
Adelar the supersoldier

<you have lost half of your money for this, but i am proud of you>

'thank you'

Rose and Steve both noticed Adelar depressed mood lately and they knew exactly what was the cause for it. its not really a secret that he is far behind them in case of power. true he may have more skill than Rose who is honestly using pure and raw strength to finish her opponent but skills are not enough.

he already made a huge progress training with Steve, even if the builder held back his strength quite a lot it was still impressive!

well even then it was not enough so they decided to "upgrade him". Rose spend some money going into the Marvel section of her Shop and then bought the same machine that Steve Rogers (captain america) was put into when they transformed him into a super soldier. after that Steve who spent most of his time in the Marvel universe studying their technology made some changes to it

while Steve was doing that Rose bought a lot of Super soldier serum and then she started to try and mix them together with her potions!

okay, okay i know that may sound stupid but believe me it was worth it! she spend a lot of money buying one super soldier serum after another when the previous one failed to mix with the potions but eventually she managed to do it! here let me show you what she saw when she used [appraisal] on the end product

[super soldier serum (modified): grands super human strength, durability, stamina and speed. Warning! due to the mixture with "potion of swiftness", "potion of night vision", "potion of strength" and "potion of healing" the serum will also enhance speed and strength more than it normally would, give "night vision" and create a very small "healing factor" making the regeneration process of the human body speed up by 15%, the healing effect from the potion will also make it impossible for someone to get sick]

Rose: you ready Adel?

she asked Adelar who was in the machine waiting patiently

Adelar: eeeh...yeah?

Rose: good!

she then put the serum into the machine and push the "start" button. the machine started to make noise and the serum was slowly leaving the bottle and being transported trough the machine into Adelar body

Adelar: AAGH!

Rose: does it hurt?


Rose: ok :3 *proceeds to take out a gameboy she bought and play on it*

the process of changing him into a Super soldier was a little longer than in the film. it took 5 minutes for the machine to do the work. Adelar screamed for 2 minutes but then he passed out for the remaining 3, Rose just lazily check if the machine was still detecting life signals from him and when she saw that it did, she just got back to playing the gameboy

when the machine was done, it opened the entrance and Adelar just fell face first into the floor

<shouldnt you get him to a bed or something?>

'give me a sec im about to make a new high score'

---time skip cause King Crimson used his powers while playing CS:GO---

Adelar woke up with a headache and a very dry mouth, just like after a hangover

Rose: hey how do you feel?

Adelar: like i was set on fire

Rose: cool, how you like your new body?

Adelar stood up and felt...different...he was taller and he gained quite the muscle! he stretched and moved his arms a little. even if it was a very minimal movement it felt weird...it felt good!

Rose: go take a run around the village and test your new body

she said while sitting on a chair beside her bed that he was laying in not so long ago. he didnt argue he wanted to test his new body too. so he walked out of her house and started sprinting wanting to see how much his body changed

Rose: yes...yes!...YES!...

Gameboy: *ding*


<okay, maybe you should get ready to go back into the Marvel universe>

---Magneto POV + another time skip---

Dr.Connors: it will be ready tomorrow Sir

Magneto: good. i doubt that the "heroes" will be able to stop us now (A/N: bruh. have you like. idk...watched any superhero movie?)

Soldier: Sir!

Magneto: speak..

Soldier: the First squad is already out and there is no signs of any physical and mental damage!

Magneto: Splendid! with and army of Super-Mutants no one will be able to stop us not even if the heroes show up! (A/N: yeaaaah sure~)

Magneto: send the rest into the Mutation chamber and do it fast!

Soldir: Sir, yes Sir!

Magneto: as for you Mr.Connors...

Dr.Connors: y-yes sir?

Magneto: you will- AARGH!

Dr.Connors: S-Sir what happened?

---Back to Rose---

Bobby (ice man): so you could use this coffe machine (SCP 294) to get Magneto blood and then use it to track him and teleport us to him?

Rose: yeah *takes out the cup of blood* give me a sec *starts to create a portal*

Beast: and we spend so much time to try and track his space station...