
Immortal Across the Multiverse

"I once was human, but now I stand as the shield of humanity against threats from both within and out. Not a single soul shall perish in vain under my watch." - James Newitt A man destined to shake the very foundations of the multiverse, ushering in an era of peace, order, and security for his new Empire.

Cadet1220 · Others
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11 Chs


The stench hit us like a physical blow the moment the door creaked open wider. We pushed through, Jek and I, our boots squelching on the slick, crimson floor. The sight that unfolded before us was enough to make your sanity teeter. Corpses, a grotesque tapestry of civilians, soldiers, and even a smattering of guardsmen in their distinctive green Armor, were strewn across the corridor like discarded dolls.

We picked our way through the carnage, the metallic tang of blood heavy in the air. Each body, each lifeless face staring accusingly at the cracked ceiling, hammered home the horrifying truth. This wasn't war. This was a massacre.

The corridor seemed to stretch on forever, a macabre tunnel of death. Finally, at the far end, a broken iron door hung crookedly in its frame. Beyond it, bathed in the harsh sunlight of a wrecked city, lay a scene that nearly toppled me over the edge.

The once bustling dessert street - the name a cruel joke now - was a wasteland. Buildings lay in smoldering ruins, their insides spilling out like disemboweled giants. More bodies, hundreds, maybe even thousands, were scattered amongst the debris. Guardsmen, identifiable by the flashes of green amidst the red, lay crumpled in heaps. It was a battlefield, but one devoid of valor, a testament only to slaughter.

A dry heave rose in my throat. "Emperor protect us," I choked out, grabbing a nearby lamppost to steady myself. The metallic tang of blood was thick enough to taste, and the heat of the ravaged cityscape pressed down on me, suffocating. The sheer scale of the carnage threatened to drown me in a wave of despair.

The metallic tang of blood was starting to dull my senses when Jek nudged my arm. "Sir, what's that?" he whispered, pointing towards a pile of bodies near the broken iron door.

Squinting through the haze of carnage, I followed his gaze. A splash of yellow amidst the crimson – a suit of power armor, the unmistakable mark of a Space Marine. A cold dread pooled in my gut. Space Marines were humanity's ultimate warriors, walking engines of war. Seeing one so easily defeated spoke volumes about the horror that had unfolded here.

Curiosity, morbid as it was, gnawed at me. I crouched beside the fallen warrior, Jek close behind. The armor bore deep scorch marks and gaping holes, evidence of a brutal battle. With a heavy heart, I reached out and gently nudged the fallen hero onto his back. The helmet was cracked, its integrity compromised. Hesitantly, I reached out again and removed it.

A pale, scarred face stared back at me, the warrior's eyes wide open in a silent scream. He wasn't young, but the lines etched on his face spoke of a life spent in constant war.

"Damn," I muttered, the weight of the situation pressing down on me. Jek, ever the voice of innocence, broke the silence. "Who's that sir?"

"You don't know a Space Marines, Jek?" Disbelief tinged my voice.

His confused frown answered my question. "Space Marine sir?" he stammered, his voice barely a whisper. "That's a Space Marine?"

I nodded grimly. "A dead Space Marine." Respect for the fallen warrior compelled me to do the decent thing. I closed his vacant eyes with a reverence I hadn't felt in a long time.

Gazing around at the carnage, a grim picture emerged. Guardsmen, their green uniforms a stark contrast to the red, lay scattered amongst the civilians. But the sheer number of civilian bodies spoke volumes. This wasn't a military conflict; it was a slaughter.

Rising to my feet, I offered a silent prayer to the fallen warrior. "May the Emperor grant you eternal light, brother."

Then, a jarring chime cut through the heavy silence. A holographic message flickered into existence before my eyes.

"Quest?" I breathed, confusion momentarily replacing the grim determination that had settled over me. Internally, I scoffed. "What quest system?"

[Mission: Save Goru-Prime (200,000 Credit)].

My lips formed a tight line. This wasn't going to be easy. "Jek," I said, my voice low and serious.

