
In Loving Memory (MHA)

Izuku Midoriya has been living what most people would call a hard life. Bullies, being uncharacteristically shy, and being stuck without a power in a world where the norm is to be supernatural. In a hypothetical universe crafted to make you, the reader, yes you, violently sob, (Don't you feel special) Izuku Midoriya fell off a roof and lost his whole world. Upon his premature death in a hospital bed, Izuku finds there is more to this world than meets the eye and that death isn't the end of the story. Katsuki is broken. A boy he's known since birth is gone and it's his fault. Still, he applies to U.A academy, if not for the same reasons as before. Before, he wanted to be the best. To surpass even All Might. Now, he's doing it in his friend's place, to save people in remembrance and recognition. But secrets are abound even in the afterlife, and not everything is as it seems.

Valkyrie_Rain · Others
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24 Chs

The weird guy decided to break my tile floor

The next day, after a long conversation with Nana, he left to go to U.A. He tailed behind Katsuki, who walked to the train station and took the train all the way to the U.A campus. For some reason, Katsuki was oddly quiet. He didn't even yell at the random guy who bumped into him because he was on the phone. Izuku looked at him quizzically. Granted, recently he hadn't paid as much attention to Katsuki as he had in the past because of all he had been doing, but what would have happened that would cause Katsuki of all people to go silent? Katsuki had been unusually quiet anyway for the past few months, but he usually let out one outburst in the morning. He could almost imagine Katsuki thinking to himself about how great amounts of fury were good for the soul. (Trust me, it's not.)

Izuku thought for a moment until his thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice. "Hey, Bakugo! What's up?" Izuku looked up, recognizing Kirishima running full speed over to Katsuki.

"Ah. Right. Kirishima."

"You remembered my name!" Kirishima grinned.

Katsuki snorted. "Barely. What do you need?"

"Do you want to spar sometime? I saw you fighting, you seem pretty cool, and I think we could, y'know, learn from each other, I guess."

"And why would I learn anything from you? You lost miserably to that brown-haired girl. She barely knows anything about combat."

"I know I can learn something from you, and I know a think or two about combat. It just kinda seemed like she had an advantage then, but even if I can't help you learn something, I can certainly take a few hits." Kirishima grinned brightly, the kind of smile that lit up the room.

Katsuki raised an eyebrow. "You're offering to be a punching bag? And to think I thought more of you. I've known plenty of people that don't fight back against bad people." Katsuki's expression half-faltered. "They don't turn out alright. So if you want to spar, you're gonna have to fight back."

"Always do." Kirishima's toothy grin reappeared.

"Fine. I'll set up some time to spar with you," Katsuki finally relented. Kirishima cheered.

"Alright, man! Looking forward to it!"

"Mm." Katsuki nodded, seeming indifferent to the redhead. However, Izuku noticed a flash of something in his eyes. Katsuki found this boy to be interesting, enough to pay attention to for a little bit. However, unlike the kind of look Izuku was used to, the kind of look Katsuki had when he had found someone he could beat up, he seemed to be genuinely curious about how this would turn out. Izuku smiled. If this all worked out, Katsuki would have a genuine friend. He hadn't had one in a while, but whenever he did, he was a lot gentler on the people around him. Ochako would likely be a lot safer from his outbursts! And even better, Katsuki would be happy. And this, readers, is why Izuku needs therapy from a ghost therapist who would listen to the 'funny stories' from Izuku about Katsuki, stare at him for a few seconds, click their ghost pen and scribble something down.

Katsuki entered the class 1-A classroom and the rest of the class filed in. Iida, as usual however, was already there. Katsuki roughly sat in his seat, and so the day began. It was dull, at first, and soon it was time to head to lunch. Ochako was talking with some of the other girls. They were chatting about going to the mall after school and maybe studying after that. A support course student and Kaminari were excitedly chatting, and Shinso walked alongside both of them, listening to them talk. Katsuki however, was still silent. Kirishima was walking next to him, but Katsuki didn't even acknowledge his presence.

