
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 79: Advice(1)


Ava looked around and stopped her gaze into the large white castle in front of her. She then flinched when she heard children's noises behind her.


"She's huge!"

"So tall!"

"Who is she?"

Ava turned her head and saw four children with green hair and golden eyes looking up to her. Spencer then introduced them to each other.

"This is Ava. Ava, this is Michael, Jessa, Lily and Josh."

Ava awkwardly smiled at them.

"H-hello, nice to meet you."

The children waved back to her with bright smiles. They then saw Lina and Selena approaching them and looking up to Ava with amazement.

"Wow, you are so huge!"

"I know right? I bet she's strong too."

While Selena was looking at Ava, she notices someone looking at her and saw a black haired girl looking at her. Selena then asked in confusion while pointing when she felt something familiar in the girl.

"W-wait, are you perhaps?"

Selena then felt someone patting her shoulder and saw Luke holding her shoulder.

"Selena, this is Yulia, the priestess of Darkness. Yulia, this is Selena, the priestess of Light."

Selena looked at Luke with surprise but Luke smirked at her. They then heard a majestic voice approaching them. They then saw a handsome man with long green hair and green eyes which reminds them of an old and wise tree.

"It's been a while since I saw both priest of Darkness and Light together."

Lina, who is beside Selena pointed at Erdene and asked while sweating nervously.

"Luke, who is he?"

Luke smiled and introduced Erdene to them.

"Everyone, this is Sir Erdene, the Spirit of the wood."

The children, Lina and Selena's jaws dropped. They then heard Lina mumbling from shock.

"C-crazy.... First a giant woman, next is a priestess of Darkness and now a Spirit? Crazy! Totally crazy!"

Luke ignored Lina's mumblings and turned around.

"You can pick your rooms inside."

Luke didn't wait for them to answer and went inside the castle. He went inside alone since Nash is busy playing with Ava and the others. He then went inside the room and plopped in his bed. He then started to think.

'Where the hell can I find a new suitable place for the giants and Erdene?'

Luke frowned. He doesn't want to do this but he doesn't want his island to be full of people either. He then sighed and lie properly in bed. He then just brush the question off his head and decided to just think about it later. He's tired to even think about anything.


Luke woke up and looked at the light green stone that he receive from Erdene. It's been already two weeks since Erdene and the others joined the group and Luke was so focused on where he'll dump Erdene and the giants that he almost forgot about the power of [Will of the Wood] in his pocket. He then heard Nash's voice beside him.

"Dad, what are you waiting for? Don't you need that to be stronger?"

Luke smiled and crushed the stone with no hesitation. Light green light was then immediately absorbed in his body. After completely absorbing the power, Luke looked at the empty pot of soil in his desk. It has a seed planted inside it. He then activated his new power and a small sprout appeared in the pot. Luke kept going and the plant instantly grew into a full bloom flower.

Clap! Clap!

Luke heard Nash's cheery voice while clapping his paws. He seems to be genuinely happy that Luke got another power.

"That's awesome dad! You made the plant instantly grow!"

Luke patted Nash's head.

"That's not the extent of my abilities you know?"

"I know! But if you use it too much, you'll cough up blood again! I don't want that! I am satisfied even if you can only do this much."

Luke sighed and just continued to ruffle Nash's fluffy fur. He then flinched when he heard a loud noise outside.


Luke sighed and walked towards the windows. He then opened the window and saw the others enthusiastically training together.

"Come on! Is that all you've got?!"


"Then stop hesitating and attack me already!"

Lina and Ava are passionately sparring each other. Lina is holding dual daggers while Ava is holding a big hammer made of wood branches. It looks like Erdene made it for her. Luke then turned his head and saw Julius, Spencer and the children practicing mana control peacefully in the garden. And then there comes these two...

"Hey, are you sure you really know how to play?"

"Of course I know!"

Selena and Yulia are busy playing cards in the corner. It seems like Yulia is really trying her best to be close with Selena. Well, it's quite good to see them getting along.


Luke turned his head and saw Liam peacefully doing swordsmanship positions in a corner and there is also Erdene , busy looking around the island. He said that he wanted to know the mechanism behind this floating island and so he's been roaming around the island for hours but it seems that he's enjoying himself.

"Okay so.... If I add this, and also this.... Can this work?"