"Sir?" he responded, eyes wide.

Slowly, I turned to him, the weight of the mission settling on my shoulders.

"Grab a lasgun and some grenades. We're going on a killing spree."

Jek's eyes widened further, but without hesitation, he moved towards the nearest fallen guardsman, scavenging for a weapon and ammo.

My gaze drifted back to the fallen Space Marine. His bolter lay discarded by his side, the chainsword strapped to his other hip gleaming dully in the harsh sunlight.

Taking a knee, I whispered a silent apology. "Forgive me for looting your belongings, but I'll need to borrow your weapon." With reverence, I unholstered the chainsword, its weight a reassuring presence in my hand.

Jek rejoined me, armed and ready. A glint of newfound determination shone in his eyes. We were a far cry from an elite fighting force, but we were all we had.

A distant scream, sharp and desperate, pierced the air. It sounded like a child. My heart lurched.

"Showtime," I muttered, a newfound resolve hardening my features.

We sprinted towards the source of the scream, dodging fallen bodies that littered the street like grotesque stepping stones. Buildings stood gutted, their insides exposed like gaping wounds. The stench of death hung heavy in the air, thick enough to choke on. The scream grew sharper, louder, a raw plea for help that tore at my gut.

Rounding a corner, I skidded to a halt. There, huddled in a dusty alcove, was a young child, his face contorted in terror as he clung to his trembling mother. Towering over them, a monstrous figure clad in crimson power armor. It was another Space Marine, but unlike the fallen warrior we'd encountered, this one radiated a chilling malevolence. His armor, once pristine, was now marred by jagged battle scars and dark iconography. In his hand, a massive chainsword buzzed with unholy energy.

"A Chaos Marine," I rasped, the word a curse on my lips.

Heart pounding a frantic tattoo in my chest, I charged. Adrenaline surged through my veins, momentarily masking the tremors in my hands. The stolen chainsword felt strangely familiar in my grip, its weight a reassuring presence. I swung the blade with a feral snarl, aiming for the traitor's back.

The bastard whipped around with inhuman reflexes, his own chainsword a blur of red light. The clang of metal on metal resonated through the ruined street as he parried my attack. Sparks danced in the air, the stench of burning metal filling my nostrils.

We locked eyes, a chilling exchange. His face, obscured by a grotesque helm, was hidden in shadow, but his burning red eyes held a terrifying madness. He roared, a guttural sound that seemed to shake the very foundations of the city, and lunged at me.

I barely dodged the blow, the chainsword whistling over my head. Sweat slicked my palms as I backpedaled, desperately trying to find an opening. Jek, bless his heart, had finally caught up, his lasgun barking uselessly against the traitor's power armor. The crimson warrior shifted his gaze to Jek, a snarl twisting his features. Before he could react, I slammed into him, my shoulder connecting with his armored chest with a sickening crunch.

Pain exploded through my left shoulder, blinding me momentarily. The world tilted on its axis as I stumbled back, my vision swimming with stars. This wasn't going as planned.

The crimson bastard wasted no time, charging at me with an unholy howl. My senses were on fire, adrenaline pumping through my veins. I dodged left, the chainsword whistling past my ear, the wind of its passage stinging my cheek. I lunged forward, aiming a desperate blow at its helmet. The teeth of the chainsword bit into the crimson ceramite, sending sparks flying. Just as I felt a sense of satisfaction, the monster retaliated. Its armored fist slammed into my chest, sending me flying through the air. I crashed against the wall, the breath knocked out of me. Pain flared across my ribs, a sharp counterpoint to the throbbing ache in my shoulder.

Through the haze of pain, I saw Jek, eyes blazing with determination. He pulled the pin on a grenade, the familiar hiss echoing through the ruined street. With a grunt, he hurled it at the Chaos Marine. It landed right between us, the detonation shaking the ground. The explosion filled the air with smoke and debris, momentarily obscuring the monster from view.

