
I Will Become The Emperor

The emperor is ill, and his sons must fight for the throne. In the end, only one will remain alive and be proclaimed emperor. A dream, an ambition, a desire, for what? Is this dream yours, or just something imposed upon you? For what do you spill blood, do the lives around you mean nothing? What is your decision in the face of the predetermined path set for you?

Meshwaw · Fantasy
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13 Chs

First prince

It had been two weeks since Arthur started attending school, and during this time, he learned about his half-siblings. The first princess was named Seraphine, and her classroom had a dragon wing symbol on the door. The first prince, Nasus, had a classroom with a dragon head symbol. The fourth prince was Gabriel, and his classroom had a dragon claw symbol, while the fifth prince, Noah, had a classroom with a dragon tail symbol.

During this time, Arthur had mastered enough of his magic. While it seemed complicated to others, those of the imperial family had dragon's blood in their veins, making magic easier to control. Additionally, Arthur focused exclusively on the magnetic potential of his magic. Learning other aspects would be beneficial, but for now, he needed to be able to defeat his siblings.

Entering his classroom with these thoughts in mind, things continued as usual, with the combat mode always activated now, Sophie and Jhon practicing, and Nicolas occasionally joining. Selene, on the other hand, always seemed to be lying down, and Arthur couldn't recall seeing her practice. It was announced last week that there would be a combat between classes to assess the new students' performance. However, Arthur was certain it was just a way to hasten the conflict among the imperial heirs, especially since only the classes with imperial heirs were chosen for the battle.

Lost in thought, Arthur suddenly found a fireball hurtling towards him. Sophie laughed, exclaiming, "Catch this, Arthur!" Arthur raised his hand, and a magnetic field enveloped the fireball, halting its trajectory. With a simple closing of his fist, Arthur dissipated the fireball entirely.

Looking at Sophie, Arthur extended his hand. Sophie, with flames emanating from her feet, attempted to fly upwards, but a magnetic field enveloped her, immobilizing her mid-air. She struggled to break free but gradually became paralyzed until, with a forceful lowering of Arthur's hand, she was propelled towards the ground, crashing against it.

Jhon rushed to Sophie to check if she was okay, and she smiled at him, reassuring him. Nicolas applauded Arthur, remarking on how naturally he was using his magic in such a short time. Arthur attributed it to Nicolas' guidance.

Arthur thought focusing on magnetism was a good idea; its potential was beyond simply controlling metal.

The professor, who had been absent until then, entered the room with his usual displeased expression, instructing them to prepare for a combat with another class. Nicolas, frowning, mentioned they hadn't been informed it would be today, but the professor dismissed his concern, saying it was their responsibility to seek information. Arthur couldn't help but think the professor was unpleasant.

Despite Nicolas' desire to say more, the professor simply indicated where the combat would take place and left.

Sophie, with a punch to Jhon who was clearly afraid, confidently said they didn't need to worry because they were strong. They left the room, with Selene visibly disheartened behind them.

Upon arriving at the combat field, they learned they would face off against the first prince's team.

The field was a flat area with runes on the ground.

Nasus approached them, wearing a confident expression. His team consisted of physically fit individuals who seemed to obey his orders faithfully.

Standing in front of Arthur, Nasus remarked, "I believe you're my brother, right?" He smiled, adding, "It'll be an honor to fight you."

"Pleasure, older brother," Arthur replied politely. "I'm looking forward to our match."

After Nasus moved away with his team, Arthur looked at Nicolas and entrusted him with the strategy.

Nicolas suggested they split into teams of two: himself and Arthur, Sophie and Jhon, and Selene would move alone.

It was a simple and direct order, probably because Nicolas believed their class was superior to the others. While Jhon wasn't very talented, Sophie alone could carry him. Arthur nodded in agreement.

As the combat began, the entire arena transformed into a dense forest through magic.

Selene ventured through the middle, while Jhon and Sophie took the right path, and Arthur and Nicolas took the left.

Nicolas, utilizing his magic, ran swiftly through the forest, enhancing his muscles and senses with mana. Arthur managed to keep up with the basics of body alteration magic.

Nicolas impressed Arthur; the talent of someone from the imperial family was incredible.

They encountered Nasus, who was accompanied by one of his teammates, a muscular young man named Leo. Nasus greeted Arthur, stating it would be an interesting fight. Leo flexed his muscles, exuding confidence as he acknowledged Nasus.

Arthur and Nicolas exchanged strange looks before Nicolas swiftly moved towards Leo, delivering a powerful punch to his face, sending him flying. He then turned to Nasus, kicking him, but Leo vanished and reappeared two meters away from Nicolas. Nasus smiled, commenting, "That was close, almost scary."

Leo got up and charged at Nicolas, who raised his arms defensively. However, something strange happened; Leo stopped before hitting him. Confused, Nicolas lowered his guard, but then he was hit by a powerful force, sending him flying.

Arthur watched, commenting, "Leo seems to have a troublesome magic."

Nasus smiled, saying, "Indeed, he has an amusing magic."

Arthur positioned himself on a nearby tree, which began to change as if its fundamental existence were being rewritten. It transformed into a mass of metal, which melted and reshaped into several spears surrounding Arthur.

Numerous spears began hurtling towards Nasus at high speed. Nasus teleported two meters away from each spear, teleporting multiple times until he reached Arthur and attempted to punch him. One of the spears surrounding Arthur transformed into a thorned shield, blocking Nasus's attack and injuring his hand. Arthur looked at his older brother with disappointment, saying, "Is that all you have, my dear older brother?"

Teleporting several times to create some distance, Nasus examined his injured hand, realizing the fight might be more challenging than he initially thought.