They entered the lunchroom that had just started to be filled and every student went to go order some food, everyone except for the ghosts in the room. Of course, ghosts came and went all over the place. He saw them on the street, in his neighborhood, heck, one or two had come into his mom's apartment by accident. So, it was a given that some of them would be here at the school. Most of the ghosts there were students or heroes. Some of them looked so close to the living that Izuku almost thought they were alive. However, they were still ghosts, just like Izuku was. Izuku watched the idyllic scene in front of him as students chatted and ate the food they had ordered. Only the first year students ate for this lunch period, considering the size of the school, but even then a lot of people were there already. He sighed, a little miserable about the reminder. He turned to leave the room and explore the rest of the school, but a sight caught his attention.

Purple fog slowly started to appear near the corner of the lunchroom. Conversations gradually began to fizzle out and come to a stop. The fog grew into a thick smoke until it was a cloud bigger than the doors. Out walked monstrous creatures that hadn't been there before. Izuku watched in shock and horror as humanoid creatures roughly ten feet tall filed into the room. And finally, behind roughly forty monsters, a man followed them.

He was as pale as a sheet and had the kind of body you'd expect to fish out of a river. Severed hands were all over his body, one over his face and three clinging to each arm. Two hands were on his shoulders as if they were a parent encouraging him. His own hands, the ones that were actually attached to his body instead of being worn like the latest trendy accessory, looked scratchy and dry, like he had washed his hands forty times that day. His hair was greasy and stringy and the sickly blue color of crushed dreams and evoked the same feeling as looking at vomit.

Who was this guy?

The man chuckled, and the chuckle turned into a cackle. Izuku stared at the man in shock, unsure of what to do. The man's cackle was high-pitched and scratchy, and the kids in the room exchanged a few nervous glances and backed up from the monsters. A few of the kids that Izuku recognized as hero or support students got ready to fight. However, a lot more students ran to the doors to escape. The man snapped his fingers, a pointy grin hidden behind the hand over his face. Three of the monsters zipped towards the doors and walls, swatting the students away from the doors. A girl with pink hair who was covered from head to toe in oil and grease tumbled head over feet upon being knocked to the side, and tumbled into the man. "What the heck, you little brat?!" The man snapped, kicking the girl away. The girl climbed to her feet and examined her machines.

"You broke them!" The girl shouted, almost shaking from fury and pulling off a mechanical boot. "Look at that! This took me four days to get right!"

"Hatsume!" Somebody shouted, moving to grab her, but was held back.

"What are you gonna do, cry?" The man had scarcely finished speaking before a metal boot ricocheted off his face, knocking the hand off. Hatsume jumped at him, knocking him to the floor and punching him with all her strength. Izuku quietly applauded as a few students stared in shock. The man grabbed her forearm, and she yelped in pain, her attack interrupted. She scrambled back to get away, but the man's grip on her arm tightened. His red eyes had a glint of satisfaction flickering in them and for a moment, Izuku didn't understand the source of Hatsume's pain for a moment, before he saw her skin around the man's hand begin to decay and break off. Izuku moved to help, but someone else got there first.

In a flash, iida was beside the man and Hatsume. He kicked the man with all his strength, his legs propelled by the engines. The man shouted in pain, then Iida scooped up Hatsume and ran her to a place of relative safety. Izuku tried the doors. Locked, or jammed. Either way, somebody had gotten to the other side. They would need to break down the door.

"Where are the heroes?" A general studies student whispered, warily eying the monsters.

"The alarms didn't go off," Kaminari whispered back, staring at the scene around the students with obvious fear in his eyes. "Can somebody call them?"

"I tried. No signal. Somebody's jamming it." Nobody knew what was going on or what these monsters were. Nobody moved, except for Iida, who was trying to do first aid with what supplies everyone had. "We're on our own."

