
I will Save this Doomed Plot

Jane is a normal reader that reads a lot of fantasy-adventure novels for fun. She enjoys a lot of books and finishes it even though the stories she reads are sometimes trash. The current trash novel she is reading is no exception: The novel [Endless Love] The World of Endless love follows a story about two lovers that go through a lot of challenges and wars all to seek peace for the other... But an unexpected tragedy occured that brought both lovers to their demise. The unforeseen ending of tragedy which was not added to the tags of the novel rages Jane and declaring the story as trash. Jane even goes as far as directly raging at the Author to express how upset she was for the ending. Just after Jane thought her problem was done after a night of sleep- Jane suddenly woke up in strange unfamiliar room and setting. She then suddenly realizes she had been transported to the world of Endless Love. What's worse, she became the maid under the Male Lead's mansion! With the sudden transport, Jane realizes the dilemma she is in as she is transported to the time before the war happens in the novel. In order to avoid that war and save herself, she must find several contained powers scattered around the world.... But there is one problem: "I have to become a man." ??????

Captain_Planet22 · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Chapter 140: Valley of War(3)

Luke, Liam, and Spencer teleported to Duke Wervey's territory in the northeast corner of Reece and proceeded straight to the valley right behind the Wervey territory, where Norman greeted them, along with a slew of soldiers all lined up for battle. The mages from the magic tower also arrived and took their positions with the high-grade mana stones that Luke had given them.

"Commander, all knights and soldiers are positioned as you have directed."

Luke nodded, his gaze fixed on the valley ahead of him. Because it is early in the morning, the sunrise can be seen clearly between two high mountains. Luke just stared at it calmly, while Norman looked at him nervously.

"Uh, commander... Regarding the position of the knights you've ordered..."

When Luke saw Norman's hesitant expression, he simply smiled at him.

"What's the problem?"

Norman scratched his cheeks and replied in hushed tones.

"Why did you send half the army up the mountains between the valleys?" Wouldn't it be more effective if you concentrated the armies' forces in the valley itself? And I doubt the enemy will bother climbing the mountains if they are only going to attack down here in the end..."

Luke's vision clouded and he just stared at the sunrise; Norman looked at him with concern, but Luke didn't seem to mind.

"Just wait and see."

Norman gulped as he gazed at Luke's mischievous expression, which was still fixed on the sunrise. Norman couldn't ask any more questions because his smile is so dangerous and ominous. Norman then simply stared at the valley's end, a worried expression on his face.

'It... It'll be fine; this is Commander Luke after all. There's nothing that could possibly go wrong....'

Norman gulped and looked over at Luke, who appears to be patiently waiting for the enemy. After the debate with Duke Reo, the Duke went into seclusion and has never shown his face since due to embarrassment. The queen and king are aware of this but have chosen to remain silent and remain on the neutral side. As for the people, they are beginning to spread fables at how an angel of light appeared at just one calling of the great Commander Luke.

Now that he's noticed it, everything big that's been going on in the kingdom and across the continent is somehow connected to Luke. This just goes to show how far Luke's reach can go. This made Norman feel relieved that he was on Luke's good side, or else he would end up like Duke Reo and his faction.


Norman's face hardens and he directs his gaze forward. His vision was then met by a swarm of soldiers and knights lined up at the valley's end, as well as countless mages dressed in white robes, and some men banging large drums that echoed across the valley.

Norman gulped and tried to steady his trembling hands. This is his first time ever being in a war; previously, he had only seen what was going on in the war through video screens, but now that he is in the actual battle, he is experiencing a strong sense of impending death, which sends shivers down his spine.

'So this is how war feels... Oh, God.'

Norman bit his lower lip and looked at Luke, who was walking forward calmly. He then heard him speak in a loud voice that had been amplified by magic.

"I see the Dark Eye has finally decided to go all-out on this final battle."


A voice echoed across the valley after the final beat of the enemy drums. It was a voice Luke was expecting but also a little surprised to hear.

"I see the news that you were alive was true! I should have put more withered souls in that spear!"

Luke's eyes grew cold as he gazed at the man who was smiling menacingly at him. Then Luke spoke up.

"Oh, so I finally get to see you. Ash, the 21st Former Archmage."

Ash burst out laughing, and the mages on Luke's side began to gulp and shake as they stared at the man carelessly laughing with shaking eyes.

Former Archmage of Paliath, Ash. He is the pride and hope of Paliath. He is also the King of Paliath's former right-hand man and the most trusted man in the Kingdom. The mages of Paliath all looked up to him; he became a beacon of hope for those aspiring to be Archmages one day.