Bell is busy researching new curse spells in a bench. He looked like a total bookworm with his messy hair and black eye bags. Luke just sighed.

"It's early in the morning and they are already this noisy. Damn, I really need to find Erdene and the giants a home, fast."

Nash smiled and just let Luke rant all he wants. He then spoke while pointing at Erdene.

"Can I talk with him? I want to get stronger too!"


Luke looked at Nash looking at him. He then finally understood his intentions. Erdene, although he looks young, he basically lived ever since the creation of this world. Asking him for advice is a wise thing to do since Erdene had probably more knowledge than he does.

"Sure, go ahead."

Nash smiled and then flew out from the window. Luke just looked at Nash happily approaching Erdene. Erdene seemed to be surprised at first but soon smirked while looking at Nash as if he was amusing. Luke just shrugged off his shoulders and let them be. He then walked out of his room and went outside. He then started to chill under a shade while looking at his teammates doing what they want to do.

The group then noticed Luke sitting under a tree while observing them. They then started to focus more in what they're doing. They don't know what's going on inside his head but they were sure that he is observing their progress. Well, at least that's what they thought.

'Wow, now that I notice it, our numbers are steadily getting larger. What the heck? How did this happen?'

Luke's face turned serious. He really doesn't know why their numbers suddenly got larger. It is like it was just yesterday when there is only Spencer, the kids and Selena and Nash in the group.

The group saw Luke's serious face and started to get fired up for some reason. They didn't know what's gotten into them, but they suddenly felt the urge to impress Luke. They never seen Luke being impressed in something. Maybe that's why they're trying their hardest to impress him.

That's the same for Ava and Yulia. Ava then started to swing her hammer with more strength while Yulia's concentration skyrocketed which made Selena, who is looking at her, get quite nervous.

Luke just looked at their more energized actions with confusion. He then flinched when he heard something beeping in his pocket.

Beep! Beep!

Nash's ears twitched and immediately flew beside Luke. He then connected the magic communication device and Lance's face that Luke hasn't seen for a while appeared in front of Luke.

· Hello, you bastard, where are you now?

· Hello, you bastard, where are you now?

Luke frowned.

"Why're you asking?"

Lance just shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

· I've been asking where you are currently staying to Noah months ago but he also seem to not know where the hell you are. Anyway, that's not the main issue here, the Thea kingdom invited us to attend their celebration that'll be held next week. It seems like their beloved princess was finally healed and the king wanted to celebrate it with every kingdom, including the empire.

Luke just looked at Lance blankly. He wasn't really that surprised since he is the very first person that Berg sent an invitation to. Lance noticed his bored expression and frowned.

· What's with that face? Aren't you excited?

"I don't understand what part of that was exciting. Isn't that celebration a revenge and offering alliances in disguise?"

· Tch, you're no fun. Don't you want to screw with the empire that'll be coming? I heard that the Duke will personally come over as a representative.

"Hmm, I think it's best to focus on the upcoming war first."

Lance sighed and sat back on his chair.

· You're right. I also need to talk with the other kingdoms to join forces with us against the Dark Eye and the Empire. I guess I won't be able to rip the Duke into pieces in the party later.

"….Stop saying such scary stuffs."

· But I'm dead serious though.

Luke sighed. Luke could see fire in Lance eyes that says that he'll really rip the Duke into shreds. It seems that he also knew that the Duke is the one controlling the young emperor to do such terrible deeds. He then heard Lance speaking.

· Come with me to the Thea kingdom. Noah will also be coming with us. Oh and also, you bastard, will it hurt you to visit Finesse even once? She's pregnant and Noah is always asking me about you even at the middle of work."

Luke was silent. Lance noticed Luke's silence and asked in disbelief.

· Wait…. Don't tell me that you actually forgot that Finesse is pregnant?



Luke's head started to sweat furiously. He was so focused on other things that he thought that Finesse was still a shut in like in the novel. He forgot that the plot drastically changed and she is now pregnant. Luke's guilty conscience then started to prick on his head. Luke just sighed.

"….I'll visit her the day before we go to Thea kingdom."

· Wait, answer my question. Did you actually forget that she is pregnant?

Luke frowned and avoided Lance's questioning gaze.

"….I was busy you know?"

Lance and Luke were silent. It was a long, awkward silence. Luke then heard Lance's shocked voice.

· You forgot that she is pregnant too?


'Wait... 'too'?'