

This day was a busy day. yesterday Rose, Adelar, Steve and Jean had learned their enemy plan while the rest of the X-men has got some info about the "MGH 2.0" and some prisoners that were interrogated telepathic style

aparantly the "MGH 2.0" can not only make a human into a mutant in an instant but it can also be controlled and give you the exact mutation you want! and not to mention that this version of the MGH will change you into a mutant without any painful torture needed as a trigger like the one that Ajax was ussing

everyone was flabbergasted...the thought of everyone being a mutant was scary to be honest...one could only imagine how some people may use this new power...

immagine someone like "red skull" having a mutant power! an smart tactician and feared villain who has an army of soldiers (hydra) adding a mutant power would be an complete overkill! not to mention other villains!

plus i am 100% sure that there will be thousands new villains after the MGH 2.0 will be released!

Bobby: i knew Magneto would gone crazy after a while i just didnt thought it will be so soon...

Jean: i dont get it! why would he want to make everyone a mutant?

Wade: do you guys have more Cola?


Wade: what no Cola?


Wade: okay fineee, i will go get it! he the

he then stood up from the sofa on which he was happily sitting, exited the room and walked into the direction of the kitchen

Logan: remind me why are we taking this idiot with us?

Scott (Cyclops): remind me who beat you ass recently?

Logan: it was a draw Boy scout

Storm ( i dont know her real name): can you please dont do it now?

she said as she was holding the bridge of her nose and let out a heavy sigh. these two would always start a fight with each other everyone was already used to it, and they mostly ignore them but now its not the time to do something like that so they she stopped them before they could get any further

Professor X: i must agree with storm here, this is not the time for one of you fights

they both shut up and looked away from each other they both wanted to say more but they also both had a lot of respect toward Charles so they shut up

Beast: we need to prepare. from what we managed to gather so far is that the machine is still a couple of days away to being finished so we must use this time to locate their space station and stop them

Steve: me and Rose can make potions and enchant your gear

Professor X: it will be appreciated and once again i'm sorry for dragging the tree of you into our business

Rose: meh! dont sweat it, its fun to be honest and its also the right thing to do

<you speak like a true superhero>

'that was my intention'


the X-men started to work, some of them started to try and discover where exactly is Magneto space station and even if that seems a easy task it wasnt. from the info they managed to get out of the prisoners heads it looked like the space station has an advanced camouflage system and locating it will get really hard

others started to call for some other superheroes that they were friends with since the matter is quite serious, they even tried to call the avengers but they were somewhere in space doing god who knows what...probably saving the universe if i must guess.

---Steve Rogers (captain america) POV---

Steve: come one Tony (iron man) just a little more!

he said as he looked at Tony who was drinking from a large metal container while the rest of the Avengers together with the Guardian of the Galaxy and other aliens were around him and cheering for him

Tony: I- *burp* DID IT! *lets go of the metal container*

Everyone: WOOOOHOOOO!!! YEA!

Tony: now excuse me for a moment i need to *burp* pass out for a couple of seconds *fells to the floor*

---back to Rose & normal POV---

they are probably in some life and death situation right now. God bless them!

well anyway the X-men gave Rose and Steve some of their "special gear" that they wear when something "serious" happens and the both of them started to put as much enchantments as they can. they finished the work rather quick and they then both started to make potions

only after an hour they decided that this amount if enough and that its time to prepare "that"

---Adelar POV---

not gonna lie Adelar felt like sh*t right now. all of the people in the mansion were doing something and the only thing he could do was wait...he could not help in anything that was not combat, and even at combat he was nothing compared to all the other people in the mansion he was sure that anyone could mop the floor with him if he were to fight him...well maybe not the students, he was thinking more about the adults that were the official part of the X-men

Rose: hey Adel!

said Rose as she entered the Room. for a second he was a little confused with the "Adel" thing but he just let it go. probably just his new nickname from now on

Adelar: yea?

Rose: can you come with me for a sec?

Adelar: sure, where we going?

Rose: oh you know~...somewhere!

he was a little weird out seeing Rose like this but fallowed her anywas and they both walked trough a portal that she created. when he passed trough it he saw that he was in Rose home in the Minecraft/Terraria world

(it is possible to use Eldritch magic portals to go beyond another dimension check the wiki if you dont believe me)

Adelar: where is Steve?

Rose: his GF got mad at him for leaving with us to another world without telling her first so he is currently getting scolded by him

Adelar: may his soul rest in peace...

Rose: pff hehehehe! *breathe in* okay fallow me!

she said as she pressed a clever hidden button behind a lap and a secret passage opened, she then jumped down the stairs while humming a nice tune. Adelar walked down the stairs a little scared but didnt said anything

when he was all the way down he saw a weird looking machine and Rose holding a container with some blue substance in it

Rose: get in, i will make you a super soldier!