only her, but also… this teenager.

"As expected..."

"It's Omega level!"

The Beast McCoy didn't delve too much into Jean Grey's previous words, and only thought that the other party had made a mistake in the experimental data. After all, in his opinion, Jean was just a little kid who had just graduated.

Without pondering other gene cell data, McCoy directly gave the X gene a rating.

"Unlimited potential, promising future, your talent looks at the entire mutant, and it is also the top."


"Young man, don't be too happy, Omega-level is indeed very strong, but it only refers to talent and potential, that is to say, how your future grows depends on whether you can fully use your talent!"

"If the X gene fragment is no longer expressed in the future, it is also possible to become stronger, which requires the careful teaching of the teachers!"

Say it.

The Beast boasted and patted his heart, a feeling of being wrapped around himself.

"Besides that, there are quite a few omega-level existences."

"The assistant Jean in front of you is one."

"And… Iceman is an omega level too."


The reason for such a high rating is that everything on earth is a particle in motion, and when the iceman's freezing power is powerful enough to penetrate the microscopic level, then time will stand still through freezing.

In theory, Iceman could gain the ultimate power to freeze everything, including time.

But a theory is a theory after all, and whether it can reach the ceiling depends purely on acquired efforts.

Before that, many omega-level mutants may not be able to fully use their talents for their entire lives.

Sam Caesar knew it in his heart and didn't study it too closely.

Compared with the Omega level, after the medical examination results, he was more concerned about Jean Grey's previous words.

It seems he is very special.

His other genes and cells seem to be more complex and mysterious than the mutant's X gene, so even the Phoenix girl feels a little curious.

The two of them didn't get into it.

"Thank you, Assistant Professor Jean."

Sam Caesar also greeted Phoenix Girl with this honorary title.

The Jean Grey in front of him was only about three or four years older than him, and there was a hint of childishness on her quiet and gentle face. And her clothes were no different from that of a young girl.

"So my body is fine."

Sam Caesar mentioned something intentionally or unintentionally.

"Don't think too much about it. Your physical health is very good. I don't know how your own cells are, but it will definitely be beneficial to you."

Jean Grey laughed.

"You may be special..."

"But I'm more special than you!"

"You have to grow up well and be a good boy, I will take good care of you!"

Jean Grey said in a very dogmatic manner.

No matter how you look at it, Jean Grey in front of her has the meaning of a future teacher. At this time, she is somewhat only enlightened.

And Jean Grey does have the confidence to give others a clue.

Because she is the host of the power of the phoenix force!!

Say that among the most dangerous events in the Marvel world, there are many cosmic crises caused by this phoenix host!

Iceman, an omega-level existence, has no chance of winning compared to Jean.

Compared with her against my own loss of control, if this woman loses control, it will be real trouble.

