
Where to go

****************** Info from the author ****************************

Last chapter i missed the experience points in:

Health: 40 / 50

- broken leg

Mana: 1/1

Strength: 7

Agility: 9

Constitution : 8

Intelligence: 14

Experience: 0 / 5

Free points: 10

- Use free points to increase strength, agility, constitution, intelligence or mana

- 10 is the average value for humans

******************************* Chapter start *****************************

The first free points i'm using on constitution. I hope this solves the problem with the broken leg. I have a regeneration ability but i don't know if it is enough to heal by leg and if it is enough i don't know how long it takes to heal. So my best option is to try use points on constitution. "Use two points on constitution" i said. Oh my body is geting hot all over it. This is a really nice feeling it is like when you are in a hot environment but it is just not hot enough to start sweating. There you get in a lazy and comfortable state and its gets harder to move every second. After one comfortable minute the feeling started to lessen. Now my body feels like new born. There was no pain in my leg and also every small pain was gone. Before there was pain in my back from siting to long on work and a old sports issue in the feet. All this small issues i had before are now gone. Ok 8 points to go. I use one point for agility and three points on strength to get everything to 10. "Use one point on agility and Three on strength" i said. Spending the point on strength and agility gives the feeling from thousand ants moving in my muscles. Contrary to constitution this feels not nice. It lets me feel very itchy. After one minute it stops fortunately. I can feel that my muscles got stronger and better to control. With my stats on normal level it is time to think where to go from now. I'm now in utterly wilderness. Every direction could led in deeper wilderness. It would by nice to find a road. On a road every direction wil be leding to a city or town. I have three options walking in the direction of the forest, the mountains or walking in the plain grass field. The forest is a bad idea because the sight is limited reducing the options to two. After some thoughts i decide to hike through the plain field. I have no water, no foot and my shoes are not for hiking but what can i do. With this thoughts i start my walk. One hour passes and there is no change to the environment. Two hours passes the forest is geting slowly out of sight. Three hours passes. I'm getting thirsty. Four hours passes the mountains are stil visible behind me and before me is stil a endless plain. Five hours passes and there is another forest on my right side coming into sight. I really wish i had something to drink. And the sun goes down. I change my dicetion to the forest in hope of better shelter in the night and water.