
I created the villain

Luna Kilgard was 20 years old when she got killed mercilessly after a series of bullying by her three step-brothers to find herself reincarnated in the  popular web novel " The devilish one". The novel that her cheater ex-boyfriend wrote months before her tragic death. Luna thought she got a new chance, however, she was stunned as she discovered that she reincarnated as the most hated side character in the entire novel, Isa Kim. The character who chose to play Gandi in the middle of war between demon contractors and shamans. She killed herself already ten times before to escape from the story, however this time something changed. This time…. the villain  lived next door . This time ...the villain sat his eyes on her . This time ...the villain is ... --------------- Updates: 01 chapter /day Genre: fanatasy, female lead, romance,magic, demons, obssessive yandree male lead , sweet and nice female lead , good support side side characters, a lot of intimacy, enemies to lovers, powerful couple, evil and good , bad boy . ps: her past life as luna will be in connection with her new life , that is why i will keep calling her Luna . ah , and the step-brothers who killed her are not done with ...especially...James . and yeah ...James had feelings for her . Cover: is mine, it is commissioned, i don't alow anyone to use it . ------------------- Follow me on instagram: isaac_black2013 Discord server : https://discord.gg/VNH4pKgyT3 ko-fi page: https://ko-fi.com/isaacblack ------------------- Check out my other works: For male lead: *First Stygian Diviner: Apocalypse *I Brought Apocalypse:Villain's Supremacy For female lead: *I created the villain *The body we shared .

Isaac_black · Fantasy
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240 Chs

Her freinds

"Miss Kim Isa, could you repeat what I just said !"

Because of her lack of sleep these days, Luna just slept in classes making a fool out of herself, even her class professor started scolding her for her ignorance and lack of respect.

"Some of you keep partying and drinking all night, you just can't hide your excitement, don't you !....College isn't just about having the freedom to fool around …You should focus on your future too".

Luna apologized with embarrassment, she was always the type to focus in class, but with Liam's presence in her life, she felt as if she was suffocating.

The professor then started talking again about his subject after glancing at her as if he was warning her from doing it again, so she kept her head up despite her desperate need for sleep.

Her classmates glared at her because what she did showed just that she was not interested in something they thought of as important.

" She must be rich "

" I think she was born with a golden spoon in her mouth, I don't think that she treasures the value of hard work because she doesn't need to"

" I hate these little rich bastards !"

Luna kept on hearing comments like these all that class, and somehow she couldn't just explain to anyone of them that she was just tired.

Luna felt like she was suffocating inside of that class so when the professor got out she collected her things immediately and went outside, it was the last class anyway for the day.

Liam didn't attend the class with her as he used to on that day, he just disappeared as if he had never been there. Whenever she thought about him she remembered the moment they had on the last day.

she felt like that kiss was different even when she never had been kissed in her entire existence, not as Luna Kilgard or as Isa Kim.

' I think I need to go and sleep before he starts his annoying music, I wonder if he ever sleeps at night! '

Luna walked outside the class slowly because she felt dizzy because of her lack of sleep when she met Joseph and rose.

" You are here finally! " He said.

" I really wanted to grab you outside of that boring class," Rose said while she was holding on to Joseph's arm as if she was claiming that he is her property.

Joseph was so cute to be a man in Luna's eyes, he had green eyes with freckles on his nose, and pale skin with golden hair, he was tall too like Liam however he didn't have a built-up body because he hated working out, and he was the same age as Isa's.

However, Rose didn't look anything like them, she was also 19 with silky black hair and black eyes but she looked so hot because of her body curves, most of the guys who had seen her wanted her to be their girlfriend but since the start she always loved Joseph and that is why she stayed with him all these years.

After years of dating, they became very close with the teacher so they treated each other more like family.

Joseph leaned towards Luna and said with a cute smile on his face:``Today there is no going back home" .

He caught her by surprise when he said that as he continued : "Rose wanted us to throw you a welcoming party in her house, like old days "

Luna hesitated because she was so tired and all she wanted was to sleep nothing more, however, her friends insisted on her joining them at the party they threw just for her .

" Are you thinking about it ? I am not asking for your permission Luna , grab your backpack and follow me to the car " Rose said as she stepped on her toes to kiss her boyfriend's lips .

' Ahh here we go again, she is so insecure whenever I am next to her, maybe Isa was interested in her boyfriend but I am not, ah ….I totally forgot that Isa told her before about her emotions '

In the original story, Isa was the first one to fall in love with Joseph, he was her childhood friend and they grew up with each other. She always loved him and somehow she was too afraid to tell him about that, so she told rose.

Rose noticed him only after Isa's confession and started to drift to enter their circle and she eventually did, and as a result, she confessed to him first leaving Isa in a very tough spot.

' She can be a bitc*** sometimes, I still wonder why are they even friends till this day '

" Hurry up, Isa," Joseph said when he released Luna slowly walking .

Rose smiled immediately and then said:" Do you want us to lift you, baby Isa ? "

' Shii***t , here we go again with the baby bullsh***t "

Rose always called her as a baby to leave her unnoticed by her boyfriend, so that he won't fantasize about her or see her in a romantic way .

" I am coming !" Luna answered them immediately .

As she was walking toward Rose's fancy car she managed to see a bunch of students standing around Liam, she thought that he didn't even come to the university when in fact he just skipped class because he could.

Girls were admiring him, and boys were envious of him, he had a big smile on his handsome face, and everyone who saw him right now thought he was the most adorable person ever.

Despite this, Liam didn't act like he was superior to anyone, he stood there humbly speaking to them.

' I just want to puke because of this sick role he is playing , he is a psychopath who enjoys killing yet he finds it so easy to be around people after all that he has done, I know what he is capable of and that's why I am afraid of him this way' luna thought when their eyes met briefly.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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