
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 40: School Begins

The crowd made noise until midnight before they dispersed, leaving only a mess on the floor. Later, Harry couldn't even open his eyelids, but he didn't want to go to bed early. In the end, Sirius picked him up and put him in the specially prepared room upstairs.

When Harry opened his eyes, it was already noon the next day. He opened his eyes for a while before getting up to wash. He put on his clothes and went downstairs, only to find that Sirius was waiting for him at the dining table.

Harry ate too much last night, and now he felt that he couldn't eat anything, but seeing that there were some light soups on the table, it seemed that Sirius was very thoughtful.

"Before Molly left, she specifically asked me to make something light for you to eat." Sirius said, "But I don't have this skill, these are all made by Kreacher."

"Kreacher?" Harry was very curious.

"He is the only remaining house-elf of the Black family. You can leave anything to him in the future!" Sirius shouted, "Kreacher!"

With a "bang", a small figure in a dirty smock suddenly appeared in front of Harry.

"Kreacher meets Master Sirius!" Then, he "talked to himself" in a low voice but everyone present could hear, "Ungrateful Master Sirius, who hurt the mistress's heart, now shamelessly ran back to inherit the family, and let the mudbloods and half-bloods step into the noble Black family..."

"Shut up!" Sirius ordered angrily. The master's words had absolute control over the house-elf. Kreacher shut his mouth tightly, even though he was probably still making up stories about Sirius in his heart.

When Harry saw this legendary creature for the first time, he finally had an answer to the strange attitude of his teacher when talking about elves. In today's magic world, there are mainly two kinds of elf creatures, one is goblins, and the other is house-elves. But although these two creatures are both elves, their status is very different. The goblins once launched several rebellions. After being bloodily suppressed by wizards, they still firmly control the economic reserves of the wizarding world.

House elves have always been slaves, existing in places with abundant magic power, usually in the homes of nobles.

They are not without similarities, that is, they are both very ugly. House elves have big heads, small bodies, two ears stretching backwards, and big and round eyes. They look much more pleasing to the eye than goblins.

"From now on, you must carefully follow every order of Harry. What he says is like what I say." Sirius ordered Kreacher.

"Hello, Master Harry. Kreacher will follow all your orders." Kreacher bent down deeply and buried his head in the ground, but he still muttered: "A young boy dared to step into the door of the noble Black family and acted like a master, ordering people around."

"Shut up, Kreacher, shut up!" Sirius roared. Kreacher bowed deeply to the two of them and disappeared.

Then Sirius said a lot of sorry words to Harry, saying that he originally wanted to give him a better living environment, but because of some special reasons, he had to choose the Black mansion, etc. Harry told Sirius to relax. No matter where he was, as long as Sirius was with him, it would be a thousand times better than the Dursleys.

Harry spent the rest of the holiday at the Black Mansion, and Sherry kept trying to find the whereabouts of the locket. But whether it was because of its hidden nature or Kreacher's skill in hiding things, he still found nothing until Harry started school. It's not right to say that he found nothing. Sherry found very old magic books in a basement sealed by Sirius. These books are all about dark magic, and some of the books look as old as the house. There are no portraits in it. Sherry usually hides in it quietly to read books, and only goes out occasionally to teach Harry.

Happy time passed quickly. In a blink of an eye, Harry said goodbye to Sirius on platform nine and three quarters and boarded the express train to Hogwarts. In the compartment, he found his friends. Harry already knew that these friends had never lost contact with him and had written him many letters before and after, but it was not until he moved to the Black Mansion that Harry received the newspapers he subscribed to and the letters from his friends. Thinking of what Sherry once said, there is a creature that is extremely good at space magic and has appeared around him, it seems that this creature is the one who made trouble. Don't fall into his hands, otherwise...

Everyone exchanged interesting things they encountered during the holidays, while Neville and Ron were copying Hermione's homework. Sherry looked a little envious, there was nearly a day before class to catch up on homework, how happy! In the past, even if Sherry went to school earlier, it was only more than an hour, which was not enough.

When he arrived at the end, Ron finally finished writing the potion paper assigned by Snape. He cheered and hurriedly packed up his things in a hurry to prepare for the opening ceremony. Starting from the second grade, the way to enter the school is completely different from the first grade. They got on the carriage in pairs and were pulled into the school by invisible horses.

