
I Will Become The Emperor

The emperor is ill, and his sons must fight for the throne. In the end, only one will remain alive and be proclaimed emperor. A dream, an ambition, a desire, for what? Is this dream yours, or just something imposed upon you? For what do you spill blood, do the lives around you mean nothing? What is your decision in the face of the predetermined path set for you?

Meshwaw · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Magic

Arthur quickly calms down; it was powerful magic he possessed, but it would be useless without learning to control it correctly and understanding its limits. All he knew was theory from books, but none of them provided precise explanations or actually taught anything. From what he remembered, besides mana, a strong will was necessary to use magic.

Arthur looks at Nicolas. "Teach me magic."

Nicolas Bellator gives a smile you'd expect from a noble accustomed to social formalities. "Of course, Arthur."

Sophie smiles. "Teach me too!" Her voice sounds excited and eager.

Beside her, Jhon looks at Nicolas, a little worried about his response.

Nicolas Bellator planned to ignore the commoners, but Arthur, sensing this, says, "We must work together regardless. Nicolas, teach Jhon and Sophie too."

Nicolas Bellator sighs. "Magic uses mana. Those who can use magic are born with mana in their bodies, unlike those who are not born with this aptitude. To use this mana and transform it into magic, you must close your eyes and focus on the mana inside your body."

Sophie, Jhon, and Arthur close their eyes.

Nicolas continues, "While in this state, focus on your heart, which is the center of mana in the body. Now, simply imagine that mana moving and try to pull it out."

Sophie's entire body ignites in flames—a strong and fierce flame. Nicolas observes that she has a high amount of mana.

Plants begin to grow on Jhon's hands. His mana quantity is good, and his mana seems to have good purity, typical of people with green affinity.

In Arthur's case, there's no visible effect, but metal objects are pulled toward him, although the force isn't very strong; they stop around Arthur.

Nicolas Bellator comments, "You learned quickly how to expand your mana outward."

Sophie, engulfed in flames, asks if this is magic. Nicolas denies it, explaining, "Magic is your mana after it has been released from the body. When mana leaves the body and comes into contact with the atmosphere, it becomes magic that you can freely control."

Nicolas takes a deep breath, and his body begins to expand, his muscles increasing in size, giving him a muscular appearance. "My magic is a little different from others'. As a physical enhancement magic, it doesn't have an elaborate use that is properly called magic, after all, I can't mold the environment with it—only concentrate on different parts of my body to enhance it. For example, now I'm focusing on my muscles." His muscles then return to normal.

Sophie smiles and extends her hand, producing flames around her. "In that case, all I need to do is concentrate my mana and release it." Flames surround her hand, and she extends it toward Selene. Jhon cries out, "No, Sophie!" But she, unconcerned, releases her mana in that direction. A beam of flames heads toward Selene, who was lying with her head on the table. She opens her eyes, and just as the flames are about to hit her, they stop and head back toward Sophie. Sophie shoots another beam of flames, canceling the previous one that had returned to her. She takes a deep breath and smiles. "That's exhausting."

Jhon slaps Sophie. He approaches Selene and kneels. "Please forgive my friend; she's an idiot. Please forgive her."

Nicolas Bellator looks at Sophie with curiosity.

Selene, on the other hand, has a tired look on her face. She speaks calmly, "I don't care about that. It's not like it could affect me anyway." Without another word, Selene closes her eyes to sleep again.

Arthur, meanwhile, is pensive. Sophie didn't seem to have done it by accident, and before firing the beam, her smile for a moment seemed very cruel. Arthur wonders if it might be more challenging than he thought to control this class.

Sophie smiles and approaches Jhon. "I'm sorry, Jhon, for causing trouble again." Jhon, with a melancholic look, says, "I understand, Sophie. You don't need to apologize to me."

Afterward, they practiced magic a little more. Arthur understood that he could control metallic objects to a certain distance. Additionally, he could shape them, but it would become more difficult the farther they were. He tried to use his mana to transmute objects, but it was challenging. To do this, he needed a strong will and to believe that the object he wanted to transmute was what he wanted it to be, like looking at a stone and being sure it was gold, even if it wasn't in his eyes. Also, the amount of mana used was high, and the quality and resistance of the material created by transmutation didn't work like normal materials. You had to carefully consider each of these things before transmuting.

Jhon didn't seem to be advancing much in the use of his magic; he only made plants grow on his body.

Sophie, on the other hand, produced flames at will and occasionally sparks of lightning.

Elsewhere, in the emperor's room, he lay on the bed, not actually ill but rather very well. Kneeling beside him was a servant dressed entirely in black, his clothes completely concealing his body. The emperor asks which of his progeny is performing best, and the kneeling servant replies that the first princess, as expected, has shown to be the most talented. The emperor scoffs; his first daughter was a problem. He was worried that the battle of his progeny wouldn't be as enjoyable if she were too superior to the others.

The servant continues, "But the second and third princes have demonstrated rare magic abilities." The emperor smiles. "Perhaps I should organize a small competition to kill my weaker offspring."

The emperor asks about the first prince, and the servant responds, "His academic abilities are very high. His teacher was surprised by his ability to understand and comprehend something. But his magic leaves much to be desired. As for the fourth and fifth princes, there's nothing remarkable about them."

The emperor looks up at the ceiling while lying on the bed and says, "You may go." The kneeling person quickly leaves the room, closing the door. The emperor smiles. It was more enjoyable to see his offspring kill each other, to crawl to gain his position.

In the first prince's classroom, he smiles confidently, surrounded by four students. His plans are flawless, and while he may lack magical talent, he's confident his intelligence will prevail.

In the second prince's classroom, he sits atop the other four students, having defeated them with his magic despite learning it just that day, his body trembling not with fear but with anticipation for the coming battle.

In the classrooms of the fourth and fifth princes, they sit like any other students, their only distinguishing feature being their imperial family's obvious traits, such as their white hair.

Finally, in the first princess's classroom, the four students lie dead on the floor. She sits at her desk, contemplating why the professor fled the room.