
In Loving Memory (MHA)

Izuku Midoriya has been living what most people would call a hard life. Bullies, being uncharacteristically shy, and being stuck without a power in a world where the norm is to be supernatural. In a hypothetical universe crafted to make you, the reader, yes you, violently sob, (Don't you feel special) Izuku Midoriya fell off a roof and lost his whole world. Upon his premature death in a hospital bed, Izuku finds there is more to this world than meets the eye and that death isn't the end of the story. Katsuki is broken. A boy he's known since birth is gone and it's his fault. Still, he applies to U.A academy, if not for the same reasons as before. Before, he wanted to be the best. To surpass even All Might. Now, he's doing it in his friend's place, to save people in remembrance and recognition. But secrets are abound even in the afterlife, and not everything is as it seems.

Valkyrie_Rain · Others
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24 Chs

Whoops, that broke, it was my main character's emotional stability

Izuku settled in the backseat and cheered. Mission accomplished! Toga had been guaranteed help, and everything was at least relatively ok. He felt a lot better about being dead, since nobody could hear him. He passed through the side of the car and watched as it drove off into the distance. Suzuki would probably be fine. Granted, Izuku and Suzuki were both exhausted from the possession. The fatigue began to set in the more Izuku thought about it. He began to head back to his old apartment.

Earlier that day however, if you remember dear reader, Inko Midoriya had left to have tea and conversation with Mitsuki. Inko arrived at the Bakugo household relatively soon after Izuku had left to warn the teaching staff of U.A about the attack on the USJ. Inko knocked on the door, and the door opened to reveal Mitsuki Bakugo, an intimidating but friendly woman. "Inko, good morning! Come in, come in." She stepped aside to let Inko in. Mitsuki closed the door behind Inko once she came inside and started to take off her shoes. "I bought some new tea recently, it's brewing on the counter."

"Thank you, Mitsuki. How are you holding up?" Mitsuki started towards the living room, and Inko followed close behind.

"Well, the house is a lot quieter than usual," Mitsuki sighed, flopping on the couch. "Katsuki is always busy with something. Probably homework. Or whatever it is he's working on. I ask, but he always mutters something and ignores me."

"Oh, is he okay?" Inko sat down next to her.

"I'm not sure. But he's always up in his room and when he isn't, he's really quiet." Mitsuki pursed her lips. "I think he's still thinking about-" Mitsuki stopped talking, then took a deep breath before continuing. "I don't blame him." Her voice cracked. "I get it. I'm still not over it either."

"I know. I miss him too," Inko murmured.

"I still kind of expect him to come by every so often for dinner like he always did. He always had something to talk about." Inko nodded slowly in agreement. "But, enough about me. Are you okay?"

"That's the thing I came to talk to you about."

"Hm?" Mitsuki raised an eyebrow.

"There's these weird things going on in my apartment. I'm not sure exactly how to explain it. Sometimes I go to bed, and the house is a mess. Then, I wake up and it's well, a lot less of a mess, just as an example. But some stuff is moved after I use it, and this morning I went into Izuku's room and his sheets and blanket looked like somebody had gotten out of bed in a hurry."

"Hm. That's strange," Mitsuki mused. "Is your husband home?"

"He's delayed until around nine today."

"Oh yeah?"

"It just kind of feels like somebody's there," Izuku said quietly. "The place doesn't feel empty."

"I see," Mitsuki murmured. "I think I know what you mean."

"You do?"

"Yes, but when the house doesn't feel empty for me, I mostly just write it off as me feeling off for the day. I'm not one to believe in ghosts. But maybe there's some nearby quirk messing with the place or something." A timer rang, and Mitsuki pushed herself to her feet at hurried to the kitchen. A minute or two later, she came back with two teacups and a teapot and set them down on the coffee table.

"Ooh! I always love your tea," she smiled as Mitsuki poured her some tea. She held the glass in her hands for a few moments before her smile fell. "I think somebody's in my home."

"Like a really polite home invader?" Mitsuki said absently, blowing on her tea to cool it down. "Sounds unlikely."

"No, I mean that I think my apartment is haunted." Mitsuki raised an eyebrow and sipped her tea wordlessly. "I know you're skeptical, but I needed to talk to somebody about it."

"Why would some ghost haunt your apartment?"

Inko took a deep breath and a sip of tea to steel her nerves. "I think it's Izuku."

Mitsuki froze and set down her tea without looking at Inko. "Why aren't you talking to Hizashi about this?"

"Hizashi's busy all the time, and he's busy getting back home right now. Once he gets home, he'll want to rest. I just had to talk about it with somebody I trusted before I started overthinking about it."

"So. You think this hypothetical ghost is your son. Why?"

"Firstly, if Izuku was staying up a little later, he always closed everything up. He closed the blinds, made sure everything was locked, and helped out a little before going to bed. Each night these days however, if I forget to lock the front door or close the blinds or put away the leftovers of dinner, it's all taken care of by morning. Secondly, sometimes the stuff in his room is moved around or rearranged. Thirdly, this morning, like I said, his bed was disturbed. It looked like somebody had gotten out of bed in a rush."

"How long has this been going on?" Mitsuki asked quietly, finally picking up her tea.

"It started a couple months after he died. Everything seems to be moving without me. I don't know what to think of it."

"Neither do I. If I didn't trust you so much, I'd have thought you were mistaken or lying. But I know you, so I guess I believe you. You have something influencing your daily life, probably a very polite ghost."

"It's the world's most non-threatening haunting."

Mitsuki laughed. "Maybe this ghost doesn't know how to haunt."

