
More than one failure

Ok stay calm. What can i do to solve this problem. It is probable not a bad idea to get my vision back but how. I could create a new power. Lets think that i have a regeneration power. This should work. Oh no what is happening why i am losing my consciousness again.

A unknown time later.

Ouch my head. This is a really heavy headache. Oh that is nice the pain is fading. And my memory is coming back now i remember i am in a different world and used my power but it was a failure. Ok first think frist lets open they eyes and check the surroundings. Ouch my eyes it is too bright. lucky this is not a big problem. Now slowly i can adumbrate thinks. Oh thats nice a big green field with tall grass and flowers. On one direction there are large mountains with snow on top. And in a different direction is a dark looking forest. At first glance it's looking peaseful. Thats nice and one big advantage. Back to business how do get back to my world. Let's check my status info again. I close my eyes and there it is:

Name: * * * * * * (censored)

Job: programmer, author

Age : 24 years

Level: 1


- Turn imagination real, Level: 1

- Game info System, Level: max

- Regeneration, Level 1

Ok my attempt to get a regeneration power was not a failure. Now that i think about it. It is possible that without the regeneration power i could have died or at least i would need a realy long time to awake. But why can't i use my power properly. Is there something like a log where i can see if i have lost health and why. lets try with focusing on certain parts on the status info. Let me start with the name. Ok nothing is happening. What is with the other stats. Also nothing happening. It is possible that i must use thinking to activate the log screen. But that is a problem what if i activate the "turn imagination real" power on. I would lost my consciousness and miss the log screen. I have a idea. I risk it an change my power so that it needs my agreement to activate.

Info: A Power can't modify itself!

I see thats not a option. Ok there are other ways to achieve that but lets think first of a solution to the log problem. If i'm lucky the there is a log screen when i procounce it. "Show log screen"

Info: A Power can't modify itself!

Use: "Turn imagination real" to create regeneration

-error: There is no mana use alternative life force

Info: Your level is to low to cross worlds!

Ok now i know why i lose my consciousness when i use my power. I have no mana. The best idea is now to modify my body to contain mana but with the price to lose consciousness again. lets do it there is not alternative. Oh whats that in the distance somethink is coming. And i am losing my consciousness.