
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 78: Spirit of the Wood(5)

"I think it's okay for you to show yourself, Nash."

Nash then slowly revealed himself and the fairies and giants all gasped from shock. Yulia also gasped and she was the one who gasped the loudest.

"O-oh my god!"

"A legendary beast!"

"Holy shit!"

Luke frowned at their reactions. Giants were literally in front of them earlier and they just looked at them in shock and then when Nash showed up, they gasped like it's the end of the world.

'Well, giants aren't mainly known as a legendary beasts but as the destroyer of the world so it is quite.... Understandable?'

Luke just sighed and shrugged it off. He then heard Nash speaking gleefully while offering his front paw to Erdene.

"Nice to meet you grandpa! My name is Nash Clodwal!"

Erdene looked at Nash as if he was an interesting specimen.

"Interesting, most legendary beasts that I interacted with were socially awkward or has a short fuse. You are the very first legendary beast who is greeting me with a friendly vibe. Very interesting"

Nash smiled proudly.

"Dad told me that it is good to be able to socialize with people!"

Luke heard Eleanor's gasp and Luke turned his head towards her. She then saw her wide eyes looking at him. Her eyes were so wide that her eyes might pop off. Luke then spoke to not cause any misunderstandings.

"Don't be mistaken, I am not Nash's dad-"

"No! You are my dad! I don't care what you say! You are my dad!"

Nash then hugged Luke's head while looking at the shocked fairies and giants with a face that says 'he is my dad!'. Luke just sighed and spoke to Eleanor with a stressed face.

"Please don't tell this to anybody."

"O-of course, you can count on me."

Eleanor seemed to have calmed down and peeked towards his son, who is smiling at her. That's when Eleanor knew that his son already saw the legendary beast before her. She then finally realizes how strong Luke's group was and should not be belittled.

'He has a witch, two priestess, a swordsman, five young talented mages, an assassin and a young but powerful legendary beast! Their forces and powers is something not to be messed with!'

Eleanor is in awe, she was glad that she let Julius follow Luke. He could follow Luke's great steps to justice and also be safe from dangers. She then finally felt that her son was in good hands.

Luke didn't notice the look of relief in Eleanor's face and just looked at the giants still kneeling on the ground. Luke then asked something that he noticed to Erdene, who is talking with Nash.

"Sir Erdene, who is that girl?"

Erdene looked at Luke and saw him looking at the oddly small girl mixed in with the giants. Erdene smiled and called her name.

"Ava, come here."

The girl called Ava flinched, she then slowly stood up and walked towards them. Luke just looked up at her. Sure, she is small compared to the giants but next to a regular human? She is enormous. She is three meters tall with long black hair that is also almost covering her light brown eyes, making her look like a horror lady if anyone saw her at night. She had pale skin too but has long legs and arms. She also looks young; she looks like she is around 15 years old.

Ava stopped in front of Erdene and Luke. She looked down on Luke for a sec before bowing towards Erdene. Erdene just shakes his hand to stop Ava from bowing.

"Stop bowing. I didn't call you to bow for us. I want to introduce you to Luke and his friends."

Ava stopped bowing and blinked a few times in confusion. Erdene just sighed.

"You're always distancing yourself to others so why don't you introduce yourself and make friends?"

Ava looked at Luke and the rest of his group awkwardly. She then spoke in an embarrassed voice. She seems socially awkward.

"H-hello, my name is A-Ava. N-nice to meet you all...."

Luke just looked at Ava looking at the ground with a blank stare. She seems embarrassed.

"Nice to meet you Ava."

"That's right! It is nice to meet you! My name is Nash! Let's be friends!"

Nash then flew towards Ava and offered his small, fluffy paws to her. Ava blinked and looked at Nash's paw for a second before shaking it. Her hand is too big so she just used her thumb and index finger to shake Nash's paws.

"Ava! Why don't we play together? Liam, Spencer! You join us too!"

Liam just smiled while Spencer sighed. They then approached Ava and started to talk to her. While they are busy talking to her, Luke then asked Erdene.

"Why is she.... Small?"

"She is a product of a giant and a human."

Bell then butted in with a confused expression.

"How is that poss- Ugh!"

Bell stopped asking when Yulia elbowed his side. Yulia then looked at Bell with a glare.

"Don't ask."


Luke just sighed while looking at Bell and Yulia. They seem to be close now. Well that is a good sign, he doesn't need to plan on how to make them close to each other anymore. He then heard Erdene answering him.

"Her mother was human, until she was experimented and turned into a fifteen meter giant. We tried to ask her who experimented on her but she can't seem to remember. She then falls in love with Shawn...."

Erdene then looked at the leader of the giants. Luke also looked at him and realized who is Shawn that Erdene was talking about. Erdene then continued his story.

"After Ava was born, her mother died and Ava grew as a hybrid. Because of this, Ava distanced herself to the others thinking that she won't be accepted as a hybrid."


Luke nodded as if he now understood the situation. He then asked another question.

"What are the traits that she got from the giants then?"

"She got the superhuman strength from the giants but unfortunately, she doesn't inherit the giant's quick healing."

Luke was just silent while looking at Ava talking with Nash, Spencer and Liam. Julius, Bell and Yulia also joined in the conversation making Ava a bit flustered at the amount of people around her. Luke stopped focusing on them when he felt someone tapping his shoulders. He turns his head and then saw Erdene smiling widely at him. He got a bad feeling about this.

"Now that I answered all of your questions, I need you to do me a favor."

Luke suppressed himself from frowning and asked Erdene.

"....What is it?"

Erdene smiled brightly at Luke who is looking at him nervously.

"Lend me your island for me and the giants to stay in."

Luke was silent..... Very silent. After processing what Erdene just said he then frowned deeply, unintentionally showing his annoyance.


"Ho, so you are opposing this old man's request huh? No one dared to reject me like this since they knew they will immediately die if they do, but you are lucky since you are special."

Luke's face crumpled. He doesn't like his island to be too crowded. Seeing how many giants are in here, the island would sink. Hell no.

"Why do you need a new place? You could've just revived this entire forest again."

"Dark Eye might come back any time soon since they now know where my forest is located."

Luke frowned. What Erdene just said was right, if Dark Eye returns then they have to clean up all over again and for goodness's sake, he doesn't want to do that again.

"I-I'll.... Find a way somehow. But not my island."

Erdene smiled and patted Luke's shoulder.

"Okay~ I'm counting on you~."

Luke frowned even deeper which made Erdene chuckle. Eleanor looked at this and butted in.

"Uhm... Sir Erdene you can stay to our kingdom while waiting for Luke."

Erdene thinks for a moment before speaking.

"No, I want to stay with Luke's group for a while, his place is interesting."

Luke frowned but then sighed. He wanted to say no but he also doesn't want to annoy Erdene to the point where he'll kill him so he had no choice.

Eleanor saw Luke's tired face and asked him with worry.

"Are you okay?"

Luke smiled weakly and spoke.

"I want to go home."


Eleanor gasped and slowly nodded as if she understands. Luke smiled internally, he can now finally rest. But he then frowned when he heard Erdene's voice.

"Ah, can we take Ava with us? She seems to be now close with your group and she also seems to be slowly opening up to them."

Luke pushed himself back from screaming In frustration and smiled forcibly.


Erdene smiled and called the rest. Ava hesitated for a moment before she saw her father smiling at her. She then suppressed herself from smiling and went towards the others. Nash then immediately made a teleportation circle. Before completely teleporting, Erdene made a final order.

"Take care of the giants for me Eleanor."

Eleanor nodded and bowed. They then completely teleported back to the island