
I Am Baki

I am Baki. Even the universes will come to know the power of my fist. Multiversal Fanfic. Selected Worlds: Baki, DBZ, MCU, To-Love Ru, Jujutsu Kaisen, Dandandan, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End. Additional Worlds may get added in future. Cover art is not mine. If you want it taken down, just send me a message!

Aht · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 26: The Next Morning

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6AM. Wednesday.

Baki House.

The same alarm began to blare inside a room on the second floor creating a harmony along with the cicadas chirping in the distance.

"Ugh...", I began to utter, waking up to the sunlight that was peering into my room. I felt a dull sensation spread across the fist I used against Yujiro last night. The pain mostly subsided, but even with the effect of Lala's healing device, I could still feel some throbbing.

That throbbing sensation, however, was soon greeted by the softness of something round the moment I shifted my arm to my right, spreading it across.

Bounce. Bounce.

Feeling this warm feeling spread across my hands, acting as a natural healing agent of sorts, this sensation immediately jolted my mind awake, only to hear a soft moan reaching my ears.

"Ahh...", A cute voice uttered softly, whispering directly into my ears. Turning my head a bit, I saw a beautiful, long, pink-haired girl lying next to me. I shifted my eyes downward, and my hand was unconsciously grabbing one of her breasts. It was as if I was grabbing onto a large marshmallow.

I could see a pink bud still hibernating as this soft feeling continued.

"Is it morning already...?", Lala uttered, her body shifted around a bit, causing her large breasts to jiggle.

Seeing that really wasn't good for my health. It was morning too, and guess what, I currently had some blood rushing to a certain part of my body.

It didn't help that I saw Lala completely naked. Her glory, visible to my eyes. I could see a closed slit further down her body. Lala shifted her body up, and stretched her arms out.

It didn't take long for Lala to feel my hand currently cusping one of her breasts.

"Good morning, Baki-kun. Why are you holding onto one of my boobs?", Lala asked, tilting her head a bit.

"Care to tell me why you are in my bed, Lala-chan, and naked at that?", I asked Lala while enjoying the sensation on my hand.

"Couples are meant to sleep under the same house, no?", Lala asked, confused.

"That is true for the most part, but it doesn't require you to be naked. So I'm going to establish some rules here. And the first rule is, no strutting around the house naked. As you've seen, I could have guests showing up out of the blue, and if they see you naked, it would obviously lead to some misunderstandings.", I said, pulling my hand back, and proceeded to raise one of my fingers.

"Ehhhh? That's no fun.", Lala responded with a small pout, continuing to stretch her body. "I like it when the morning sun hits my body like this, it feels really good!", Lala happily responded as she shifted her arms a bit. Each action she took caused a part of her body to jiggle.

Trying to ignore the sweet scent in the air, I motioned my hand downward. Before entering dreamland last night, I slipped into a night shirt and briefs, so I was still clothed, but a large tent could be seen, pitched upward.

"I'm in my youth right now, Lala. You should know what this means, right?", I said, pointing my finger toward the tent, causing Lala's gaze to look downward at it.

It took a moment for Lala to see where I was pointing to, but after her head registered it, a light blush appeared on her cheeks, a reaction I wasn't expecting to see from Lala.

"Do you want me to take care of that for you, Baki-kun?", Lala asked with her big eyes looking right at me.

"Take care of--?", I tried to interject, only to immediately shake my head. "Wait, that isn't the point here.", I retorted Lala.

"Do not forget, I am at a marriageable age, Baki-kun. Unlike my clueless sisters, I have been taught a few things from Mother.", Lala began to explain, causing me to look back at her.

Hearing that, I could only let out a sigh.

"Well, to begin with, there's an order to everything, Lala-chan. I appreciate the gesture, but I don't want anything done superficially. It'll calm down on its own. That doesn't ignore the fact we are engaged, however. At the very least, I could take you on a date later?", I suggested, only to lean forward, and placed my lips on Lala's forehead, causing her to get distracted. It took her a moment to realize what I had just said to her, and her eyes lit up.

"A date?", Lala said as her eyes beamed in happiness.

"Yeah. I'll need to introduce you to how things are around here anyways. It isn't always good to rely on that technology of yours either. We don't want to constantly wear Peke down. We need to get a few outfits for you. It'd be good to introduce you to the local supermarket too. I am not sure the kinds of food you enjoy.", I said,

"Our cuisine is very similar to Planet Earth's, but we're exposed to a lot of outer space delicacies you don't know about. Peke is designed for me but it is true using him for prolonged periods of time does wear Peke down. We can definitely go shopping later~", Lala happily replied.