However, when the King of Reece made the decision to attack and conquer Paliath, he was not present. He vanished like a bubble, leaving them in the dust and allowing Paliath to be conquered. The mages believed that the Reece had killed Ash behind their backs prior to the war, which is why their rage grew strong enough to side with the Regle Alliance, which treated them as disposable tools.

But now Ash has reappeared. Ash appeared alongside the organization known for destroying and killing countless innocent lives across the continent, laughing maniacally at them. It's difficult to believe that the Archmage they looked up to has devolved into this.


The mages looked at their fellow mage, who appeared to be shaking uncontrollably with rage. The mages simply looked at this with concern. They then heard the mage speak once more.

"We fought... We fought so hard because we thought you were dead. We fought for your honor; we fought for the kingdom... And now you're back... on the enemy's side?! You have the audacity to leave us in the dust like that?! You traitor!"

With shock, the mages all looked at the mage who appeared to be on the verge of crying out in anger. They turned their heads again when they heard a loud voice from one of their fellow mages.

"You filthy coward! You abandoned us to die in that war! You filthy coward! "

"Yeah! My daughter hid and waited for you to come and save us, but you never did! My child...!!! My daughter died while she waited for you!!! "

The mages then began to raise their voices all at once, causing Ash to come to a halt and look at the mages on Luke's side with disgust. Luke sighed as he looked at the mages shouting behind him. He was well aware that this would occur.

When Ash reappeared in the novel and began to destroy kingdoms, the former mages of Paliath felt betrayed and began to raise their voices at him as they fought him. But, of course, they all perished at the hands of the demons Ash summoned from the demon world's gate. They all died like ants when they were stepped on.

Although it is quite comical, they felt betrayed by a man who is in part of the Dark Eye while they were part of Dark Eye themselves not too long ago. They are also now serving under the kingdom that destroyed their home. These mages were in a depth of confusion now; they probably don't know what to believe in anymore since everyone has turned their backs on them. All they know now is to follow their princess, Finesse.

"Everyone, be quiet."

The mages all flinched and looked at Spencer, who was staring at them blankly. They then all gulped and fell silent. Spencer simply sighed and shook his head at them.

"You do realize that yelling like that will get you nowhere?"

The mages all flinched again, this time looking down at the ground. They all then looked down quietly while clenching their fists; it seems that their grudge is still in there. Spencer became aware of this and spoke once more.

"I didn't teach and train you guys mana lessons and Luke didn't give you high-grade mana stones so you could scream at the enemy like that."

The mages pursed their lips and continued to look down in front of Spencer. Ash simply chuckled at this.

"What's this? Is that a motivational speech you're giving to your mages in front of me? How unprepared are you? "

Spencer then turned to face Ash and spoke to him in a flat tone, as if he wasn't interested in him.

"Shut up, I am not talking to you."

Spencer simply turned his head back to the mages as Ash's face shifted from a smirk to a frown.

"Listen, if you wanted vengeance and to kick that guy's ass, you had to get physical and fight him. Words don't work on a son of a bitch like him; you have to beat his senses in order for him to listen to you."

The mages' eyes widened in surprise as they looked at Spencer. Spencer simply shrugged his shoulders in their direction.

"I'm mad at that guy as well, so you all better give it your all to fight him, or else I'll kill him before you guys get to him."

The mages gulped and stared at the dark and violent green mana swirling around Spencer as he stared coldly at Ash. They then forgot that Ash was the one who had previously murdered Luke, so Spencer's rage is understandable. They all clenched their fists and straightened their backs after that. They are all focused on one goal.

'Beats the crap out of the traitor before the Archmage touches him!'

Luke sighed as he looked around at the newly motivated mages who were beginning to emit violent mana. Right now, the mages' eyes are on fire with determination. And it's all because Spencer set them a challenge.

'I did the right choice to choose Spencer to be the Archmage. He appears to be doing well.'

Luke then turned to face the other violent man who was standing beside him. He then noticed Liam glaring at Ash with a murderous and cold expression while holding his sword with his aura on it. His aura is violently shaking, and his eyes scream for blood and murder. Luke backed away from him because he resembled a demon. Luke then sighed and looked at Ash, who was staring at him angrily. Luke simply smirked at him.

"My, my, it appears you owe a debt to many of us here. You won't be able to flee this time."

Ash then smirked and gave Luke a challenging look.

"Not that I'd run in the first place."

"I'm glad to hear that."

Luke then turned on his wings and aura and pointed the tip of his sword at Ash.