"Now then," the man smiled, narrowing his eyes. "If I can have your attention, that would be great." The room was silent, and the ghosts in the room watched in abject horror.

"Ghosts!" Izuku shouted. "Do any of you know how to possess?"

A ghost of a student roughly the age of 17 raised his hand. He floated over, his black ram's horns his most prominent feature. "I do."

"So do I," said a girl with light blue hair, floating over as the man with the hands started monologuing about how the students were hostages and how he was going to lure the teachers into the lunchroom and kill the teachers, or at the very least kill one of the students.

"I can," said another girl with red hair. "But only for a minute or too."

"Same with me," said a boy with fangs.

Blue Hair Girl sat in midair, crossing her ankles. "Why do you need that particular skill?"

"Yeah," said Fang Boy. "That seems a little specific."

"Alright, I have a plan," Izuku said quickly.

"You'd better," said Ram Horns. "My great grand-niece is here."

"Okay," Izuku nodded. "Now I need anyone who can interact with the world of the living." A young man at around 21 with a pair of wings approached the group.

"I'll be glad to help," said Wings Guy. "What's the plan?"

Izuku quickly explained the plan as the students began to huddle together, and Izuku noticed the wheels turning in Katsuki's brain. He was strategizing, and that's what made Izuku a little nervous. The monsters were unfamiliar, and nobody in the room but the weird man knew anything about what they could do. They were incredibly fast and came in many shapes and sizes, but they all shared one communal trait, that they were all much bigger than any of them, even Shoji, who could have doubled in height and still been shorter than even the shortest of the monsters.

Izuku wasn't sure the level of control that the weird man held over the monsters, but one thing was for sure, the students were more or less outnumbered. Around forty students in the room had combat-based quirks and only a few of them had actually trained in combat. Based only on what he knew about the speed of these creatures, it would probably take two or three students who could fight to stand a chance.

Except for the ghosts collectively working out the flaws in the plan, the room was silent. This was a very quiet hostage situation, and nobody moved. Katsuki and Todoroki were scanning the room, probably trying to figure out a plan. They whispered to each other while the weird man wasn't looking, and Iida worked on keeping all the students calm. Ochako and Momo soon made their way to the pair, adding more to the whispered conversation. Izuku looked at the room in confusion. If this man had so much power on his side, what with all these monsters, why on Earth was he still holding everyone at a standstill?

He stared at the monsters for a moment more and started to see flaws he hadn't seen before. Some of the monsters looked a little misshapen, like they had been dolls put together in a hurry. One of the monsters who had wings had a wing half-hanging off. Only a few of them looked completely finished at a closer glance. Izuku smiled and floated over to the small group that had now formed that was planning something.

"Don't panic," he whispered, only allowing his voice into the living world. "Act like everything's normal." Katsuki stiffened for a moment, but everyone else just looked a little confused. "Look at the monsters. Do you see anything unusual?"

Todoroki looked around, then narrowed his eyes. "They look unfinished," he murmured back.

Katsuki raised an eyebrow. "They must have been made, then. In a hurry, it seems."

"So what do we do now?" Ochako hissed.

"We plan," Todoroki shrugged. "Though we can't attack the man at the front directly because we don't have a license, we can attack the monsters without any legal interference."

"How do you know that?"

"The Monstrous Creations act of 2016, clause 24.3, beings or constructs that can safely be deemed inhuman or that are created by the power of a quirk that are causing a danger to the local area can be attacked in self-defense. Some people are trying to get that bit overturned or reformed or the definition on what can safely be described as human changed a little bit, but in this case it works in our favor." Everyone stared at him in shock. "I studied the law and legal loopholes when I was younger. Comes with the childhood. I now keep up with most of the changes to law around Japan."

"Right, so it's agreed, if we run into trouble with the law, we call Todoroki," Yaoyorozu nodded.

"That's not the point," Katsuki hissed. "We need a plan to get out of here and call the heroes." Katsuki? Planning and working together with others? That was a little out of character. This wasn't the Katsuki that Izuku knew, but he wasn't going to complain. Izuku smiled. The students would initiate the plan.