Coughs wracked my body as I struggled to sit up. The smoke began to clear, revealing the monstrosity still standing, its crimson armor scorched and battered but otherwise intact. It roared in fury, a sound that seemed to vibrate my very bones. With a renewed surge of rage, it charged at me once again. I knew I couldn't win in a straight-up fight. I needed to use my surroundings, my wits. Gritting my teeth, I pushed myself off the wall, the chainsword clutched tightly in my hand. This wasn't over yet.

I lunged at the crimson monstrosity, a desperate snarl escaping my lips. It parried my blow effortlessly, the chainsword screeching in protest as it met the Chaos Marine's corrupted blade. But this time, I was ready. As its fist swung towards me, I ducked beneath the blow, rolling to the side just as its armored knuckles slammed into the spot where I had been a heartbeat ago.

The ground beneath me shuddered, and I tasted dust. Pain flared in my side, a fresh agony joining the symphony of aches already plaguing my body. But I ignored it, scrambling to my feet. Every fiber of my being screamed at me to run, but the woman's terrified gaze, the child's choked sobs, held me rooted to the spot. I wouldn't let them die.

The Chaos Marine roared its war cry, a guttural blasphemy that echoed through the ravaged street. Its rage was palpable, a dark aura radiating from its corrupted form. It charged again, its chainsword a whirling dervish of death. This time, I didn't try to parry its attack. Instead, I used the momentum of its charge to my advantage. Just as it lunged, I sidestepped, the chainsword whistling past my ear once more.

With a desperate lunge, I slammed my shoulder into its armored leg, aiming to knock it off balance. The impact resonated through my entire body, pain lancing through my shoulder like a white-hot poker. But it worked. The monstrosity stumbled, its bellow morphing into a surprised grunt.

A flicker of movement caught my eye. Jek, his face twisted in a mixture of fear and determination, was gesturing frantically at the woman and child. He was trying to get them to safety. Thank the Emperor.

The Chaos Marine, regaining its balance with surprising speed, spun around, its gaze locking onto Jek. A feral snarl split its corrupted face. "Blood for Khorne!" it roared, its voice a cacophony of hate and violence. It raised its chainsword, a killing blow aimed at Jek's retreating form.

This wasn't just about survival anymore. It was about protecting the innocent, about defying the darkness that had consumed this place. With a newfound surge of strength, I roared a challenge of my own. "Not today, Chaos scum!" I charged, the chainsword a deadly extension of The Emperor will.

My chainsword connected with a sickening crunch, tearing through the Chaos Marine's crimson armor like it was paper. The monster shrieked, a sound of pure, unadulterated pain. It stumbled back, its arm spraying a geyser of corrupt blood. Adrenaline surged through me, momentarily masking the throbbing agony in my body. This was my chance.

With a primal yell, I lunged forward. The chainsword, slick with daemonic ichor, described a deadly arc. The corrupted blade met its mark with a resounding clang, splitting the Chaos Marine's helmet clean in two. For a horrifying moment, I stared into a face contorted in eternal rage, eyes burning with unholy fire. Then, the body went slack, crumpling to the ground in a heap of ceramite and viscera.

Silence descended, broken only by the ragged gasps of my own breath. I lowered the chainsword, its weight suddenly oppressive in my trembling hands. The metallic tang of blood hung heavy in the air. Slowly, I turned to Jek, the woman, and the child. They were huddled together, eyes wide with a mixture of terror and disbelief.

Jek was the first to break the silence. A single word, choked with emotion, escaped his lips. "Alive?"

I managed a weak smile, a tremor running through my battered body. "For now." Relief washed over me, a wave that threatened to drown me. We were alive. For now. The woman, tears streaming down her face, reached out and grasped my hand, her touch surprisingly strong. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice thick with gratitude.

The child, his fear momentarily forgotten, stared at me with wide, curious eyes. In that moment, amidst the carnage and ruin, I saw a flicker of hope. We might be battered, bruised, and utterly outmatched, but we were still here. And for now, that was enough.