The Reece soldiers and mages yelled so loudly that the valley shook slightly from the vibration of their voices and began to charge. The soldiers charged at full speed behind Liam, who was already running towards Ash, while Luke flew above and began to survey the battlefield. Meanwhile, the mages all activated their long-distance magic, and Spencer, like Liam, flew towards Ash.

Ash smirked as he saw this. He then yelled and raised his hands.

"Charge! Rip them to shreds! "

The Regle Alliance then charged forward and engaged the Reece soldiers in combat. Meanwhile, the enemy mages all cast attack spells, negating Reece's attack spells.


Luke simply looked down, but when he noticed Ash smirking in front of him, he turned his gaze upward. Luke only gave him a frown.

"You're going straight for me, huh?"

"Hah! I came straight to you to make certain that I would properly kill you this time."

Luke made a skeptical expression and pointed to Ash's back. Ash frowned and turned around to see Liam's grim expression flying towards him.

"I'm going to kill you."

Liam then slashed his sword, but Ash formed a shield made of mana to deflect his blows. Ash groaned as he was taken aback by Liam's striking power. Liam's strength is far greater than he anticipated, catching him off guard.

Ash tries to push Liam away, but Liam continues to push him, making Ash frustrated.

"Watch your back."

Ash flinched and looked behind him, where he saw Luke staring at him blankly. Then Luke swings his sword at Ash. Ash frowned as he looked down at the purple-covered sword aimed at his stomach. Ash then gritted his teeth and made a black mana fist, punching Luke's stomach in time and pushing him away before the sword's blade could reach his body.

"Ugh! "

Luke clutched his stomach and frowned at Ash, who was smirking at him. Ash then made another fist beside Liam and attempted to punch him, but Liam blocked it with his hands, causing Ash to break free and fly away a little to give himself some space. He then looked at Luke and Liam, who were both staring at him.

"Ha, two against one, huh? Isn't this a bit unfair? "

Luke gave him a blank stare in response.

"Unfair my ass, you are not the real Ash."

Luke's words made Ash and Liam flinch, and they looked at him in disbelief. Luke simply ignored them and focused on Nash.

• Hey, Dad! It is faint but I can sense the real Ash mixed together with those mages over there! Sorry for the delay! He appears to be quite adept at hiding!

Luke's cold eyes then turned to the enemy mages below, who were casting attack spells. He then looked at Spencer, the green-haired man who is still charging forward towards the mages, oblivious to the bloodshed around him.

"Don't worry about me Nash, and keep helping Spencer find the real Ash."

• All right! I'll be right back!

Luke nodded and looked at the imposter Ash who was floating silently in front of him. Soon after that, he noticed Ash grinning, which quickly turned into a loud laugh.

"HAHAHA! Unbelievable! You immediately see right through me! Hahaha! What the hell? Are you a dragon or something?!"

Ash's stupid guess drew a frown from Luke. Luke then gave him a disgusted look.

"I am not a dragon."

"Psh, that's what every undercover dragon would say."

Luke frowned even more deeply and looked at Ash in disbelief. He suddenly felt a strong desire to punch this phony Ash in the guts, despite the fact that he knew he was a phony. And he did exactly that.


Luke punches the phony Ash as hard as he can, causing the phony Ash to vanish into thin air in an instant. Luke then looked around the air with caution, as did Liam. They have a feeling something is going to happen.

Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof!

Dark clouds began to form around Luke and Liam, increasing their level of alertness even further. After the clouds vanished, a swarm of Ash clones appeared all around them. Luke sighed and drew his sword.

"Well, look at this, he can make more clones of his disgusting face."

One of the Ash's frowned and spoke angrily.

"How dare you make fun of my face?!"

Luke simply shrugged his shoulders, and Liam dashed forward, slashing that Ash and causing him to vanish. Liam took a position in front of Luke as if to protect him.

"Brother Luke, please leave this place. I'll take care of these guys."

Luke nodded and took off flying away from the clones. Luke then flew around on top of the battlefield, looking around, before coming to a halt when he sees a net flying towards him and capturing him.

"What the-"

Luke was unable to finish his sentence because the net immediately engulfed him, causing him to crash to the ground due to the weights surrounding the net.


Luke immediately stood up and attempted to cut the net's ropes, but he stopped when he noticed large furry beasts approaching him with red eyes. The beasts then circled around him while looking at him menacingly with their saliva drooling from their fanged mouth.

For a brief moment, Luke was deafeningly quiet as he observed the beasts circling him.

"Wait a damn minute, werewolves?"