
I Am the Mentor of Spider-Man

Come with me as I start my adventure in the Spider-Man world. I'm Jonathan Anderson from California, and I'm half Filipino and half American. When I died, I didn't end up where I thought I would. Now, I'm in the Spider-Man universe. But I'm not alone. I'm going to be a Spider-Man with Peter Parker, teaching him along the way. And remember, with great power comes with great responsibility.

THE_V1S1ON · Anime & Comics
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228 Chs

Chapter 123– Goblin Arc (4)

As Norman Osborn stood in the desolate, abandoned area, a battle raged within him. Clutching his head in agony, he battled against the strong force of the Green Goblin's presence in his mind.


"I told you, get out of my head!" Norman exclaimed, his voice strained with frustration and pain.


But the Green Goblin's sinister laughter filled his thoughts, mocking and relentless. "No, I won't!" he retorted, his voice dripping with malice. "We are together as One Norman"


Norman gritted his teeth, his hands clenched into fists as he fought against the unwelcome force inside his mind "You can't keep doing this," he growled, his voice strained with effort. "I won't let you destroy everything I've built."


For a moment, it seemed as though he had gained the upper hand, his willpower pushing back against the Green Goblin's influence. But then, in a cruel twist of fate, the Green Goblin seized control once more, his malevolent presence overwhelming Norman's defenses.


"Finally, I'm back!" the Green Goblin crowed triumphantly, his voice filled with malice. "You trash really make it hard for me to have some fun."


As Green Goblin smiling evily, a sudden movement caught his attention. Someone was swinging towards him.


Green Goblin's gaze snapped to the newcomer, his eyes widening in shock and disbelief. "You!!!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with rage. "How did you manage to find me again? Spider-Man!!!"


[Peter Pov]

As the Green Goblin's gaze snapped to me, his eyes widened in shock and disbelief. "You!!!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with rage. "How did you manage to find me again? Spider-Man!!!"


As I faced off with the Green Goblin, a smirk played across my lips as I couldn't help but revel in the moment. "Well, it's because you didn't bother to check your stuff," I retorted, my tone dripping with sarcasm.


The Green Goblin's eyes narrowed, his expression darkening as he realized my ploy. "You sly spider, you put a tracker on me, did you?" he growled, his voice filled with frustration.


I couldn't help but laugh at his response. "Yep, busted!" I said, grinning widely. "But don't sweat it, I'm not stalking you, I swear. It's more like...ahh tracking a bad guy, you know? But Damn, feels like I'm a stalker," I explained, trying to make light of the situation and ease the tension.


Then the Green Goblin's laughter echoed through the air, his words stung me. "You're just a wannabe hero, Spider-Man. In the end, you're just following in someone else's footsteps," he taunted, his voice laced with arrogance.


For a moment, doubt crept into my mind as I thought about Michael Wilson, my teacher, the original Spider-Man. Was I simply trying to follow his footstep?


But then, a surge of determination coursed through me, dispelling my uncertainty. No, I wasn't just a wannabe hero. I had my own reasons for donning the mask, my own convictions driving me forward.


"You're wrong," I declared boldly, meeting the Green Goblin's gaze with unwavering resolve. "I'm not a wannabe hero. In fact, I don't even call myself a hero. If you want to label me as one, then so be it. But to me, I'm just someone who wants to protect and save everyone because I have the ability to do so."


With the words of Michael Wilson echoing in my mind, I continued, my voice firm. "With great power comes great responsibility," I affirmed, my conviction unwavering.

With a sudden burst of speed, I lunged towards the Green Goblin, my fist aimed squarely at him. But he was quick to evade, his agility matching my own.


"But all of those things you said in the end will backfire on you," the Green Goblin warned, his tone ominous.


I brushed off his threat with a determined glare. "I don't care," I replied defiantly. "If that's what it takes to protect everyone, then I will gladly bear the consequences."


then Green Goblin unleashed his deadly arsenal of pumpkin bombs, my Spider-Sense tingled with warning, alerting me to the imminent danger. With lightning-fast reflexes, I dodged the incoming explosives, narrowly avoiding their fiery blasts.


But I wasn't about to let the Green Goblin have the upper hand. Using my web, I aimed at one of the pumpkin bombs, With a flick of my wrist, I sent it flying back towards him.


The Green Goblin's eyes widened in surprise as he evaded the incoming bomb with a swift maneuver of his glider. But before he could react, I seized the opportunity to strike.


With another shot of my web, I targeted the Green Goblin's glider, entangling it in sticky strands and throwing off its balance. The Green Goblin grunted in frustration as his glider wobbled in mid-air, his control slipping.

With a determined glare, I swung towards him, seizing the opportunity to take advantage of his momentary weakness. In one quick move, I grabbed the Green Goblin, pulling him away from his wobbling glider and sending him crashing down to the ground below.


As the Green Goblin got up, he was really mad, and he started cursing at me. "Damn you, Spider-Man!" he yelled, his voice full of anger.


I braced myself as he lunged towards me once again, determined to put an end to his reign of terror. With a fast reflexes, I countered with a powerful back kick, aiming to knock him off balance and gain the upper hand.

But to my surprise, the Green Goblin was quicker than I anticipated. With a sinister grin, He grabbed my kick with a strong grip, laughing triumphantly. "Gotcha, Spider-Man!" he taunted, his voice filled with mockery.


Before I could do anything, he threw me through the air with incredible strength, propelling me forward at a frightening speed. I fought to steady myself as I flew through the air, the ground approaching rapidly.


