
I Have An Alien Mining Ship

Zhang Heng got a mining ship from an alien civilization! From then on, the rich minerals buried in the deep sea became his possession! Iron ore, copper ore, coal mine, rare earth ore, etc.! Oil, natural gas, and combustible ice that cannot be mined by human technology at present! Mining, mining, nothing to say! There are rich mineral resources in the waters of the island country? In front of the mining ship, it belongs to Zhang Heng! In addition, a large amount of metals can be processed and refined into rare metals and alloys! … This is a translation of a Chinese novel , don't scold me for any racism or nationalism or ccp brainwashing in the novel , just shut off your brain and ignore all that bullshit, I just translate this shit so more ppl can read and maybe someone gets inspired and writes some better stuff , Original name 都市:海洋采矿舰 Author : Braised Eggplant 03 From faloo

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Chapter 196: The Big Boss Gathers

Time flies!A week has passed in a hurry.At the industrial plant of Hengyuan Mining Group, colorful ribbons fluttered in the wind, and several large hot air balloons also lifted large banners into the air, adding a festive atmosphere to the messy construction site.The wharf delivery ceremony!No, to be more precise, it was the first phase of the project completion delivery ceremony. The two looked the same, but they were on a higher level.There were quite a few guests.Not to mention the county, all the leaders and officials who were in line and did not have important schedules came.As for the town, all the leaders and officials came, but they were not leaders, they were just assistants, and even the county leaders and officials had to stand aside.The important thing was the city. The deputy Liu came in person and became one of the main guests, but he was not the most important one. There were two more people ahead of him. Not only did they all come, but they were not the core figures.The core figure is a deputy in the province, and it is said that it is Lin Chengwang, who has been promoted to the general manager of China Shipbuilding Group 01, and the deputy general manager from the headquarters of China Construction Group.Three heavyweights are here in person!Zhang Heng will naturally come out. Some relatively important people still need to be greeted in person. Etiquette matters are secondary. He asked Yang Chengjun and Qian Tiemu to come out, and there is no problem.The time came to 9:50!The sky was white and the sky was clear. It was a good day."Everyone... It's almost time!"Zhang Heng greeted and confirmed the time to be 10 o'clock. There will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and the guests for the ribbon-cutting have been arranged [and he specially found ten etiquette companies in the city to arrange ten protocol ladies to come in full dress."Hahaha... come on, come on, please come on stage!"Lin Chengwang's relationship with Zhang Heng is needless to say, and he also volunteered to help.People who didn't know him thought he was half the owner, but no one felt it was abrupt, because everyone was knowledgeable and knew that Hengyuan Mining Group first cooperated with China Shipbuilding Group."Please go first, Mr. Zhang, after all, he is the master!"The deputy position in the province is very low-key and not strict. He gestured: "And Vice President Zhao, you are also half the master, after all, this is constructed by your China Construction Group.""That's not okay, you can't go first!"Vice President Zhao's administrative level is not low, but after all, he is in the enterprise, not as powerful as the people in the province, so he dare not be arrogant: "I also stole the limelight of the branch company, and it should be Mr. Sun who came on stage.""Leader, you can't do this.The construction team here is coordinated by the headquarters.Many have been transferred here, and there is also a guidance team from the headquarters.Otherwise, our branch company's technical capabilities are not good enough!" ""Mr.Sun stepped down and gave way to others.I don't know if he was willing, but whether he was willing or not, he had to do it.It was also the way of survival in the system: "Please go, please go!"D..."I don't know who sighed, there was a lot of movement in the distance, the sound was not loud, but anyone who noticed saw dust flying and a car coming at high speed.It was this sigh that attracted everyone's attention and everyone stopped.Zhang Heng was the same, except that his expression was a little strange. His eyesight was also transformed by the life potion, and his eyesight was stronger than that of the strongest pilots. He could see from a distance that the car coming was not simple. It was a Mengshi.Everyone knew that Mengshi was rarely sold, and even if it was sold, the paint was different.And the desert-colored paint could tell who was coming.No surprise!If he is someone Zhang Heng is familiar with.He Lantian, the air force general with a gold star on his shoulder, is dressed in a casual dress. You don't need to know his identity, just look at his rank and you must be respectful."General He..."The deputy provincial official obviously knows him, and he looks very familiar with him. He quickly greeted him and stretched out his hand to shake hands with him. He was a little surprised: "I didn't expect...""We have cooperation with Hengyuan Mining Group."He Lantian smiled and shook hands with him. He was not too enthusiastic and maintained a normal social posture: "I just happened to be nearby, so I came to join in the fun.This statement!I guess only some people with high IQ will believe it.People are always smart, how can they believe it? At the beginning, it pointed out that there is cooperation with Hengyuan Mining Group, and then it said that it happened to be nearby and came to join in the fun. If you believe it, you will be a fool."Mr. Zhang... Congratulations!" He Lantian will naturally not ignore the protagonist."General He... Thank you for coming to support us!"Zhang Heng is not a fool.He works in the Air Force Headquarters.It is impossible for him to come here for no reason.Although it is possible that he came to inspect the base in the next city, the possibility is not great.There is only one possibility, that is, he came here on purpose to attend this ceremony.He immediately gestured to the side: "It just so happens that the ribbon-cutting ceremony is about to begin.It is just right that you are here!"That gesture is to add one more seat.It has already been arranged. It is a bit difficult to arrange, but it is entirely possible to shave off a quota.Changing the originally arranged ribbon-cutting guests at this time is somewhat offensive, but there is no way, it can only be like this. It is impossible to change the number of Changhongs who cut the ribbon, and it can only offend people. I will apologize in person later."Don't bother, I really came here to join in the fun!"He Lantian watched the whole process, caught Zhang Heng's gesture to the staff, and quickly gestured to himself: "Do you think my clothes are suitable for going on stage to cut the ribbon?"620"...""So, you don't have to bother, I'll just watch from below and feel happy for you. "He Lantian had no intention of going on stage to cut the ribbon, otherwise, he would have been notified and would have come in casual clothes.However, he dressed up even though he was not notified.His original intention was to show his attitude and show up to shock the scoundrels: "It's almost time.We should pay attention to auspicious times.Don't waste time.Cut the ribbon first.We can chat after cutting the ribbon. ""..."Zhang Heng looked embarrassed, and finally saw that the other person's attitude did not show any sign of loosening, so he stopped talking: "Okay!""Mu Gang, take General He to his seat!"Zhang Heng also made some arrangements.Naturally, it was a seat in the front row. As for the fact that one person's front row seat would be postponed, it would have a much smaller impact than reducing the seat of a ribbon-cutting guest. "I think the guests below would not dare to have any opinions.It is not known whether Mu Gang understands the arrangements.Facts have proved that Mu Gang is not stupid. He directly took the person to the front row seat, and occupied the best position. Originally, that position belonged to the deputy position of the city surnamed Liu, but now it was squeezed to the second seat.People did not dare to have any opinions. Just kidding, under the sun, the gold stars on his shoulders are shining.How dare he have any opinions?