
I became the new god of magic

Introduction to the work: When Sherry was shopping for bracelets online, she liked the mesh bracelet which she thought was unique. Spending a thousand Dollars to buy happiness, he is forced to experience strange world adventures one after another. When he occasionally looked back, he found that he had...

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 39 Birthday

Harry's summer vacation was pleasant at the beginning, but as time went by, it was not so happy. For nearly a month, Harry did not receive any news from the magic world, whether it was the newspapers he subscribed to or the letters from his friends.

Sherry certainly knew that this was the work of Dobby, the house elf, but after trying several times and finding that he could not catch this ugly elf, Sherry chose to remain silent and let things proceed as much as possible in the direction of the plot. Of course. He still told Harry that there were magical creatures around and they were extremely good at space magic, which made Harry very alert.

The Dursley family completely ignored Harry. Except for eating or meeting him at other times, the family did not think that there was a fourth person in their family. Even when the Dursleys held a party, they never thought of inviting Harry to participate. Of course, Harry was not very interested. He was busy doing homework and learning spells!

Sherry always thought that foreign children never had holiday homework. They played every day. But Hogwarts gave Sherry the feeling of being in the third year of high school. The teachers of each course gave students a heavy homework. Because underage wizards were not allowed to perform magic outside of school, all their homework was written by hand. Seeing Harry writing a long essay on Transfiguration on parchment with that thin and pitiful quill pen, Sherry felt a wave of hair, and felt that he didn't have to do such homework.

Of course, in addition to Sherry's spell teaching, what made Harry happy in addition to the intense study was that the date he had agreed with Sirius was approaching. Harry had never seen a house of a magic family before, what exactly it looked like. Sherry was also very excited because the locket was about to be within reach.

Time soon came to July 31st. On this day, Harry got up very early and packed all his things in a box. When Sherry told him that Sirius was coming, he dragged his box and ran downstairs. During the process, he also ran into Dali, but when Dali saw Harry running over, he didn't even dare to stop him and quickly gave way. When Petunia Dursley opened the door, she found that there was an adult wizard standing outside the door, and she was almost scared to faint.

"Sirius!" "Harry!" Sirius Black didn't take this Muggle woman seriously, even though she was Lily's sister, but he heard that she didn't seem to be very nice to Harry, so he didn't plan to be polite to her. He directly squeezed Petunia Dursley aside and hugged Harry.

"Happy birthday, Harry!" Sirius congratulated him, "Have you packed all your things? We are in a hurry, we have to hurry."

"Okay!" Harry dragged his big box over and gestured to Sirius. Sirius rubbed Harry's messy hair lovingly, "You are not like your father in this respect, but like your mother. Your father always puts things off until the last minute."

"You monster, how dare you break into my house casually, and in front of me, with this little monster..." Petunia Dursley was completely enraged by Sirius's rudeness, and began to roar at Sirius and Harry.

Sirius was not a good-tempered person. When he heard Petunia call Harry a little monster, he immediately drew out his wand, "Muggle woman, you'd better keep your mouth clean for me, otherwise I will make it unable to speak forever."

"Forget it, Sirius, let's go! Don't worry about them, it's not worth it." Harry hurriedly stopped Sirius. Wizards cannot curse ordinary people at will, otherwise they may be sentenced. Besides, hasn't he heard enough insults from Aunt Petunia? It's just that it has been quiet for the past two years, and that was also exchanged by Harry with his own magic, so it's nothing at all.

Sirius glanced at Petunia, and then Mr. Vernon, who was not far away, followed Harry's words, pulled Harry's suitcase with one hand, held Harry's hand with the other hand, and walked out of the Dursley's house. Perhaps Sirius frightened the Dursleys, they said nothing, just stared blankly at Harry and his godfather walked out, and the door closed automatically behind them. With a "bang", the three of them were shocked back to their senses. Sirius pulled Harry into a small alley, and when he walked in, Harry found that it was a dead end and there was no exit at all. He looked at Sirius in confusion, "Sirius, are you going to take me Apparition?" Harry had read in the book that Harry had a magic that could go anywhere at will, called Apparition. This is an advanced magic that can only be learned when wizards become adults.

"No, let's take the Knight Bus. You're too young to handle Apparition." The young wizard's magic power is not very stable. Once he is Apparated, it is likely that a magic riot will occur, leading to serious magic accidents. Sirius stretched out his wand and summoned the Knight Bus.

