
to lazy to think of a name for this chap

Steve, Adelar and Jean Grey were currently hiding behind some bushes and were looking at a large gate that was supposedly the only way in into the enemy base

Jean Grey: i can use telekinesis to open it just enough to let us trough but it will probably alarm the enemy

Steve: are we sure that theres no other way in?

Adelar: even if it would take to much time to search for it

Steve: what do we do then?

Adelar: looking at the size of the entrance i guess its a way in or out for large machinery so we can take the long route and wait for a something to open that door, or we can use your mining abilities to make a hole and then use your building abilities to patch the hole and make it look like nothing happen



Jean Grey: i'm sorry what?

the girl was confused on what they are talking about because she didnt know about the game-abilities that Steve can use in real life

Steve on the other hand just looked at Adelar and felt a little embarrassed because he forgot he can do that. Jean used her powers and camouflaged their team making the invisible as long as they stay in her range of her field, they then walked to a wall

(A/N: she showed this power at some point in the comics and even if i dont fully understand how telekinesis can make you invisible i will be sure to use it here because i have the power as the author)

Jean then saw Steve taking out a pickaxe out of nowhere and wanted to say something as this plan sounded really stupid but she swallowed whatever she wanted to say as Steve made a square hole with just a couple of hits with the pickaxe

she soon started to question her sanity when he made a passage for them all in a matter of a minute and then pointed his hand at the hole and saw that the wall magically rebuild itself block by block

Jean didnt say anything and just mouthed silently to herself "Oh. My. God."

when Steve was Done he looked at his team and saw Adelar who was wearing a calm face and Jean who looked at him with the most confused eyes ever. she opened her mouth and tried to ask about what has just happened but before the words managed to left her mouth she heard

Steve: later.

she didnt argue and the tree of them just moved on. Jean used the telepathic powers to read the mind of every soldier and worker there to find any useful info and she discovered that something about a super secret machine that someone called "Connors" is working on. apparently he was working here before but he moved to another base not so long ago.

Jean didnt have telepathic abilities as strong as professor X (this is her before she became the avatar of the "Phoenix Force") but it was enough to read the minds of these guys without them noticing, beside finding out about the mysterious machine and about this "Connors" guy she also found out where is the data room, she told this to Adelar & Steve and they walked after her but sudently

Adelar: wait

Jean: what? what happened?

he didnt said anything and took a quick glance at Steve who just nodded his head at him and Adelar then made a couple of hand movements in the air while blue square appear levitating in front of him. she added this to her "ask latter" list and waited patiently for him to finish whatever he was doing

Adelar: its from Rose. a message that says she found out that the enemy has successfully managed to create a "MGH 2.0" and that its ready to be loaded into a machine of some sort

Jean: wait! i think i know what she is talking about! when i read the minds of the people in here i found something about a secret project

Steve: and what is that secret project

Jean: a machine that is build by someone named "Connors"

Steve: huh...think its the same machine that is supposed to be loaded with the new MGH?

Adelar: we will think about this latter for now lets move

they both agreed with Adelar and soon they were in front of the data room. the room was locked with a password but Jean knew it thanks to her reading the minds of the people working here.

when they entered they saw a large computer with three screens guarded by two buffed soldiers. Jean wanted to make them leave by forcefully controlling them with her telepathic powers but they just snapped their head in their direction and started shooting at them

Adelar grabbed Jean and tossed her out of the way while also creating a barrier with his mutant power but it almost shattered after the first "bullet" hit it and after the second made contact his barrier fell apart completely but before that happened he managed to take cover

Steve dashed out of the way and took out a obsidian block from his inventory and tossed it toward one of the buffed soldiers

the soldier felt something hard hitting him in the head but it did no damage at all which surprised Steve as a normal human in this universe would be already on the floor unconscious after that throw.

the soldier was now looking at Steve and then he stared shooting, but...he didnt hit him even once Steve was fast and before the soldier could comprehend what happened he felt a punch to his chest. he went on a knee and held his chest with an arm as he felt horrible pain

Steve was completely flabbergasted! he was holding back a large amount but that hit would kill a normal human the second it made contact!

well not that it mattered the soldier entire ribcage was broken one broken rib pierced his heart and he passed out soon enough, he will die soon but thats just how it works they were enemies and Steve didnt felt bad for him at all

Adelar who was dealing with the second guy needed to put some more work into taking out his opponent than a simple punch to the chest. Adelar created a bunch of barriers one after another making 10 layers of them all together and run at the soldier who was shooting at him not moving from his place

Adelar made the shields take the damage but this didnt mean he didnt try to dodge the shots, when Adelar was near the soldier his last shield was destroyed but he was not close enough to him and swung his sword at the soldier

the soldier managed to dodge and get behind Adelar with two single jump to the side leaving Adelar completely confused at how the soldier managed to do that so quick

Adelar was beginning to turn around but something happened...his Observation haki activated and it warned him about an attack that was coming at him. Adelar ducked and soon he felt the wind that was produced by the soldier who used his gun as a baseball bat trying to hit Adelar head

Adelar with a quick move stabbed the soldier but only a 2/10 of the blade went into his body again surprising Adelar and making him ask himself whats the soldier body made of.

the soldier wanted to take another swing but Adelar used a basic lighting spell and channeled it trough his sword allowing the lightning that was now dancing on the sword to enter the soldiers body and electrified him. Adelar pumped all his magic into the spell but the soldier was still standing surprising Adelar for the third time

the soldier took a couple of steps back but before he could recover a diamond sword killed him. it was Steve sword and he launched it at the soldier with such force that the blade pierce the soldier skull and ripped his head out of his body the second after

Steve: nice fight! these guys were definitely superhuman, you did a good job

Adelar: thanks...(but it was you who finished him off...)

Jean: guys the alarms are on!

Adelar: Jean go and search the computer, Steve will build a thick wall in front of the entrance, i will send a message to Rose and tell her to come here and teleport us out of here when we are done!

they didnt argue and did what he said. Steve worked fast and summoned a bunch of obsidian and stone blocks from his inventory and used his telekinesis to build faster. soon the entrance to the room was behind a thick and hard wall that will surely buy them some time. sudently a golden portal appeared in front of Adelar and a familiar Cat girl walked trough it

Rose: hey whats up!

thanks to Eldrich magic she was able to use a piece of hair that she took from Adelar before they went into the mission as a way to track him and teleport to his location just like when Dr.Strange used a strand of Thor hair to locate Odin as they shared the same DNA (the spell was called "Locator Spell" for those who are curious)

after she located him she used the teleportation spell from Eldritch magic and here she is

Steve: *in the distance* hi Rose!

Adelar: dont close that portal we are going to escape thought it after Jean is done

Rose: okay

Jean: DONE!

she yelled while she ran into the portal


Steve: coming!!

soon they all exited the portal and saw that they are back in the X-men mansion, Rose then closed her portal and looked at them with curious eyes

Rose: so~ what did you find?

whe Adelar and Steve heard Rose they didnt say anything and just looked at Jean

Jean: there were a bunch of notes about a space station where they will release the MGH 2.0 on earth making all the people mutants

Adelar: wait...but that would mean...

Jean: they want to make everyone at earth a mutant...