
Immortal Across the Multiverse

"I once was human, but now I stand as the shield of humanity against threats from both within and out. Not a single soul shall perish in vain under my watch." - James Newitt A man destined to shake the very foundations of the multiverse, ushering in an era of peace, order, and security for his new Empire.

Cadet1220 · Others
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11 Chs

Death and Death

"Alright, time to get out of this palace," I rasped, my voice raw. The metallic tang of blood still lingered in the air, a grim reminder of the battle we'd just barely survived. My body throbbed with every beat of my heart, a symphony of pain conducted by the injuries I'd sustained.

Jek nodded grimly, understanding the urgency in my voice. "Jek, keep them safe," I instructed, gesturing towards the mother and child with the chainsword, the weight of it suddenly feeling foreign in my hand. The woman clutched her child tighter, her eyes wide with a gratitude that stabbed at my heart.

"With my life, sir," Jek affirmed, his voice resolute despite the tremor in his hands.

We sprinted through the devastated landscape, the stench of death and decay clinging to the air like a shroud. Buildings lay in smoldering ruins, their insides spilling out like disemboweled giants. Each step was a gamble, each shattered piece of debris a potential hiding place for another enemy.

We were headed towards the left side of the street, a gaping hole in the city wall marking the remnants of the city gate. Escape. That was the only thought fueling my battered body. Suddenly, a prickling sensation crawled up my spine, a primal sense of danger. This wasn't just the lingering fear of the recent battle. This was something else.

I slammed on the brakes, skidding to a halt around a corner of a half-collapsed building. Jek, his reflexes honed by countless skirmishes, mirrored my movement. The mother stumbled but managed to catch herself, her grip tightening around her child even further. Fear flickered in their eyes, a reflection of the cold dread that now gripped me.

We weren't alone.

My breath hitched in my throat, a dry rasp that sounded deafening in the sudden silence. Peeking around the corner with heart hammering in my chest, I scanned the street for the source of the disquiet. At first, all I saw was another tableau of devastation - a collapsed building spewing debris like a broken piñata, and a guardsman's body sprawled grotesquely amidst the rubble.

Then I heard it. A low, guttural growl that sent shivers down my spine. The sound grew louder, closer, accompanied by the unmistakable sound of heavy paws crunching on broken concrete.

A Flesh Hound.

The monstrous canine, a creature of pure Khorne-fueled savagery, emerged from behind a twisted metal girder. Its crimson hide was matted with gore, and its slavering maw dripped with the remnants of its last meal.

My hand shot out, fingers snapping a silent command at Jek. Panic flickered in his eyes for a moment, but then he understood. Fumbling at his belt, he produced a single grenade, his last one. Relief flooded me, momentary and sharp.

I stepped out from behind the cover, drawing the Flesh Hound's attention. It let out another ear-splitting growl, its eyes burning with a feral hunger. It charged, a blur of muscle and teeth.

Time seemed to slow. The grenade felt heavy in my hand, the pin a cold shard against my sweaty palm. I judged the distance, counted down the seconds in my head. Just as the monstrosity was about to leap, I released the pin. The hiss of the fuse echoed in the deathly silence of the street.

Without waiting for the inevitable explosion, I charged forward, the chainsword a deadly extension of my arm. The detonation threw the Flesh Hound back, a mangled mess thrown against the debris. It whimpered, a pathetic sound from such a ferocious beast.

Seizing the opportunity, I closed the distance in a heartbeat. With a single, brutal swing of the chainsword, I severed the creature's head from its body. The headless corpse twitched for a moment before finally lying still.

I stood there, panting, the adrenaline slowly draining from my system. The stench of burnt flesh and daemonic ichor filled the air, a sickening counterpoint to the ringing in my ears.

A wave of exhaustion washed over me as I wiped the blood from my face, leaving a crimson smear across my skin. It was a grim reminder of the horrors we'd just witnessed, a stark contrast to the fragile hope clinging to the woman and child huddled behind me.

"Let's go," I rasped, my voice hoarse. Every word felt like a shard of glass tearing through my throat. They followed without hesitation, clinging to the promise of escape like a drowning man to a piece of driftwood.

Minutes bled into an eternity as we sprinted through the devastated streets. Each ruined building, each lifeless body, was a testament to the carnage that had unfolded here. Finally, a glimmer of hope appeared in the distance – the broken remnants of the city gate, a jagged scar marring the city wall. Freedom, or at least a chance at it, lay on the other side.

But just as a sliver of relief began to bloom in my chest, it was crushed by the sight that greeted me as I rounded a corner. Four World Eaters, their crimson armor gleaming like malevolent eyes, stood clustered around a fallen lamppost, their laughter echoing through the desolate street.

