
I Will Become The Emperor

The emperor is ill, and his sons must fight for the throne. In the end, only one will remain alive and be proclaimed emperor. A dream, an ambition, a desire, for what? Is this dream yours, or just something imposed upon you? For what do you spill blood, do the lives around you mean nothing? What is your decision in the face of the predetermined path set for you?

Meshwaw · Fantasy
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13 Chs


Observing the situation, Arthur thought, "I'm in the advantage. His teleportation only goes up to two meters, but it seems to be a trick. I suppose the true maximum distance is 12 meters." The transmutation I used should last long enough for me to defeat him, along with the spears.

Nasus tore his clothes and covered his injured hand with the cloth, then he took several knives from his pocket and threw them. Arthur raised his hand, and the metal from the spears forged a wall, but the daggers disappeared, teleporting behind him. Arthur reacted quickly, using the magnetism on his back to stop the daggers, but they didn't stop and hit him in the back. Arthur frowned in pain.

Nasus smiled and commented, "As I said, it seems the battle will be more difficult than I thought, but just that. The outcome doesn't change."

Arthur removed the daggers from his back and threw them on the ground. The daggers were made of silver. Arthur concluded that it would be a little problematic, but that didn't change the fact that he would still finish Nasus.

Controlling the metal around him, Arthur made it descend to the ground and form an area completely of liquid metal. Nasus stepped back, teleporting behind, and the silver daggers on the ground reappeared in his hands.

Arthur pointed his finger at Nasus, and all the metal on the ground rose like stakes, advancing towards him. Nasus dodged them all, teleporting as he approached. When he was in front of Arthur, Nasus threw a dagger, but the metal rose to defend him like a wall. The dagger disappeared again, appearing behind Arthur, who quickly made the metal rise to defend him again. The dagger collided with the metal and fell to the ground.

At that moment, Nasus was about to throw another dagger, but the metal enveloped him, restraining him and hindering his movements. He tried to teleport, but a stake rose, piercing his stomach. Nasus spat blood and asked, "Are you planning to kill me?"

Arthur made more stakes rise, also restraining his arms and legs, piercing his flesh. "I don't like doing this, but I'll do whatever it takes to become emperor," Arthur stated. "In battles, accidents happen. Surrender now."

Nasus smiled, but inside he wasn't doing well. As he thought, he was the heir with the worst combat ability. His magic, although good, was limited by the fact that his talent wasn't as good. He had thought of tricks he could use, but the fact that Arthur had made the metal cover the ground in liquid form allowed him to react to everything. He had stakes piercing his stomach, arms, and legs, and the pain was agonizing. However, he couldn't give up, so he decided to buy time.

"Seriously, Arthur, do you really think it's right for us, brothers, to fight just to satisfy the emperor's whim?" Nasus questioned.

Arthur's face became pensive, but his smile faded as he replied, "I thought you were smart, older brother, but it seems you're just a fool, Nasus."

Nasus roared, trying to channel his magic, but it was useless. Arthur made the stakes open inside his body, avoiding hitting his internal organs but causing enough pain to make him faint. Then, the stakes and the metal came out of Nasus, and the metal spread on the ground returned to being wood and leaves from the tree that was transmuted. Arthur began to sweat, as maintaining the transmutation while using magnetism was very exhausting. he should get some metals to use from now on.

Nicolas was in the midst of the fight against Leo. Leo lunged forward, throwing a punch at Nicolas, who blocked it with his arm. At that moment, Leo stopped the punch, but the impact came anyway.

A strong blow hit Nicolas's arm, but using his strengthening magic, he resisted. Nicolas wondered what kind of magic Leo had.

Leo stopped his punches before hitting Nicolas, but he still felt the impact, and the timing varied. There didn't seem to be a clear pattern.

"Not bad, you're not bad. Now, I'll go all out," Leo roared.

He advanced towards Nicolas, throwing several punches, but all were stopped before reaching Nicolas.

Nicolas remained prepared for the impact, but it didn't come. Instead, Leo grabbed Nicolas's head and slammed it against the ground.

Nicolas grunted but held onto Leo's hand, crushing it with his strength. At that moment, several punches hit Nicolas, causing him to release Leo's hand and kneel on the ground.

Leo looked at his hand and commented, "That hurt a little," smiling mockingly at Nicolas. Nicolas began to laugh, realizing he was overthinking how to analyze Leo's abilities. "I forgot I don't need that," he thought. Releasing all his magic without restrictions, Nicolas's body grew, becoming muscular. He stood up from the ground.

"From now on, all that matters is to crush you," declared Nicolas, advancing towards Leo and throwing a punch with force. Leo dodged and counterattacked with a hook, stopping Nicolas before hitting him again, but Nicolas hugged Leo, squeezing him tightly. The impact of the hook hit Nicolas's chin at that moment, but he didn't mind, enduring the damage and continuing to squeeze Leo.

Leo's scream echoed through the surroundings, his bones being crushed and tears streaming from his eyes. Nicolas increased his strength even more, hearing the sound of Leo's bones breaking. Taking a deep breath, Nicolas relaxed, stopping his magic and returning his body to normal. He had used a lot of magic to enhance his physical abilities, focusing exclusively on strength and endurance.

Nicolas looked at Leo's body lying on the ground and thought, "Your magic was interesting, but as expected, brute force is enough to overcome everything."