With a sudden gasp, I prepared myself for the impact, But even as I crashed to the ground with a resounding thud, I refused to yield to the pain, my determination is unwavering.


Pushing myself to my feet, I gritted my teeth against the pain, my mind focused solely on the task at hand.


"Let's finish this once and for all," I declared, my voice filled with determination as I faced off against the Green Goblin.


"You're just a newbie! Do you think you can beat me?" the Green Goblin scoffed, lunging towards me with ferocious intent. But suddenly, he stopped mid-charge, clutching his head in agony.


"Aargh!!" he cried out, his voice laced with pain and frustration.


"P-Please, Spider-Man, take off this mask," he pleaded, his voice strained and desperate. "He's controlling me!"


My mind raced with confusion as I struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation. "What?" I stammered, my voice tinged with disbelief.


"There's no time!" the Green Goblin insisted, his breaths coming in ragged gasps.


Reacting quickly, I unleashed a stream of webbing, snatching the mask from his face against his protests.


"No!!!" the Green Goblin exclaimed, his voice desperate as I revealed the face beneath the mask.


To my shock, it was Norman Osborn, the last person I expected to see. My mind raced with questions and confusion. Harry's father was the Green Goblin? Just as I tried to process this revelation, Norman Osborn interrupted my thoughts with a weary but determined voice.

"Thank you for the favor, Spider-Man," Norman managed to say between panting breaths.

Concern etched into my features, I offered, "Do you need help, sir?"

Norman shook his head, his eyes fix to the ground. "No need," he murmured, his voice strained with the weight of his ordeal. Then, lifting his gaze to meet mine, he spoke with a solemn intensity. "Please, keep this between us. That mask... it's the one that controlled me."


His words struck me like a sudden gust of wind, leaving me momentarily speechless. "Controlled you?" I repeated, the disbelief evident in my voice.


Norman's response was short and definitive. "You don't need to know," he said plainly, leaving no room for further discussion.


As I picked up the mask. Unsure of what to do next, I contemplated my options. Entrusting it to S.H.I.E.L.D. was a possibility, but what if it fell into the wrong hands again? Perhaps Michael would have a better understanding of its nature. Turning to Norman, I hesitated before speaking. 


"Sir, may I keep this for safekeeping?" I asked, my voice tinged with uncertainty.


Norman nodded solemnly. "You can have it," he replied, his gaze distant, as if weighed down by the burden of his experiences.


With the mask now in my possession, I felt a sense of responsibility weighing heavily upon me. But before I could dwell on it further, I turned to Norman once more, offering my assistance.


"Would you like me to take you home, sir?" I inquired, my tone filled with genuine concern.


"No need, I can handle myself," Norman replied with a stoic resolve.


Accepting his decision, I nodded respectfully. "If you say so. Take care, sir," I bid him farewell before swiftly departing, swinging through the New York City skyline.


Little did I realize at the time, the significance of the mask had faded, for the Green Goblin's influence had already taken root in Norman Osborn's mind, lying dormant and waiting to rise once more.


After the intense fight, I returned to my room, feeling the rush of adrenaline fading away. The battle scenes kept playing in my head, like a movie on repeat, each moment crystal clear. Sitting down at my desk, I tried to calm my racing heart with a deep breath.


Then as I sat in my room, examining the Green Goblin mask, I couldn't help but wonder about its true nature. "What is this mask really?" I murmured to myself, studying its eerie features.


Suddenly, my mcall rang, breaking the silence. It was Mary Jane Watson, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of her name on the screen. "Hello, MJ," I greeted her.


Relief flooded through me as she spoke, her tone tinged with anger. "Thank goodness you're okay, Peter," she said. "But where were you earlier? I was worried sick when you dashed out of school like that."


"I'm sorry, MJ," I replied, guilt gnawing at me. "I was just... dealing with some stuff, you know? Calling S.H.I.E.L.D. and the police about Harry's situation." But deep down, I knew I couldn't reveal the full truth to her—that I was Spider-Man.


Thankfully, MJ seemed to understand. "Okay, but Harry's fine now," she informed me. "Spider-Man Red saved him."


A wave of relief washed over me at the news. "Thank goodness," I breathed.


MJ's next suggestion caught me off guard. "How about we go visit Harry in the hospital?" she proposed. "He's there resting."


I agreed without hesitation. "Sure, just let me know the location, and I'll be there," I promised.


"Great, The location is forest hills hospital , 0kay peter see you soon," MJ said before ending the call.


With a renewed sense of purpose, I quickly gathered my things and prepared to meet MJ at the hospital.


Arriving at the hospital, I spotted MJ waiting for me in the lobby. She greeted me with a warm smile, but I could sense the worry lingering behind her eyes. Together, we made our way to Harry's room.


As we entered the room, I was relieved to see Harry resting peacefully in his bed, surrounded by monitors and medical equipment. Despite the bruises and a little bit of bandage, he smile as we approached.


Harry shrugged, a hint of exhaustion evident in his movements. "Better, I guess," he replied. "Just glad to be alive, thanks to Spider-Man."


I felt a swell of pride at his words, but also a pang of guilt. If only he knew the full extent of my involvement in his rescue.


MJ stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on Harry's shoulder. "We're just glad you're okay," she said, her voice soft with concern. "Is there anything we can do for you?"


Harry shook his head, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Just having you guys here is enough," he said. "Thanks for everything."


As the morning turned to noon, we remained at Harry's side, offering him comfort and support in his time of need.


Little did I know, our encounter with the Green Goblin was far from over, and darker days will come soon.


To be continued

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