Her tail that was still buried within the bed started to swerve around happily. After Lala said that, she shifted her body, and stepped down from the bed. Her tail poke out from her butt, and I could smell a sweet scent in the air as she got out of bed. Her butt was in full view for this brief moment, and there were no mosaics or anything that blocked it. The sunlight peering in from the window didn't cover Lala's body either. Her slit was visible for me to see in all its glory.

At this time, I felt blood start pumping through my body. It wasn't in a particular area, I just started to feel my blood pump throughout. At some point, this blood began to move around to the upper portion of my back.

[Consume her. Consume her entire being.], Yujiro's previous voice echoed inside my mind as I felt this blood rushing pass through me. My body suddenly moved, and as I heard this voice, it almost sounded demonic. Before I realized it, I found my body standing right behind Lala's naked figure. My arms wrapped around her chest, allowing her warmth to spread around me. As it did, it reacted, almost as if it caused the blood rushing through my body to calm down.

Lala was surprised by this sudden hug of mine.

"Baki-kun?", Lala tried to ask, shifting her body around, but found herself unable to move. She couldn't even move an inch from her current spot.

"Just...Let me be like for a moment, alright?", I uttered into Lala's ears. Trying to regulate the blood flowing through me, I took a moment to calm myself down. When this feeling first struck, it was only for a brief second, but I felt an urge to devour. A feeling that I didn't know that existed.

Was that because of the Hanma blood that was now mine?

Would it follow the same path as Yujiro Hanma? Was I meant to consume and devour others, where I would eventually rise up and stand at the peak where my father currently stands?

Lala felt a strange warmth as she placed her hand on mine, but a weird moment of silence passed like this, before my blood calmed down on its own. I didn't have visibility to the back side of my body, but during that brief second, the muscles on my back shifted on their own, and appeared in the form of a face of sorts.

That face was immediately disgruntled, and returned back to normal as if nothing happened.

"Phew...", I uttered. A breath of hot air escaped from my lips and trickled onto Lala's neck. Lala felt this and a hint of red appeared on her cheeks again.

I parted from that hug. I felt Lala's warmth, that was without a doubt. I could feel the subtle softness of her breasts as my arms were wrapped around them.

"Feeling better now, Baki-kun?", Lala asked. The tent pitched inside my briefs was no longer there either.

"Yeah. Sorry you had to witness that.", I said, recalling the brief demonic feeling that surged through my entire body during that moment. Lala didn't turn around, but instead walked toward the window, and stretched her entire body out as she enjoyed the rays of the sun. I just stood there and watched from a distance.

'There's no doubt about it. That was the influence of the Demon Back, wasn't it?', I uttered to myself as I enjoyed the lurking sensation of Lala's warmth.

[Most likely, Master. I do not know if you currently have that technique, but it is bound by the Hanma bloodline, and only a Hanma can learn the Demon Back. Even Baki's brain would eventually develop a face of a demon. I do not have the ability to determine whether you have it currently or not, Master. You will have to discover that on your own.], Aura explained.

'Got it. There might be more outbursts like this in the future. Should I go visit a neurologist at some point? Maybe Lala's technology could see what it's like inside my head too...', I inwardly thought, only to look up again. I saw the sunlight hit Lala's body and she seemed to enjoy sunbathing in the morning, not that I was against it by any means.

It's just...a bit extreme to do that in the nude. I had another look at her, and her butt was pointing right at me.

I could only give a thumbs up seeing that.

I felt a warm feeling rush to my nose, and before I knew it, my nose started to gush out a red liquid. Lala turned around after enjoying the sun for a bit, and tilted her head as she looked at me.

"Are? Is your nose bleeding, Baki-kun?", Lala asked with a hint of worry.

"Don't worry about this, Lala-chan. Go down and get dressed. I have to prep to start a morning run. You're welcome to join that, by the way. I like to run for one to two hours before having breakfast.", I explained my daily routine to Lala.

"Alright!", Lala happily responded, before she ran off. Her tail bobbed, as did her breasts again doing that before her figure vanished from sight.

Wiping the blood away from my nose, I turned silent again.

I'm going to have to get used to these situations that Rito had, aren't I?


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