"What are you doing?" Ram Horns asked.

"Stopping the standstill. Something tells me this guy isn't all he's cracked up to be. And besides, we have the plan we need to finish." The students quickly put together a plan, but their whispering was caught.

"Hey! What are you kids talking about?" The weird man rasped, the hand now back on his face.

"How ugly you are!" Katsuki spat. "You're dressed like a homeless man and have the posture of someone whose father left them."

"My father is dead," the weird man hissed.

"Looks like I'm right," Katsuki smirked, flashing his characteristic grin that usually came before he beat someone up.

"You cheeky brat!" the weird man snapped. "Nomu! Get him!" One of the monsters whirled around. In a flash, it was beside Katsuki, who turned and made the biggest explosion Izuku had ever seen him make. Ochako, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, the 'nomu,' Katsuki, and several nearby students went flying. The silence was shattered, and with it, the composure of everyone in the room. The monsters were attacking and running around at the weird man's orders. Someone turned on battle music. Fights ensued, and a kid was hyperventilating in the corner.

Katsuki climbed to his feet and frost started to accumulate on the walls. Todoroki helped himself up with a table, letting out a breath of fog like the room was cold, which it wasn't. Ochako was already across the room, mid-combat with the weird man and dodging whatever attacks he tried to make. However, she couldn't keep up this fight forever, and Izuku knew it. A blast of ice swept across the floor, sweeping Ochako off her feet and to safety, as well as separating the weird man from everyone else. Todoroki had clearly caused it.

But now, movement in the room was more limited. Ice and frost covered the entire floor, and ice spikes jabbed up every now and then. Some of the kids were now shivering, but the fight went on. Katsuki was beating up a monster with explosions and a whole lot of force, and Iida was fighting the weird man and trying his best to keep his fellow students safe.

"Alright everyone," Izuku yelled to his fellow ghosts. "We start the plan now!" Ram Horns, Blue Hair Girl, Red Hair, and Fangs Kid zipped off at their typical ghostly speeds, each stepping into the body of a nomu mid-attack. One dropped to the floor, another jumped out a window, and the rest started convulsing, trying to regain control of their bodies. The ghosts left their chosen nomu and jumped into another one. One flopped on the table, one started doing the chicken dance, and more just flopped to the floor. Some of the kids yelled in fear, but Izuku jumped into the body of another nomu. "Wings Guy, do your thing!" he shouted before entering the body.

Wings guy zipped along, grabbing the back of the weird man's shirt and yanking him to the ground. "What's happening?!" Ochako exclaimed, whirling around, but then slipping on some ice. Izuku panicked, hopping out of the body of the nomu and into the body of the nearby Todoroki. He moved to catch her, but Ochako was already floating above his head via her quirk. Izuku cleared his throat, a little embarrassed, but held out his hand, trying to use Todoroki's fire. He wasn't sure how to do it, he had just recently learned how to possess and had never learned how to use someone's quirk, especially since he'd never had one himself. He tried to think fire thoughts and after a moment or two, he released a blast of fire that hit the weird man square in the back.

Izuku panicked for a second. The rush of energy was unfamiliar, but comforting. It felt a little like a sizzle through his veins. Was this what it felt like to use a quirk? Was this how Katsuki felt every time he created an explosion? The weird man whirled around upon patting out the fire on his ratty black hoodie. Izuku reacted quickly, raising a hand to create a blast of ice, when suddenly it felt like he had been pushed from his seat on the couch, and he was outside Todoroki's body again. Todoroki didn't collapse, but he stumbled and wobbled before correcting his posture. The weird man grumbled and then shouted in frustration. He looked around the room.

"Fine. I'll destroy this place myself." He crouched and swept his hand towards the floor, pressing his palm to the tile. The floor began to crack and split and soon started to break under some people's feet, and Ochako fell through the floor.