
I Have An Alien Mining Ship

Zhang Heng got a mining ship from an alien civilization! From then on, the rich minerals buried in the deep sea became his possession! Iron ore, copper ore, coal mine, rare earth ore, etc.! Oil, natural gas, and combustible ice that cannot be mined by human technology at present! Mining, mining, nothing to say! There are rich mineral resources in the waters of the island country? In front of the mining ship, it belongs to Zhang Heng! In addition, a large amount of metals can be processed and refined into rare metals and alloys! … This is a translation of a Chinese novel , don't scold me for any racism or nationalism or ccp brainwashing in the novel , just shut off your brain and ignore all that bullshit, I just translate this shit so more ppl can read and maybe someone gets inspired and writes some better stuff , Original name 都市:海洋采矿舰 Author : Braised Eggplant 03 From faloo

Cardinal_Sin · Others
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Chapter 197: Dialogue With The Provincial Deputy

The level is there!

There is nothing to say, and I dare not give any opinions. Let alone the change of arrangement, even if there is no special arrangement, he has to take the initiative to give up his seat as soon as He Lantian comes.That is, the two people in front of him will come on stage to cut the ribbon. Otherwise, he may sit in the second seat. Of course, if the two above him do not come, then there will be a position for him among the guests who cut the ribbon."Kacha!"The gongs and drums are loud.As the golden scissors fall, the long rainbow is cut, and the whole ribbon-cutting ceremony is declared complete.In this process, I don't know how many rolls of film were killed in seconds. No, there is no film now. They are all digital cameras, which are clearer and not difficult to save. Just store them and import them.It is another living example of technology changing life."Pa pa pa!""Pa pa pa!"The applause rang out. At this time, whether you are willing or not, you need to applaud to express congratulations.There is nothing to say next.So many heavyweights came, some of them came for the first time, at least the deputy of the province came for the first time, so they had to take people to visit."This is our warehouse area.There are four large warehouses now, but it is far from enough.The one on the right will also be built into a warehouse in the future.This is closely related to the business of our group.There are many minerals and finished materials that need to be placed in the warehouse.""It is also for the protection of the environment. Some ores can be placed on the open space, but it is not very good after all. It is better to put them in the warehouse to reduce the damage to the environment.""There are also many projects at present, and we can't spare our hands for the time being. Otherwise, the warehouses are not enough. But in the third phase of the project, it is inevitable to build more warehouses."Zhang Heng was in the front and was well prepared. He held a microphone in his hand and amplified his volume. Otherwise, some people might not hear it.Just an introduction. Everyone has seen the dock before. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on the dock.As for introducing the warehouse and taking everyone in to have a look, that was impossible. Warehouse No. 1 and Warehouse No. 2 were not open to outsiders. Even Qian Tiemu and his men were not allowed to enter, because Warehouse No. 2 contained three small and simple fuel production lines.And in Warehouse No. 1, there was a batch of silver and gold. Although the quantity was not large, it was also high-value stuff. It was brought back together with the batch of wood during his last voyage. It had been stored for a while, so he was not in a hurry to deal with it."It can be said that... this place is still in a state of waiting for all industries to be developed. Many places are under construction, and some places have not yet started. It should be said that the project has not been put on the schedule.Zhang Heng also did not forget to make some general explanations and sum up."Mr. Zhang... Is there any problem with the funds?" The deputy of the province entered into the role of identity and asked a serious question."Indeed, there is pressure on funds!"Zhang Heng felt that there was nothing he couldn't admit, and it wasn't a big deal, so he said openly: "Our Hengyuan Mining Group still owes China Shipbuilding Group 2 billion US dollars in debt?""169"The provincial deputy glanced at Lin Chengwang, who nodded in reply, letting him know the situation: "If there is financial pressure, the province can take the lead and provide some guarantees, and borrow money from banks to invest in infrastructure.""I do have this idea, but I decided to give up in the end."Zhang Heng smiled and appreciated the kindness of others. Not everyone can take the responsibility. Under normal circumstances, especially in the eastern Guangdong Province, it is rare to do so: the main reason is that they lack some foreign exchange. ""We asked China Shipbuilding Group to borrow 2 billion US dollars to purchase crude oil from the Great Camel Country. The first batch of 5 million tons has now reached 3 million tons. The import of this batch of crude oil cost us more than 2.5 billion US dollars. ""It just so happened that the advance payment for the second phase of the project, as well as the ordering of large oil tankers and natural gas ships, also prepaid a lot of money, which caused the group's finances to temporarily have a funding gap. ""But now we are cooperating with the Chicheng Mining Group in South America, and have signed an import agreement for various types of ores, and the payment is still in US dollars, so...I am also a little bit troubled now, after all, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange has only approved a quota of 3 billion US dollars for us. "Zhang Heng had wanted to find the central bank for a long time, but he had not done so until now. Now, the deputy of the province came and asked about the situation. It would be good for him to complain. Maybe if they paid attention, he would not need to step forward and solve his problem."Do you spend a lot of foreign exchange a year?" The deputy of the province frowned and came to participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony. He also wanted to take a good look at the development of Hengyuan Mining Group.He is in charge of economy and industry, and is the most important leader."There is no way to count, because some of the contracts signed and some of the cooperation reached are not limited in quantity, especially the import of minerals!"Zhang Heng replied and came to the oil depot area. He could not help but introduce: "`. This is our oil depot area. The entire oil depot area is divided into three modules, finished gasoline, finished diesel and crude oil. The two finished oils are further divided into two modules. ""The total reserves of the entire oil depot area have reached more than 250 million tons, and to the east of the oil depot area, the natural gas storage area is now under construction.After completion, it will be able to store 20 million cubic meters of natural gas. "With the completion of the natural gas storage area, our next plan is to find ways to import natural gas.We should cooperate with Sinopec Group and oil and gas countries in the Middle East.This will also require a large amount of foreign exchange."Zhang Heng did not talk about foreign exchange in the middle of the conversation.It was not because he forgot, but because he wanted to introduce the situation and then explain the urgent need for foreign exchange.This would not be so abrupt and reasonable. "If this is the case, your foreign exchange will not be less than (Li's) 8 billion US dollars per year!"The provincial deputy had a book in his mind, and he calculated it silently and gave such a number, but he also thought that this number was inaccurate. "Leader...To be honest, the more foreign exchange we have, the better, especially when there are more businesses in the future!"Zhang Heng smiled embarrassedly, looked at the leader's eyes, which were full of sincerity, and finally expressed his request: "The best thing is that you can grant us 10 billion US dollars in foreign exchange every year, so that we have more room for activities. ""10 billion US dollars is too difficult!"The provincial deputy shook his head and refused. After that, he fell into deep thought. When it comes to the real business, it is also based on solving the difficulties of enterprises. So can it be solved on the spot?Even if it cannot be solved on the spot, there should be some relatively unambiguous answers.But this is difficult, he needs to think clearly.