
The search for water

After half an hour i reached the edge of the forest. This forest is not cultivated and so there is wilderniss everywhere. Fortunately i'm planning to stay on the edge of the forest and don't walk into it. I start to gather branches to build a shelter. I found a long steady branch. I used this branch to build a triangle with a tree and the ground. Luking like this /| . With the shorter branches i found i closed the left and right side. Because it is getting dark im going inside. Siting on the tree with my back inside the shelter as still thirsty i begin to reminisce the day. What is it that i need the most now? With out a question water. But how do if find water without a clue where to look i'm was thinking. Then i get an idea and think why i had not thought about it previous. I could use my power to show me the direction of the next drinkable water source. "Where is the next drinkable water source" i say.

Info: There is not enough mana!

Ok thats bad. But if i remember correctly i have some free points witch i can use to spend on my mana. "Show body condition" i say.

Health: 48 / 50

-you are thirsty and hungry

Mana: 1/1

Strength: 7

Agility: 9

Constitution : 8

Intelligence: 14

Experience: 0 / 5

Free points: 4

- Use free points to increase strength, agility, constitution, intelligence or mana

- 10 is the average value for humans

"Use four point on mama" i say. After one minute i can feel how a energie is flowing through my veins. With one mana point the feeling was so small that i didn't noticed it. But now there is a clear feeling. Now i can try it again to locate water. "Where is the next drinkable water source" i say. I can feel how power is leaving me. And in the same moment a glowing arrow made out of light is forming in front of me pointing straight to the deepest part of the forest.

A extra short chapter but better something than nothing

schattenmanncreators' thoughts