The two sat in the bus for nearly half an hour before arriving at the destination of this trip, Grimmauld Place. Harry watched in amazement as Sirius summoned another house that was originally invisible between the two houses. Seeing Harry's face full of surprise, Sirius smiled and explained: "In the wizarding world, not being discovered by Muggles and being safe are the first priority. So without the invitation and guidance of the owner, if you want to enter a wizard's house, you can only force your way in with magic, which is considered a serious provocation and an illegal act. The Black family is also an ancient family, but later..." At this point, Sirius obviously remembered some sad past events, and a trace of loneliness and unwillingness passed across his face, but Harry did not notice it.

"Come on! Harry, today is your birthday, I have prepared a big surprise for you." Sirius quickly calmed down, walked forward to open the door, and made an invitation gesture to Harry.

Harry walked forward with some joy, he had never had a proper birthday before! In the past twelve years, only the teacher would give him heartfelt congratulations on his birthday.

After entering the door, there was a long corridor, with portraits hanging on the walls on both sides. The characters in the portraits looked at Harry with a gloomy look, as if they were looking at something dirty.

"Don't worry about them, Harry!" Sirius ignored these portraits. If they hadn't been cast with a permanent sticking spell, he would have taken them down one by one and thrown them into the warehouse. "These are some of the former figures of the Black family, and they are no longer important now." He mentioned this casually.

"Unfilial son!" "Asshole!" "You are a beast who should go to hell!" "You betrayed the honor of the Black family!" The portraits on both sides were angered by Sirius's attitude and cursed at him.

"Silent!" Sirius cast a spell, and Harry only saw the characters on the portraits on both sides, opening and closing their mouths constantly, but no sound came out. "Go forward, Harry, we are almost there!" Sirius gently pushed Harry.

"Happy birthday!" When Harry stepped into the living room, many people jumped out from all corners and shouted happy birthday to him, which scared him so much that he almost gave them a shock or acid splash. But Harry soon became happy because there were his friends Ron, Neville and Vincent, and there were many red-haired people who looked like Ron's family. Harry laughed very happily. It was a good feeling to have someone surprise him.

After everyone made a fuss for a while, most people dispersed. They came to help. Sirius spent nearly a month to make the Black House look a little better, but it was obviously not enough for Harry's birthday party. So he found one of his comrades in the Order of the Phoenix, the kind-hearted Weasley family, and personally invited a few of Harry's friends. Although only a few of them came now, everyone promised to come in the evening.

It must be said that Mrs. Weasley is a good housekeeper. Harry wanted to help, but she drove him back to the sofa and asked Ron and others to talk with him, and then directed the others around. By noon, the whole house looked brighter than one degree, and it was completely different from when Harry just came in.

When it was afternoon, it was time for the owls to show off. Sirius spent a lot of money to subscribe to various exquisite food snacks and decorations. Owls landed in groups with these things, and everyone was a little too late to collect them. As soon as they went in, they came back again.

When it was afternoon, it was time for the owls to show off. Sirius spent a lot of money to subscribe to all kinds of exquisite food and snacks, as well as decorations. Owls landed in groups with these things, and everyone was too late to collect them. One foot went in and the next foot came out.

Harry felt like floating in the clouds now, grinning and grinning, and everyone could see that he was happy. Everyone looked at his silly and happy look and smiled kindly. Sherry looked at his silly disciple and wanted to slap him. You have made a fool of the wizard. But thinking that this was Harry's first birthday and the abuse of him by the Dursley family, Sherry still didn't say anything.

When it was evening and the birthday party officially started, Harry realized that things were really beyond his expectations. First of all, all his friends came. Then, most of the people he knew also came. Hagrid, Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout, Madam Pomfrey, Madam Hooch, etc. The last person who came in was the smiling old man with a white beard in a purple robe, which surprised everyone. Dumbledore was here too. Dumbledore came to attend a student's birthday party.

"Happy birthday, Harry!" Dumbledore said as he handed over a gift, which looked like a candy.

"Thank you, thank you, Headmaster." Harry was really flattered. He didn't expect Dumbledore to come to his birthday party.

"Thank Sirius if you want to thank him! He sent me the invitation, and I really like the desserts made by Molly." Dumbledore's words made most people laugh, and the atmosphere became warm again. Everyone expressed birthday wishes to Harry one by one, and Harry was so overwhelmed by the gifts that he kept saying thank you. (To be continued)