They chatted for a while, discussing their daily lives and slowly moving further from the topic of ghosts. However, the thought still weighed heavy on Inko's mind. She thought for some time, and after about an hour, she found it was time to go home and left with a happy goodbye, but had still never stopped thinking about the strange happenings in her home.

Later, when Izuku returned home, he found his mom and dad, sitting on the couch and watching a movie. They were cuddling, a sight that made Izuku smile. He hadn't seen his dad since the funeral. He remembered how excited his mom had been to get news he was coming home. He missed his parents deeply, despite being so close to them. He had considered appearing on multiple occasions, but it was never the time. It still wasn't. And even if the time was right, every time he considered it, Nana Shimura's reminder rang in his mind. That he could never again live with the living, he could only visit. Izuku felt sick at the reminder. His smile fell.

He stared blankly at the scene, watching the smiles on his parents' faces. He wasn't entirely sure if ghosts could cry, but he sure felt like it now. He went to his old room, thinking that maybe his old collection of All Might things could cheer him up. However, upon walking into his room, the sight had the opposite effect. He wasn't sure what it was. Maybe it was the pristine quality of the room, that it looked like nobody had been there in ages. No matter how long he spent in the room, it wasn't lived in. No matter what he did, even if he were to rip the sheets off the bed and sweep everything on the shelves onto the floor, the changes wouldn't stay.

The room was a museum exhibit to all that had died.

Izuku had never had a chance to mourn his old life, since he never felt like his life had ended. He was still here, he figured, so there was nothing to mourn. But now, as he saw everything he had lost, he crumbled to his knees. He had lost his family, what friends he had, his time in school. He could watch in on everything in the world of the living, but he could never return. His old life had died, and with it, so had Izuku Midoriya.

Izuku stared at everything he had left behind, kept with more care than his things had been treated than when he was alive, and he started to cry. Horrible, choking sobs welled up in his throat, and he wailed and cried with nobody there to listen. He was all alone, and there was nobody who could hug him like his mom used to and tell him that everything was okay.

I wish I hadn't died, he thought to himself in between sobs. He desperately missed his life, and sobbed harder at the thought. His heart and lungs ached, and for the first time in a while he remembered what it was like when he was alive. He wished he could go to his mom and dad for a hug and the world would be round again. I wish I hadn't fallen off that stupid roof.

The thought reminded him of the memory. He could remember sitting on the ledge, and the time when he was falling, but he couldn't remember jumping. He was sure he had jumped, but he couldn't remember it. A voice at the door caught his attention. "You okay, kid?"

Izuku turned only to see Nana Shimura. "I don't think so," he said, rubbing at his eyes. "How did you find me?"

"I asked around," Nana shrugged. "There aren't many ghosts around your age in the area."

"I guess you were looking for me to get a check in on how everything was going with saving class 1-A."

"Not really. I was looking for you to check in on you." She sat down next to him on the floor. "What's going on?"

"It's stupid."

"Nah. If you're crying this much, it's probably not stupid."

"I miss my life," Izuku sniffled. "I miss my family," he added on, but quieter this time.

"Aw, you really had to look me in the eyes and know my feelings?" Nana chuckled. "I know what you mean."

"Do you really?"

"A lot of the older ghosts that died later in life don't experience it as much, but us younger ghosts, especially the ones who died recently, often have trouble with mourning our life."

"Does it get easier?"

"No, it doesn't really," Nana sighed, wrapping her arm around her shoulder. "But you learn to deal with it."

"What was it like for you when you died?"

Nana sighed, wearing a half-smile on her face. "I went back to my old apartment after a little while. The landlord had heard I died and had cleared out all my things and put them in a storage container. Someone else had already started to move in. I got upset, and I knocked over a lamp."

"You did?"

"One of the only times I've interacted with the world of the living. Scared the crap out of the new guy."

"Wow," Izuku murmured, a little surprised.

"I cried a lot for the first week, especially since I could never follow up on my promise with my son."

"What promise?"

Nana's smile melted away. "I promised him I'd be back for him as soon as it was safe." Izuku didn't know what to say.

"That's awful," he finally said.

"I miss him. I wonder what he's doing with his afterlife."

"Me too," Izuku mused.

"I know what you mean when you miss your old life."

"Mhm," Izuku nodded. "And I can't ever go back."

"I guess we'll just have to watch the world together, won't we?" Nana half-smiled, ruffling his hair."

Izuku laughed shortly. "I guess we do. At least I have one friend here."

"So, what did you do today?"

"I helped that Toga girl I told you about."

"Did you?" Nana smiled and raised an eyebrow.

"I did," Izuku said proudly. "She's gonna get some help now. And I also warned the teacher of 1-A about the attack. The class is safe now."

"How did you pull off helping that Toga girl?"

"Um," Izuku paused, rubbing the back of his neck. "Possession."

"Possession? Where did you learn that? It took me years to pick it up, and it takes weeks for me to build up the energy to do it for ten or so minutes."

"This one other guy, Yosuke. I met him by chance and he taught me how to do it when he found out about the problem."

"Yosuke? Tall guy, gold eyes, black hair?"

"Yeah, him," Izuku said. "Do you know him?"

"I've met him on occasion. Strange guy, but other than being a little weird, I don't know much about him. What do you think about him?"

Izuku was quiet for a moment. "He makes me a little nervous. I'm not sure why."

"I would trust my gut on this," Nana said. "If he makes you uneasy, I would keep my guard up."

"Thanks, Shimura."

"No problem. I worry about you too much to let you get hurt."