Despair clawed at my throat. A frontal assault was unthinkable, a suicidal charge into the jaws of oblivion. If we stayed here, they'd find us. It was a trap, a no-win situation.

A low moan escaped my lips. The child, sensing my despair, reached out, his small hand clutching a tattered corner of my bloodstained shirt. His face, framed by grime and fear, was a poignant picture of innocence caught in the crossfire of war.

My gaze locked with his, and for a moment, the weight of the world seemed to press down on me - the carnage, the fear, the impossible odds. But then, I saw something else: a flicker of hope, a desperate plea for survival.

With a trembling hand, I reached out and squeezed his tiny fingers. A shaky smile tugged at the corner of my lips, a poor attempt to mask the fear gnawing at my insides. He smiled back, a spark of light in the encroaching darkness.

Letting go of his hand, I turned to Jek. My voice, when I spoke, was barely a whisper, heavy with a burden I shouldn't have had to bear. "Run when I give you the signal," I rasped. "Protect them, Jek."

Jek, his face pale but resolute, met my gaze. A single, curt nod was all the reply I needed.

Taking a deep breath, I stood up. The movement sent a jolt of pain through my battered body, but I ignored it. The woman, tears glistening in her eyes, choked out a prayer. "The Emperor protect you," she whispered.

"The Emperor protects," I echoed, the words tasting like ash in my mouth. Then, with a heavy heart, I stepped out of cover, walking towards the waiting slaughter.

As I walked out, a World Eater with a gleaming axe snapped his head towards me. The others followed suit, their movements predatory and cruel. This wasn't going to be easy, that much was clear.

"Looks like a rat survived the purge," one snarled, his voice dripping with sadistic glee.

"Extermination is in order, then," another chuckled, his words laced with dark amusement.

They began to advance, their heavy boots crunching on the broken pavement. I took a deep, shaky breath, forcing a smile onto my face. It felt like a grotesque parody, a lie stretched thin over the terror gnawing at my insides.

"Come here, kitty-kitties," I rasped, my voice barely audible over the pounding of my heart.

For a moment, they hesitated, surprised by my unexpected defiance. Then, with a roar that shook the ruined buildings, they charged.

There was no time for heroics. Turning tail, I sprinted away, my legs burning with exertion. Every ragged breath felt like a gift, every pounding heartbeat a victory. Behind me, I could hear the enraged bellows of the Chaos Marines, their heavy footfalls echoing through the deserted street.

A quick glance back confirmed my desperate gamble. They were after me, their attention solely focused on their maddened pursuit. Relief, sharp and fleeting, washed over me. Jek, the woman, and the child – they had a chance.

My lungs screamed in protest, each ragged gasp a searing pain in my chest. Running wasn't enough. The pounding footsteps behind me grew louder, a relentless rhythm that hammered against my sanity. I weaved through the skeletal remains of buildings, the uneven rubble threatening to trip me at every turn.

But the Chaos Marines were relentless. Their inhuman physiology allowed them to navigate the debris with ease, their crimson forms closing the distance with horrifying speed. Suddenly, the world became a blur of red armor and flashing blades. A bolter round exploded to my right, the shockwave sending me sprawling onto the debris.

I scrambled to my feet, adrenaline momentarily pushing past the pain. One of the World Eaters loomed over me, his axe raised high. With a desperate surge of energy, I kicked out, catching him square in the hip. The impact sent him staggering back, the axe clattering to the ground with a sickening clang.

Another Traitor Marine was upon me, his chainsword a whirling dervish of death. Reacting on pure instinct, I slammed my own chainsword into his, the blades meeting with a screech of tortured metal. The impact jarred my arms, sending a jolt of pain shooting up my shoulder.

Knowing I couldn't hold him for long, I used the momentum to twist away, rolling to the left just as his chainsword cleaved through the air where my head had been a heartbeat ago. My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat in the face of my impending doom.

The clang of clashing chainswords drowned out the ragged gasps escaping my throat. Two of the Chaos Marines pinned me in a deadly embrace, their blades grinding against mine with a sickening screech. The stench of daemonic corruption mingled with the metallic tang of blood, a suffocating shroud in the close quarters brawl.

Just when I thought my arms were about to give out, a red blur erupted on the periphery of my vision. The axe-wielding Traitor, back in the fight, swung his weapon with a feral roar, aiming for my exposed hip. Desperation fueled a burst of adrenaline. With a Herculean effort, I threw my weight backwards, twisting away from the axe's deadly arc. The blade bit deep into the rubble where I had stood a moment before, sending a shower of broken concrete raining down.

The reprieve was momentary. As I scrambled to my feet, the bolter-wielding Traitor Marine saw his opportunity. A vicious grin split his corrupted face as he squeezed the trigger. The world erupted in a deafening roar. The bolt streaked towards me, a comet of destruction.

