
I Brought Chaos Into This World!

Nothing goes right on your life, but... you are given 3 wishes, what would you do, would you save the world, or would you control it? Bruce, was given another chance but life keeps messing with him, and he has had enough. ----------- Disclaimer I don't own the Cover, nor some of the other character.

HeavenlyEvilGod · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


Not knowing your enemy is fatal, and even if you know but you are unable to even see him you are in a disadvantageous position.

Knowing that someone was here and I'm not able to do anything about it leaves me with a bad aftertaste.

But not everything is lost, two can play at this game.

The next moment I as well disappeared, it's as if I'm not even there.

If a normal person were to suddenly pass by this area, he will not be able to notice that currently there's a fight of wits going on.

"Since you want to play cat and mouse, let's see how much you can last"

With that I started to climb a tree and wait there, there's been no movement since earlier, so I'm guessing either it can float, or it just hasn't even moved.

I stayed like that for about 5 minutes when suddenly, there was a noise about 5 meters away from me. Some trees blocked my field of vision, but I was able to hear the noise, if I focused on my hearing sense, I could even hear a weak breathing.

It's as if they were afraid or if they just had finished a marathon.

I launch myself at that breathing, and just do a swipe motion with my arm, I had no expectations since when I jumped the branch I was on broke, the minute I jumped that's probably enough for anyone to know that I had heard it and would have moved.

However, the next moment a transparent, round, energy field sphere was in front of me. Inside of that was a girl.

I got to admit that this girl was beautiful, she had bluish-purple eyes, fair skin, pink lips that you just want to devour, rosy cheeks. With no doubt she was beautiful, with a Height of about 5'4 or 5'5, she wasn't that tall, looking at her appearance she probably was 18-19.

When my arm contacted the spherical shield, the sheer strength of it sent it flying.

The girls looked frightened, and all she could do was try her best to hold on.

I got to say that the swipe was strong since I did it with my anger on it.

Recalling what I have been through and recalling that many special people have come to this world, my initial omnipotent craze went down.

Looking at the girl, who look frighten to the point of shedding tear, I couldn't help but feel a ting of guilt since maybe she is one of the people that cross over or if she is a native of this world, the Destiny Stone said that this was a forgotten world, meaning that there shouldn't be anything that abnormal about the people here, but honestly you never know.

I follow behind the sphere and stand in front of it.

It indeed traveled a long distance, for about 70 meters, and I think it's incredible since there are some trees in its path.

The power she has is amazing, able to create a shield of this caliber, and hold on the swipe of my hand when I'm in a mad state is no easy feat.

The girl looks like she was out of strength, kneeling inside of the sphere catching her breath.

It took about 3 minutes for her to finally stabilize herself.

"Who are you?"

That's the first thing that came out of her mouth, it looks like she had accepted her situation, however she didn't dissolve the shield.

When I heard that, I took my arm and put it on top of her sphere and started to press down.

"We are Vengeance, we do what we want, when we want, whoever we want, and nobody will stop us."

The shield started to compress, and as my hand was going down so was her sphere.

She looked amazed and frightened. Her arms extended upwards as if to support the shrinking sphere.

Little by little, her resistance started to reduce, her spherical shield was almost gone.

Now she was in a fetal position just resisting as much as she could.

The next moment, I lost any sense of resistance, and stopped my arm from proceeding any more else she wouldn't be no girl, but meat paste.

Looking at her she was just there sitting looking at my hand that was about 6 to 7cm from her face.

I extended my arm and the symbiote grabbed her from the waist and I broth her closer.

She was wearing a full body leotard, color red with a black leather boots that reach the knees, black trunks, and on her chest a symbol an 'i.'

I looked at her closely, then at the suit, and a certain girl came to mind, but as far as I could remember she was 14-15 years old, not the beauty in front of me.

I mean she was short, but she had a slim waist, thick tights, nice proportions, slender arms and those beautiful features where something else.

"Who are you? What do you want? Let me go!!"

she snapped me out of my thoughts, she was really close now, and I couldn't deny it she was hella pretty.

I remove the face cover, and again my face came into view, looking at her all I could say, was "Incredible."

The moment she heard that she looked shock but later shock her head.

"What are you doing here, you know these parts are dangerous, there could be monsters lurking around."

"I don't know ok, I was just here, now can you please let me go…. I said let me go!!!"

She started to struggle.

"haha its futile, you won't be going anywhere, until you tell me what you saw."

"I didn't see anything, I swear."

"haha girls shouldn't lie, you know that, since that could have repercussions."

When I finished saying that my long tongue licked her cheek.

She squinted her eyes, with fear.

"Ok, ok, I'll talk. I saw everything, I been following you since the road."

I count help but feel shocked, she's been following me that long I never notice.

[Vengeance, did you notice she was following us?]


[Then why didn't you tell me???]

[You didn't ask; besides she wasn't a threat]

I count help but get mad, this unreliable teammate is going to be the end of me.

"You've been following me? Why, who are you?"

"You are the first person I have seen this past few day, I don't know why, but I suddenly appeared in this forest. I didn't mean to get you mad, I just wanted to get back home."

"Get back home? Where are you from? And what's up with the suit?"

"My classmates and I were on a hacking trip, when all of a sudden I appeared here, as for the suit…. It for cosplay"

"hahahaha that's funny."

Honestly, I won't have ever thought that she will justify her suit as cosplaying.

"you are telling me that your suit is for cosplay? Then what about your powers? Or is that also my imagination?"

By the end of it I made an angry face and let be honest an angry symbiote face isn't that cute.

"…no…they are my powers."

She was saying that super low that if I hadn't had my good hearing and she was close to me it would be hard to hear.

"Ummm, now what should I do with you?"

[let's eat her head]

[no, I know her, and she is sexy and such a cutie, I can't kill her]

[you know her? From where? She is not in your memory.]

When vengeance said that I count help but get shock since they should be clearly on my memories

[you know I have found it weird that parts of your memories are black, I can't seem to get to see them, are they in there?]

[probably, I don't know what happen]

"Please don't kill me, I'll go with you, but please don't kill."

"I don't know, I just can't seem to trust your words."

"I swear that I won't do anything."

"OK, OK, for now…let just…"

Just when I was about to finish my sentence, several red lights started to approach us, I quickly covered my face.

If I listen intently, I will be able to hear small propellers, there were a lot, just by the light itself there were about 100, we were surrounded, and there's more coming.

They were drones, all black, they kind of resemble a bird.

I looked at the girl, but he looks surprised as well.

One of the drones flew closer and a red light started to come out of one of its cameras, it then scanned both me and the girl.

{Subject XT-001 has been identified}

{Subject not in the database: adding subject to the database.

Gender: Female

Hight: 5'4ft

Hair Color: Black hair

Unable to add additional features}

{Permission to Neutralize?}

{Permission Granted}

From the drone came the voice of a man, I don't know who he is, but he should be the one controlling the drones.

"Hey, girl, what is your name?"

"Violet, Violet Parr"

"Well, Violet it looks like we are in some kind of trouble, why don't we get out of here?"