At the moment of passing through the gate, Sherry could clearly feel that there was a filtering force sweeping over him. This should be the defense system of Hogwarts itself, to prevent anyone from entering by sneaking in, such as Animagus or Apparition.

Although Sherry is a stowaway, his magic system is completely different from the current witchcraft system, and when he shrinks the magic net, it is just a bracelet on Harry Potter's hand, at best a magic equipment, and no one will pay much attention to it. Coming here again, Sherry does not intend to spend it peacefully like last year. His purpose of coming here is to make trouble, and to make big trouble. I just don't know if old Malfoy put the diary in Ginny Weasley's book. But Sherry tends to be yes, because Dobby's appearance means that Hogwarts has unpredictable dangers, and he doesn't want Harry Potter to be involved.

However, the most urgent task is to deal with the thousand-year-old basilisk hidden deep underground. Its venom is what Sherry wants most at present. With this, he can easily swallow the Ravenclaw crown. Sherry doesn't know whether his current strength can beat the basilisk. If that doesn't work, then we can only borrow a knife. No matter how powerful the basilisk is, it is probably not enough to fight against the greatest wizard of the contemporary era. But this is only the last resort, because we don't know if Dumbledore will leave Sherry what he wants after defeating the basilisk, instead of packing it all away.

Harry sat in the hall, watching the Sorting Hat sorting people into corresponding colleges one by one, and watching the first-year students nervously shuffling their hands and feet. Harry finally understood that the welcome ceremony was so interesting. After Dumbledore introduced Gilderoy Lockhart, the new professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts this year, he announced the start of the banquet.

The next day, we officially entered the second year. Some courses were added, but the main courses were still the same. Harry and his friends were very lucky. The first class of the new semester was not a spell or a transfiguration, but a potion class.

Snape walked in from outside the classroom with his greasy hair and a momentum that kept strangers away. Without saying a word, he waved his hand, and the chalk automatically jumped onto the blackboard. He began to write furiously, and white powder kept falling.

"In this class, we will make the last potion we learned last year." Snape put his hands on the podium and leaned down. "I will only write down the ingredients. The specific steps and timing will depend on you. By the way, the person who does the worst will win a week-long confinement and lose five points from his or her own college."

Harry hurriedly began to recall the potion he had made last year. When he found that he still remembered the specific steps, he breathed a sigh of relief. The students around him did not have such a good memory as him. They all frowned and looked thoughtful. Thinking about the fate of the person who did the worst, it is not difficult to understand everyone's current mood. Five points is nothing. Everyone in the school knows that Professor Snape is always very straightforward when deducting points from other colleges, and often buy one get one free. The scary thing is that you have to be locked up in Snape's office for a week, which is a life-threatening thing.

Everyone rushed to get the materials and then quickly boiled them. Harry waited leisurely until everyone had taken them before he went to get the materials. After the materials were laid out one by one, Harry first recalled the steps of boiling the potion in his mind again before starting to work. His performance certainly attracted Snape's attention. No matter where Snape turned, he would keep some attention on Harry. Watching Harry skillfully handling various potion materials, adding them to the crucible in the correct order, and then using magic to stir them. Snape knew that Harry's potion would definitely not go wrong, but why was he so unhappy? In this unhappy mood, the remaining students were unlucky, and any mistakes were criticized by him.

Looking at the transparent potion handed in by Harry, Snape uncorked and smelled it. He wanted to find an excuse to deduct some points from Harry Potter, but his love for potions still made him not speak. So he just frowned and gave Harry an A+ grade.

"Huh!" Harry breathed a sigh of relief. Every time he took a potion class, he felt like he was fighting a war. This time he won. As Harry walked, he kept talking to Vincent and the Feynman brothers, hoping to cheer them up. Just now in class, I don't know if he knew about Harry's friendship with the three of them and deliberately retaliated. The three of them were criticized very badly by Snape, and now they are still a little depressed.

But when Harry arrived at the hall, he found that it was not just the Potions class that was unlucky today. There were people who were even more unlucky than them. Gryffindor and Slytherin looked like they had just escaped from famine. Not only were their wizard robes tattered, but their hair was covered in bird nests. Harry saw Ron and Hermione from afar. Their heads were like two huge balls of wool. He turned his head away quickly, fearing that he would laugh at them. Vincent and the others just laughed out loud, and the shadow left by Snape's venom was swept away. (To be continued)