
The first fight

Ow my head but i'm alive and back.

The roar from a creature is hearable in close distance. I jump on my feet and turn my head panic driven to check the surroundings. And actually there somthing is running in my direction. The creature is really close before i can make a decision the creatur is in front of me. It is a creature on two legs and has a club in his right hand. As the creature trys to hit me with the club i jump right to avoid it. But now i'm lying. The creature trys to make his secund hit. Facing the creature with my legs i try to stop the club with one leg and kick it with my secund leg. The club is hiting my first leg on the side. There is a creaking sound and i have horrible pain. I hoppe that the leg is not broken. Under pain i'm able to hit with the secund leg the knee from the creature. The creature drops his club and is falling on me. I'm wrestle with the creature and my luck is not bad or the creature is not to strong and i'm able to get ontop of him. With one arm and to legs i'm holding the creature and with the secund arm i'm searching for something hard to hit it on the head of the creature. After two secunds of struggle i found the club. I hit the creatures head as strong as i can with the club repeatedly until the creatures struggle stops. With something like green blood all over me i'm lying me in the grass.

After some time i get my breath and calm back. I make my way over to the creature with a leg in pain. This is the first time to inspect the creature in detail. It's looks like a small person in green. I can't recognize the face after my repeated hits. It is probably a goblin. "Ding"

Info: You gained a level

Oh whats that i gaing a level. Let's watch my stats.

Name: * * * * * * (censored)

Job: programmer, author

Age : 24 years

Level: 1 -> 2


- Turn imagination real, Level: 1

- Game info System, Level: max

- Regeneration, Level 1

Ok i see level has really increased. But what use has level two and why do i have no mana. Mm maybe there is a screen for my attributes. "Show body condition"

Health: 40 / 50

- broken leg

Mana: 1/1

Strength: 7

Agility: 9

Constitution : 8

Intelligence: 14

Free points: 10

- Use free points to increase attributes

- 10 is the average value for humans

Interesting but why is strength, agility and constitution so low and intelligence so high if the avarage value is 10. Maybe strength, agility and constitution is lower because i'm not working with my body like the people in this world. And intelligence is higher because in this world there is no school for everbody. Thats what i think but this are only assumptions. Let's try to use free points. The first points i'm using on ....