
I Have An Alien Mining Ship

Zhang Heng got a mining ship from an alien civilization! From then on, the rich minerals buried in the deep sea became his possession! Iron ore, copper ore, coal mine, rare earth ore, etc.! Oil, natural gas, and combustible ice that cannot be mined by human technology at present! Mining, mining, nothing to say! There are rich mineral resources in the waters of the island country? In front of the mining ship, it belongs to Zhang Heng! In addition, a large amount of metals can be processed and refined into rare metals and alloys! … This is a translation of a Chinese novel , don't scold me for any racism or nationalism or ccp brainwashing in the novel , just shut off your brain and ignore all that bullshit, I just translate this shit so more ppl can read and maybe someone gets inspired and writes some better stuff , Original name 都市:海洋采矿舰 Author : Braised Eggplant 03 From faloo

Cardinal_Sin · Others
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Chapter 195: Chicheng Mining In Trouble

The quantity is based on the rare earth oxides extracted!In this way, the quantity of rare earth ore can be completely ignored, but it cannot be completely ignored. At least Chicheng Mining Company must have a quantity, and then see how much Zhang Heng extracts.It is not a question of trust or not!It is like this in business, which is closely related to one's own interests, and a difference of 1 kilogram is tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of yuan. In this case, it would be strange if no one would pay attention to it.Zhang Daochi reported the quantity as a reminder. At the same time, he had to wait until Zhang Heng extracted it and compare the two sets of data. The difference should not be too big, and both parties can accept it. If the difference is too big, it will be unacceptable.It's just that you can't say it on the phone, and you can't mention any word in the email."Okay, I will do the statistics after arriving at the port, and then send the data to "523", and they will check it again.If there is no problem, we will arrange the transfer!"Zhang Heng did not hesitate, and further explained: "Second Grandpa...For the first cooperation, I will settle the first batch in batches.In the future, I can't settle in batches.My idea is to settle on a quarterly basis, and a year is divided into four quarters."This call also has the idea of ​​the settlement cycle.It should be explained that if it is settled in batches, it will be very troublesome and there will be financial pressure. "Quarterly?"Zhang Daochi hesitated.When they talked about it before, they didn't mention the settlement cycle.Now the year is divided into four quarters, that is, settlement every three months.It should be very loose.Normally, annual settlement is normal: "Xiao Heng, do you think it is possible to use monthly settlement?""Don't worry, if it is monthly settlement, it will not last too long. It is limited to one year. The main reason is that the financial status of Chicheng Mining Company is not good. It urgently needs capital turnover. If the settlement cycle span is too long, it may cause trouble to the company.""One year, give me We have a year to turn around, I believe it won't be so difficult then, by then, let alone quarterly settlement, even half-year settlement will be no problem.Zhang Daochi's tone was very calm, with a hint of pleading.Talk about difficulty!It can be said to be very bad, especially in the past few days, one of the mines in Africa has had an accident again, but it took a lot of effort and a lot of money to settle it, which is tantamount to adding insult to injury for the Chicheng Mining Company, which was already in a general financial state.Otherwise, quarterly settlement can be adopted, but it is not possible now."Okay!"Zhang Heng agreed happily. He even offered the landed price before, and he didn't mind giving more sweetness. The main reason was that he wanted more rare earths and was in urgent need: "Then it's settled, one year limit, and then half-year settlement will be adopted.""Okay, I agree on behalf of your two cousins!""Okay, then I won't disturb your rest, I also have something to do. "Zhang Heng saw that it was almost done, there was no need to continue, just decide on the general direction."Okay, you're busy!""Beep, beep!"Almost at the same time, the two hung up the phone, and the call ended."There are many situations!"Zhang Heng was thinking a lot, and his expression was complicated.This phone call seemed to be mainly about ore, and did not involve other things, but he still learned a lot of information from the words: "It may not last long, and Chihe Mining Company will not be able to support it." "In the final analysis, it is still not very strong.If it is strong enough, it will not be to this extent.Africa...It's just like that.If it is strong, it is not something that anyone can do as they please. "If a company operating mining does not have its own armed forces, and this armed force must be strong, otherwise, people will come to make trouble every few days, and if it is not good, it will be a big one.No one can support it.Although Zhang Heng did not know much about the situation there, it was not difficult to analyze the general situation from some known information, and he also knew more clearly that any company that invests in mining and is in Africa has its own armed forces.Some companies in Western countries directly set up mercenaries with fierce firepower.In this way, no one dares to provoke their mining areas.He also believed that Chicheng Mining Company had its own armed forces, but the financial situation was tight, and it was obvious that something had happened recently, which led to the poor financial situation, and also proved that its armed forces were not strong."If Chicheng Mining Company can hold on, then everything will be fine. If one day it can't hold on, then we have to make other plans!"Zhang Heng pondered for a moment, and an idea gradually took shape in his mind, muttering: "If it really doesn't work, I can only go down myself.As a backup plan, make preparations first.If I really have to go down, I will go down.If there is a slight possibility, it is better not to get involved easily. 0.Undoubtedly!It is to invest in the mines in Africa, which means going down in person.But once this step is taken, the corresponding preparations should also be made, such as establishing your own armed forces. When it comes to this, it is extremely sensitive. Although many people do so, you also have to see who it is?His words are firmly tied to the military chariot.It is better not to get involved in this kind of thing if you can.And it is a native, who attaches great importance to reputation.If you set up your own armed forces, On the surface, it is to protect the mine property he invested in, but it is an armed force after all.This is a big deal.If it goes wrong, it may rise to a certain level and become a diplomatic confrontation, which will have a bad impact.This is why his plan to invest in oil and gas fields was conceived early, but he never thought about the mine [he just didn't want to get involved in sensitive things easily.But if Chicheng Mining Company can't hold on, it will destroy his plan to cover up his tracks, and the impact will be even greater."Forget it, take it one step at a time. I think Chicheng Mining Company will not collapse so quickly. By then, the mining ship may have the ability to fly. By then, if we make some cross-investments and make it more complicated, it can be justified. "Zhang Heng chose to put this matter aside for the time being.It was still far away, so there was no need to be too anxious.When it was really needed, there might be other opportunities: "Right now, it is still most important to deal with Huati Metal Group.After all, several months have passed, and there has been no movement.People who don't know would think I was scared?"Revenge is not overnight!If possible, he would retaliate as soon as possible.But everything has a rule, and he also needs to do some preparations. It is impossible to launch it rashly, especially without high-strength titanium alloy. What can he use to launch the revenge plan?Using his head to fight hard?It's not realistic!But now it's almost time. After some chores are dealt with, it's time for full revenge.