I lunged to the side, the whistling projectile singeing past my ear. The force of the impact sent me crashing into a half-collapsed pillar, the shattered stone raining down like a macabre confetti. Stars exploded in my vision, pain radiating from every fiber of my being.

Through the haze, I saw the red figures of the Chaos Marines advancing, their movements predatory and cruel. They circled me, their laughter echoing through the ruined streets, a chilling counterpoint to the pounding in my head.

My chainsword felt heavy, a useless extension of my broken body. Was this the end? A single tear escaped my eye, tracing a warm path down my cheek. This wasn't how it was supposed to end. Jek, the woman, the child… they deserved a chance.

No. Not yet. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction. They wouldn't take another life this easily.

Gritting my teeth, I forced myself to my feet. My vision swam, but I focused on the crimson figures closing in.

"For the Emperor," I rasped, my voice raw with exertion and defiance. "And for those who deserve a damn chance!"

The world spun as the impact of the axe blow sent me sprawling. Bile rose in my throat, and a strangled cry escaped my lips as pain erupted in a white-hot wave from my gut.

"Pathetic," the Traitor Marine with the axe sneered, his voice dripping with sadistic pleasure. Laughter, a chorus of cruel amusement, echoed from his companions.

My vision swam, the edges darkening. My body, a broken puppet, refused to obey my frantic commands. I tried to rise, to fight on, but a searing agony lanced through me as a booted foot slammed onto my chest, pinning me to the ground.

Pressure built, a relentless force crushing the air from my lungs. Panic clawed at the edges of my consciousness. Every ragged breath was a battle, every heartbeat a stolen moment from the oblivion that threatened to claim me.

A guttural chuckle rumbled from above. "Looks like the little hero has run out of fight," the Traitor with the boot on my chest rasped. His voice was close, distorted, as if echoing down a long tunnel.

I wanted to scream, to defy them, but even that simple act seemed beyond my capabilities. All I could do was watch, through blurry eyes, as the cruel amusement on the Chaos Marines' faces morphed into something darker, something hungrier.

The boot shifted, the pressure on my chest easing slightly. But a new horror took its place. The Traitor with the axe leaned down, his face a mask of malevolent glee. He brought his weapon close, the serrated edge glinting maliciously in the weak sunlight filtering through the ruined city.

"Any last words, whelp?" he snarled, the stench of his rotten breath washing over me.

In that moment, staring into the abyss of death, a single image flickered through my fading mind - Jek, the woman, the child, their faces etched with fear and hope. They were free.

A ghost of a smile played on my lips. "The Emperor..." I rasped, the words a bloody whisper against the ruined city.

The axe descended.

The world went dark.

[System overlord]

[Host dead]

[Host not dead]



[System Reboot failed]

[Failed save]

[Save failed]

[System Error]


[Name: James Newitt

Race: Human

Abilities: Lion strength, Cheetah speed, cat reflexes, Immortal Soul

Title: Reincarnator, the living dead, Immortal,]

[Soul Reaper implemented]

[Name: James Newitt

Race: Human

Abilities: Lion strength, Cheetah speed, cat reflexes, Immortal Soul, Soul extraction

Title: Reincarnator, The living dead, Immortal, The Reaper]

My eyes snapped open. The familiar blue of the sky greeted me, a stark contrast to the nightmare I'd just lived through. Death's grip had loosened once more, my cursed immortality a cruel joke in the face of such brutality. But this time, there was no searing pain, no agonizing reminder of my shattered body. Instead, a holographic display flickered in front of me, filled with data streams and tactical schematics.

"Wait, Reaper?" I murmured, confusion twisting my gut.

The world dissolved into darkness. One moment I was staring at the data feed, the next I was engulfed in an inky blackness. But this darkness felt different, charged with a strange energy. A tingling sensation spread through my body, a transformation unfolding at a cellular level.

When the darkness receded, I was standing upright, the world back in sharp focus. The Chaos Marines, who had been preparing to continue their walked back to the gate, stopped dead in their tracks, their heads snapping towards me in surprise.

My tattered t shirt had been replaced by a dark, flowing robe. My chainsword, the weapon that had failed me in my final moments, had morphed into a wicked scythe, its curved blade gleaming with an otherworldly light.

A grim smile played on my lips. "Show time," I rasped, my voice a low growl that sent shivers down my spine.

With a burst of speed that left the Chaos Marines reeling, I reappeared behind them. The one holding the bolter gun didn't even have time to react before my scythe swept through him, severing his corrupted form in a single, clean stroke.

The remaining two Traitor Marines roared in fury, their chainswords flashing as they lunged at me. But I was a whirlwind of motion, my movements precise and deadly. I parried one attack, deflected the other, and then, with a sickening crunch, my scythe carved a bloody swathe through their armor, silencing them forever.