
HP: The wholesome life

This is a whole some, slice of life, kind of fanfic. It's more about fun and Funny situations then fighting and killing. It's not about Harry and voldemort. It's about how you would live your life, if you were in HP, instead of planning and being a paranoid mess. But rather enjoying your second life, while growing, the mc will be powerful but not like something overpowered. __________________________________________ If you want to read ahead and support me Patreon.com/Rakasa on break till the end of April, I'm very busy with my College entrance exam prep.

Rakasa_dark · Book&Literature
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51 Chs

Chapter - 10 Weasley vs Malfoy

Studies have proven that watching fights or some kind of commotion is shared feature of human beings, whether Asians or Westerners , whether it is a Muggle or a wizard.

The whole street is flocked by onlookers, you can't even see where people are fighting , you can only hear the noise faintly.

If someone didn't know, he might thought it's star meeting.

William also saw a few reporters, flying in the air on a broom, turning on the camera in a hurry, and coaxing incessantly, "You guys should fight quickly!"

Sure enough, journalist are the top candidates in the studies.

William and Cedric were quite short because of their young age, so they could easily get in through the cracks.

In the middle of the street, two people were confronting each other.

One with icy blond platinum hair, the other with fiery hot red hair.

However the redheads were more in number.

The man standing at the front, he was tall and thin, wearing glasses, with a little sparse red hair and a bald spot on it.

Behind the man, stood a boy: the boy had a broad face with freckles, almost brown and black.

He had an old wizard's robe, exposing his arms, and the muscles on them were bulging. At first glance, he looked more like a bodybuilder or an forgemaster more then a wizard.

This boy named Charlie Weasley just seemed like he wanted to hit someone, but his father grabbed him by the collar and stopped him.

Behind them, there were two children about the same age as William, with the same fiery red hair and freckles. The thing about them was that they looked alike.

They were twins, quite a rare sight to see.

In the twins' hands, each carried a pistol-shaped toy.

Against them were two blondes one middle aged man and other a 10 year old boy.

Although they were smaller in number there face told other story, as if they were not the one with less members but the others.

The father and son raised their arrogant chins at the same time, with disdain in their eyes, like they whole Street was filled with garbage and the garbage were all the people on it.

The blondy standing at the front held a wand in his left hand, and the wand was decorated with emerald-shaped diamonds, which were huge in size, like eggs.

He wore an elegant robe and stared at the red-haired man with cold gray-blue eyes.

"Weasley, your son is not really very well-bred, like the traitor you are and just nearly stained my robe.

This kind of cloth was bought in France. I doubt if you can afford it with all your savings."

Lucius's, glistening in the setting sun, glanced contemptuously at the wand in Charlie's hand.

The wand in the boy's hand was very worn, and even peeled off in some places, with unicorn hair leaking from one end.

"Tsk tsk, the best friend of the wizard and that's how you treat it." Lucius sneered in a long, annoying voice: "Weasley, you don't even have the money to take care of a wand for your son... It seems that the salary of the Ministry of Magic is not enough to support your family of blood traitor."

"This has nothing to do with you, Lucius Malfoy." Arthur said coldly, "You should think about how you are going to talk with moody as he really wants to meet you."

Speaking of Mad-Eye, Lucius seemed to be pale faced, and his pale face showed a hint of red.

"Hmph, don't bother in my buisness, I'll take care of him sooner or later, As for you, you'd better go to the second-hand store and look for used textbooks. If you are too late, it may be gone!"

Lucius turned his gaze to Charlie and the twin brothers, and he said contemptuously, "Isn't it? You produce like Goblin's , have you forgotten you are wizard, even if you are a trait.."

Before Lucius could finish speaking, he was attacked, not by Arthur, but by the two twins.

The toy guns in their hands actually shot some milky white, sticky, unknown liquid.

The liquid did not hit Lucius' robe, but directly

his face.

Lucius became furious, and struck Arthur's head with the end of his wand.

Arthur's head suddenly had a big bump, didn't want to be outdone, Arthur threw a beautiful old right hook straight up.

Lucius jumped sideways in an attempt to

dodge but it was futile as he was punched right on the nose by Arthur.

Blood gushed out of his nose,his wand flew out, rolling on the ground.

Lucius didn't even cared about the blood from his nose on his robes, he jumped out and shouted, "you blood traitor how dare you use your filthy hands on me."

Arthur kicked Lucius on the buttocks, causing the other party to flip over their butt on the ground..

But Lucius wasn't a weak princess either. Before he fell, his feet closed together, popping out quickly, directly smashing Arthur, and even throwing the opponent out.

Arthur slammed on Lucius, who screamed in pain, but it was quickly turned into a groan.

Arthur directly stuck Lucius on his neck to prevent him from getting his wand.

But Lucius is still desperately reaching for his wand.

Lucius seemed to have endless power pouring out of him. He actually dragged Arthur forward and shouted, "How dare you attack on my neck Weasley, Mr. Pierce will definitely hear about this."

Two old men,

In the middle of Diagon Alley,

Fighting and screaming curses at eachother like two relatives fighting over land.

For a while, there were shouts and cheers, and the people around me were shouting all kinds of cheering slogans.

"Fee fie fo fum put your wand in his bum."

" Heave high ho hum kick his ball to the end of slums."

"1-2-3-4 don't let him go 5-6-7-8 show him what a Weasley is."

"A-B-C-D Malfoy's will beat you black W-X-Y-Z Weaseley's cannot go to cry to their mummy's.x

The most excited are those dedicated reporters, who are carrying cameras, snapping frantically, and preparing to publish it in the Daily Prophet tomorrow.

Cedric was very anxious. William glanced at him and asked, "What, do you know him?"

"Well." Cedric nodded, "The red-haired twins are the Weasley brothers, they are my friends, and Mr. Weasley is my dad's colleague."

"What are you hesitating for then, let's go up and help them."

"Huh?" Cedric couldn't keep up with William, "Are you sure you're helping out in the fight, not going up to the fight?"

As a model student, Cedric has never fought.

" You are right the blondy may look more beaten but he is still an adult, we must sneak attack him, good idea Cedric. "

"..." Cedric 'that's not what I meant'

"This kid, he wants to sneak attack, this was our plan how shameless!" William shouted.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the light-blond boy, who was about to smash the glass bottle out of his hand.

A glass bottle with half Coke.

William raised his wand and shouted, the first magic words of his wizarding career.

"Wingardim Leviosa."

William felt the same feeling of being in Ollivander's house again.

He held the magic wand, as if he was holding the world cup. The magic power that was elusive before seemed to be in his grasp, and he felt like he could do anything.

William knew that the spell was successful, because of this feeling.

Cedric was surprised.

This magic is not difficult, but for young wizards, it is something that they learn only two months after entering school, and William has only just been exposed to the magical world, but he succeeded the first time.

As astonishing it was for Cedric

William was embarrassed. Because He succeeded in casting the spell, but missed, and hit draco's other hand with an ice cream in it.

The ice cream floated up and down, only to hear a "pop", and the whole piece was stuck on Draco's face!

William: "…"

Cedric: "…"