
HP: The wholesome life

This is a whole some, slice of life, kind of fanfic. It's more about fun and Funny situations then fighting and killing. It's not about Harry and voldemort. It's about how you would live your life, if you were in HP, instead of planning and being a paranoid mess. But rather enjoying your second life, while growing, the mc will be powerful but not like something overpowered. __________________________________________ If you want to read ahead and support me Patreon.com/Rakasa on break till the end of April, I'm very busy with my College entrance exam prep.

Rakasa_dark · Book&Literature
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51 Chs

Chapter - 11 Draco's First Kiss

Draco was stunned standing between the crowd thinking what just happened.

He was holding a Coke bottle in his left hand, and was gonna smash it on the Weaseley's father, but the half eated ice cream on his right hand floated up and then free falling and got stuck on his face.

That's really not the big problem but the thing that he hated most about this situation was that some of the ice cream had fallen on his hair making them red from platinum blonde.

The two ways two easily provoke Drace malfoy were simple.

Just make fun of his surname or his well groomed platinum blonde hair.

So, William with his first ever spelled just trampled on one of the most foreboding thing of Draco.

The one who had the pride of a dragon on his grooming was just dirtied by some low life mud blood.

Draco ignored Arthur and changed his target of the Coke bottle to William.

But William is a wizard, a new wizard , but a proud wizard nonetheless, how can he fight like a Muggle, that would be beneath his new title.

William raised his wand again and used his only and most powerful magic to date

"Wingardim Leviosa."

This time, he didn't miss the shot, but William was keenly aware that he wasn't using the Floating Charm.

William, like Baruffio, who made the mistake of saying the 'f' instead of the 's'.

Suddenly a young calf appeared out of nowhere, over Draco and was instantly crushed to the ground by it.

The calf stood on his chest and looked around innocently. Before being summoned, it was drinking milk, and there was still milky white liquid on the corners of its mouth.

The calf was hungry, but its mother was no where in sight, so it had no choice but to turn its eyes to Draco on the ground with ice cream stuck on his face.

Draco shuddered and said with a trembling voice, "My dad..."

His father was tearing clothes ( more like striping)with Arthur, so how can he take care of him.

Draco's Great Dad Summoning Skill,failed him

He turned his gaze to William again.

"Save me, I will give you 10 Galleon..."

Before Draco could finish speaking, the calf lowered its head and licked the ice cream on his lips.

Draco pursed his lips, preventing further assault. But his pouting turned into a whimper, and soon, into crying.

The young calf took away Draco's first English and French kiss from him.

This farce lasted for nearly ten minutes before it was stopped by Hagrid.

Hagrid walked over pushing the crowd away using his body as a bulldozer.

He looked like farmer separating two chickens from mating when he separated Lucius and Arthur.

Arthur had a busted lip, and the baldness of his head seemed to have increased alot.

Lucius had a small clump of red hair in his mouth. He spitted them out, and rubbed his panda like eyes.

His expensive robe was covered in dust, and looked wrinkled and mushy, like a hand me down of a Weasley.

Lucius picked up the head of his wand and wiped the dust on it vigorously. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the head of the wand shined once again..

But suddenly he felt that something was wrong.

"where's my wand, where did my wand go?!" Lucius frantically laid on the ground looking for his wand.

The head was originally set on the wand, now the head is still there, but the wand is gone!

"Holy mother of Merlin fucking cunt" Lucius couldn't help but swear.

Lucius looked around frantically and saw that everyone looked at him pitifully, but he didn't say anything about putting everyone in azkaban.

There are too many people around, and the Ministry of Magic is not runned by his family.

Lucius turned his gaze to Arthur again, and he threatened: "You wait till Fudge hears about this and fires your poor Weasley ass out of the ministry. It's better to pray ,that Dumbledore will take you in and this Buffon of a Giant in and save you from the ministry."

Lucius angrily rammed towards the gap between the two, but he overestimated himself and underestimated Hagrid and his strength of his size.

Hagrid didn't even took a step back, but Lucius felt like he had walked in to a wall, staggering after the crash he almost fell.

He was furious at them, but in the end he didn't dare to do anything.

Without his wand in his hand, Hagrid's body of nearly five meters was too intimating for his pale white ass, so he could only choose swallow this humilation and wait for the next time.

Lucius limped towards Draco, the boy was sitting on the ground, giggling non-stop.

There was no ice cream on his face, and he didn't know whether it was eaten by the calf or was melted away.

He glared at William and Cedric, before picking up his son, turned away and walked towards Ollivander's wand shop to buy himself a new wand.

"You should ignore him, Arthur," said Hagrid. "The Malfoys are bad to the core, as everyone knows, they're born evil. Forget it—let's go."

They were walking quickly on the street, not far away, there was an angry shout again.

"I just left for a few minutes, and you started a fight" Mrs. Weasley walked quickly from the other side of the street.

"If I hadn't just ran into Mrs. Longbottom, I wouldn't know!"

Mrs. Weasley was plump and looked like kind lady, but now she was angry like a bear.

Not to mention Mr. Weasley, even Charlie and the twins didn't dare to move.

The rhetoric that Mr. Weasley had just discussed with everyone is completely useless now.

William asked in a low voice, "Mr. Weasley's job will not be affected, right?"

"No." Fred put his arms around William's shoulders and whispered, "the fight had nothing related to the job, and neither party used a wand.

What's more, Minister Fudge just took office this year, because that at the time of hearing, the Ministry of Magic would at most give a verbal warning. Anyway, this kind of thing has happened many times now. "

George put his arm around William's other shoulder, and said, "Mate, you casted the Buffalo Charm just now, it was too brilliant, the expression on the malfoy kid was golden."

I dare say, if you were in the Charms class, Professor Flitwick will definitely give you five points, for this show. "

Fred pinched his nose, made a high-pitched voice, and imitated, "Oh, Mr. Stark, well done, five points for Gryffindor!"

"Hey, Fred, it's not Gryffindor, it's obviously Hufflepuff." Cedric, who was pushed aside, retorted.

"Cedric, stop joking!" George laughed: "Hufflepuff already has a talent, and there's no way you will get another one, otherwise how can we compete for the Academy Cup."

The Genius term was naturally refering to Cedric, who became shy and blushed again.

Fred echoed: "That's it, William belongs to the Gryffindor he will be the chosen one who will make us win the housecup and fill up the points we loose.

This way Percy won't have any reason to nag and yell at us, 'Look at what the two of you have done, I'm going to write to Mom! '"

Charlie Weasley giggled. Seeing his mother's eyes on him, he quickly said with a serious face, "Okay George, don't speak ill of Percy anymore."

"Dear brother, I'm so sad, I'm Fred, not George."

"Oh, sorry."

Everyone laughed, even Mrs Weasley.

It can be seen that the Weasley twins were liked by everyone.